The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 9: Update VIII - Featuring: Royalty

Update VIII - Featuring: Royalty

Music: Atlantica - The Emerald Afterglow

Right off the bat, we can see a heal spot and someone in need of rescuing.

So I go to grab them.

But first:

This Spiral Cannon buffed itself up.

Which gives him the same health bar Spectus had.

I'm sure the game will tell us what it means eventually.

Oh look, loot!

However, I ended up running out of uses on First Aid (S), and I am nothing if not a stingy bastard.

Plus there were some spots I didn't check in Nodens before getting sent here, so I still need to visit them.

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Oh, and Atlantica has 5 dragons in total, which is utterly pitiful.

Like, I think the first dungeon in 2020 had at least twice that, and they started showing up early in.

The top screen map also changes to match whatever time period you're pointing at.

Music: The Daily Grind


Kino: Are you Unit 13? I heard you've been secretly saving people that you find out in the dungeons. Such lifesaving efforts are truly wonderful! I fully support you from the bottom of my heart! Honestly, we're short on manpower. It's been months since I've gone home at a regular time... Hence, any and all newcomers are welcome! They'll take a huge load off our shoulders here. Anyways, do you think you guys could keep rescuing people you find in the dungeons?

Wow, it's almost as if you can't sneak someone through a time portal where there's only one way in or out!

Not even the employees assigned to watch the Portal give a shit about the timeline!

Kino: Thanks in advance!

The 2020s gave out rewards for every 15 people rescued, so even the reward intervals have been buffed.

There were two other doors on the Portal Floor.

They both lead to this giant storage room.

There's no one in here, just a bunch of boxes.

I make a quick stop to Medical to restock my field skills.

Music: Let's Get to Work!!

And we got enough cash to prop-ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU-erly outfit ourselves.

I'll di-ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU-p into that star-ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU-ting 10K later.


Music: The Daily Grind

The downside to consolodating all the shops together is that I'm forced to listen to that every time I need to buy something.

This has to do with the fact that we can't alter our coordinates once— Hm, I think I'm boring you~.

Gotta get back.

Back to the past.

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Samurai JackInoue.

Music: Atlantica - The Emerald Afterglow

But since we haven't found any access points, I have to run all the way back to where I was.

Our damage is much nicer, at least.

Here we are.

And there's that chest from before.

The exit is on the top left.

But there's a chest on the other side of the area.

And another house.

You know what can show up inside a house?

A formation of four Helm Crabs.

I'm fairly sure they could wipe a party in early gear if they all decided to use their AOE move on the same turn.

On the way to the exit, we meet the final normal enemy in Atlantica. The Screw Shark can use a powerful single target move that also inflicts Bleed.

This puts us at, what, 6 people in one dungeon? We'll have that first reward in no time.

Oh look, layered paths!

Talkative Scholar: Now did my encounter with you young foreigners happen by chance? Or was it fate...?

And just past her is a heal spot and a access point.

Oh look, an actual dragon! On this dedicated dragon hunting expedition!

We only had to reach the final area of the dungeon to find one, is all!

Wounded Guard: I don't know who's there... but it's all up to you now...

Out of the way, loser, we got a dragon to kill!

The guard must have taken me seriously, as he vanished once the cutscene started.

It's hard to tell exactly from here. Just focus on the dragon for now, OK? It's way stronger than normal monsters. Make sure you're ready before you fight it.

Before warping back in once the cutscene ends.

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

Our scheduled dragon fight? Another Wyvern-type.

Did you know that the breath skills are actually good now?

I know, I could hardly believe it myself!

And strangely, the Wyvern still only gets a single move.

Like, why? Double actions are kind of a dragon's whole Thing. Why does a baby dragon in an actual video game get two moves but the real things don't?

Opal finally has an enemy that lasts long enough to hit G2.

Now, Yuno is one of the slower people on the team.

But then why does she go first to heal Opal?

Because in VFD, items have priority. There is zero risk of going to patch someone up only for an enemy to snipe them before you can move.


Opal teaches Mr. Wyvern the importance of having at least one HP left.

