The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 46: Update XLIII - Featuring: Emel getting mad

Update XLIII - Featuring: Emel getting mad

Music: UE77 Tokyo

The blue Dragonsbane isn't localized to Kazan, the entire world map of Eden has been covered in the stuff.

We've also been locked out of everywhere but Nodens.

Music: The Daily Grind

Incredible! It's so different from Eden or those ruins... Are you really sure this is the past...? It's almost like Tokyo is... more in the future...

Sorta a missed opportunity when the story has a literal time machine and doesn't even attempt to explain how the world went from sci-fi to high fantasy between 2020 and 7D1.

*moan* Oh, how I'd love to analyze you! Can I... touch you a little bit~? *pant* *pant*

Oh god Sailas is a creep. :stare:



Julietta waiting for you guys down at the lab. Hurry up and take that freak over there!

Let us go. I can't wait to grasp Tokyo's powerful science in my hands... Teeheehee~!

Nagamimi's line has changed, but Allie says the same thing as before.

And... welcome to my two guests from Eden. I'm the one in charge of this R&D Floor, Julietta. So... you're the guy they call the brains of Eden?

W-Wowwww... What is this machine~? What's that device made of~...? *pant* *pant* *pant* Tee... Teeheehee~... Research... R—R-Research...

Sailas spends the entire scene looking at stuff.

Please forgive us, Mr. Julietta. He loses all clarity when he is around research materials.

*giggle* Don't worry about it. Scientists are more or less all like that, no matter where... or when they're from. So, we'll be using this facility to analyze the blue Dragonsbane that's appeared in Eden... And to reconstruct the device you brought here from the ruins, correct?


I've prepared some basic data for both tasks. Although, we don't really know what'll happen with that device until we open up the lid.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated...

*giggle* It's not a problem! Oh yeah, Unit 13. I'll be taking that Mayhem Fossil specimen.

Good work, my little cuties!

Of course~! Teeheeheeheehee~!

By the way, those ISDF bitches are heading back from their mission. And Allie's waiting for your report up in the War Room. Get to it!

Wowww~! Tokyo's tech scene is incredible~...! Anything is possible here~! Teeheehee~!

Music: UE77 In Ariake

And a warm welcome to you, Brijilt! My name is Allie! It's nice to meet you★

Y-Yes. L-Likewise...

Hmmm? What are you so nervous for?

No, it is simply that... Even one who has no mind for science such as myself can see how advanced this civilization is. It seems the world I am from... is more akin to the past compared to this place...

True★ The science and technology in Tokyo is way more advanced than that in Eden! But Eden has plenty of things that Tokyo doesn't. Don't you think?

I am unsure... I think I am merely suffering from shock...

*chuckle* I suppose anywhere that the True Dragons invade must be appealing from a certain perspective. Eden, Tokyo, Atlantis... All different, yet all great★ As a representative of one of those time periods, you should have some more confidence★

Y-Yes, I suppose you are correct. I shall keep that in mind...

Oh, looks like the other guys finally made it.

You've gotta be kidding me... How can that even be possible!?

An extremely good question!

I could not believe it at first, either. However, there can be no doubt. That place... is Ladyin.

Wait, Ulania! What were you doing out where there's monsters and dragons and stuff!?

Unit 13 and our friends from Eden were present to protect me. I was in no danger.

Sheesh...! Just try not to be so reckless when I'm not around! Remember, you're the queen of Atlantis.

But Eigur, as queen, I will do what I must in order to protect my people.

*sigh* I get it, I get it. Just go back and rest in your room for now, OK?

... Well then, until the next time we meet...

Meanwhile, we've explored half a dungeon and killed one High Dragon.

The ISDF work fast.

However, the 7th True Dragon has still yet to show itself. Either it's waiting for a prime opportunity, or it's already hiding somewhere in the city.

No matter what it's doing, we can't beat it if we can't find it. All we can do right now is hunt down every dragon we find.

Hunting dragons, hm? Our objectives are truly one and the same.

That's right★

*shakes head*

No, it's the complete opposite! He's picked up on every detail of our technology at an insane rate! He finished the data transfer from the specimen you gave us almost instantaneously! Completing the device to reseal Haze probably won't take much longer, either.

As expected from Sailas.

Indeed. Despite his appearance and general mannerisms, he is truly the brains of Eden. He is extraordinarily dependable when it comes to research.


So he's not just some weirdo...

He is the brains of Eden, after all. It is a shame that his personality is the way it is, though... If only he were more upright...


Well... I'm not gonna lose to that youngster. I'll show him what the top scientific mind in Tokyo is capable of!

Oooh, Julietta's all excited★

Just you wait! I'll figure out the secrets of that blue Dragonsbane by tomorrow morning!

OK OK★ Let's call it a day! You can rest here, Brijilt. You should rest up as well, Unit 13! We have another long day ahead of us tomorrow!

Thank you for everything, Ms. Allie. I am in your debt.

We should head back to ISDF HQ as well, Yuma.

Music: The Daily Grind


True Dragons tend to gravitate to highly advanced civilizations and societies. *chuckle* Why do you think that's the case? It's important that we consider these types of questions★

That is most likely because of a strong-willed individual in each time period... I must learn and grow from this. How inspiring...

Despite being there in the cutscene, Eigur is gone from his usual spot and Jil is entirely missing.

So off to bed we go.

Music: None

Ah, my apologies! I failed to realize that you were already asleep...

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Is something wrong?

Y-Yes... I... was unable to fall asleep...


Well, I'm already awake.

Y-Yes, that is true. I suppose I must take responsibility for my actions. In that case, I shall remain here. I was having trouble sleeping...


I... cannot help but feel restless... As a warrior, I have fought in many far away lands, so I am used to sleeping away from home, but... Tokyo... is far too different... Opal... Do you feel any anxiety while you are in Eden?

The unknown excites me.

Ha... Hahaha! You truly are an abnormal person. Most people would wither when thrown into a foreign land. But you and Sailas... have a special talent. You are able to enjoy change, and even become excited by it... I am honestly envious of that.


It was scary at first.

Even a warrior of your caliber was afraid?


I see... Hearing that has helped me relax, Opal.


We all drink, eat, talk, live... And... we all fight dragons. Tokyo, and even the legendary kingdom of Atlantis... It seems nowhere is safe from the invasion of these foul dragons. Opal.. What exactly is a dragon?

Things that must be hunted.


Hahaha... Yes, that is exactly right. No matter their objective, any being that threatens human life is regarded as our enemy. That will never change.


I don't know.

I see