Music: Finish Them Off

We got our first Dz! :toot:

Music: Atlantica - The Emerald Afterglow

Alright, this area should be safe now. Let's continue on.

Hey, Unit 13! Get closer and check it out!

A good chunk of 2020-II was spent trying to get enough orichalcum to make a Dragonslayer, so having a massive hunk of it just floating around is a bit of a mindblower for everyone.

Music: Stops

Oh look, those guys!

Music: Chant for Sanctuary (code:VFD Ver.)

Girl could you get some, like, actual clothes on.


However, we do not have the time to waste on you foreigners. Leave this place, immediately.


Well it looks like someone is having second thoughts.

Opal shakes her head.

...What is the matter?

Let's destroy Nyala together!

Both give the same result.


Such foolishness... There is no need for you to sympathize with those who wish to die. Guards!

Tallieri, wait!

I wish to speak with that one...

Please consider your position, Your Majesty. You are all that remains of the Royal Family.

I am well aware, Tallieri. However, I must...


This is... my final wish. I beg of you...

Even King Utrello was weak to your selfish demands... Very well.

Thank you, Tallieri...

But this is quite different than what I would have expected.

Your country seems strange, too.

Indeed, we seem to be in a similar situation.


The world is a vast place.

Indeed, that seems to be the case. However,


I know nothing of the world outside Atlantis...

Opal gestures for a few moments.

You are from... Toe-ki-oh?

I have never heard of such an odd village.

Tokyo is a nice place.

That is wonderful... I adore Atlantis as well.


Do you like this country, Ulania?

But of course. I adore Atlantis.


Both the country itself, and the citizens within... I wish you could have seen the true Atlantis. The wealth, the grandeur, the prosperity... The people of Atlantis are born in the sea, and in the sea they shall die. Despite this catastrophe, I still believe this is truly the greatest paradise the world has ever seen. However... the story of Atlantis shall come to a close here. Traveler... The light within you is equal to that of even the strongest Atlantis knight. I am sure that you will lead the world to greatness after this kingdom has fallen.

Don't destroy Atlantis

Tens of thousands of my citizens have disappeared like mere bubbles in the sea. A great duty has been thrust upon the remaining survivors... We must defeat Nyala.

The first option just skips this part and jumps to...

Little time remains... If we miss this opportunity, Nyala will be unleashed upon the outside world. As the prideful ruler of Atlantis, I simply cannot allow that to happen.

...Your Majesty, the time is almost here.

Ulania nods.

In mere months, Nyala has crushed almost all Lucier cities. Atlantica is one of the last. As we speak, that dragon is inhabiting our most sacred land. It is as though it mocks us. It is truly unforgivable. Even if it means the end of this city, Nyala shall perish.

The resolve of the Lucier was set upon the death of my father... the former king Utrello. I do not intend to live on and ignore the sacrifices of my countless fallen subjects. Atlantis is the shining beacon of this world, and Nyala wishes to plunge it into darkness. All that remains for us to do is destroy Nyala, no matter the cost. That is our purpose...

Music: Atlantica - The Emerald Afterglow

Unit 13 is sad. :(

What the heck's going on? You all look like you just came from a funeral.

*shakes head*

Hey now... Don't overthink this. No matter what we do, Atlantis will fall. There's no point in feeling bad for them.

I know...

Hmph... That's surprisingly reasonable of you.


Isn't there anything we can do?

Nope. You're 12,000 years in the past, remember? Did you ever see anything in your textbooks about people with funny ears from a long time ago? No?

*shakes head*

Well, there we go.


Plus, they accept their fate. You have no obligation to help them. Grrrrrr! Stop with the goddamn faces already! You're starting to make even me feel down! I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Our objective here is to obtain the Nyala specimen. As long as we get that, we don't have to worry about all these annoying Lucier people. C'mon, let's get going. You still have two more dragons to hunt. Check the map for signals!

But, we only found one and we've completely covered Atlantica, where the hell could we fi-

Where did all these dragons come from?????

Next time: What do you mean there's no chapter boss??????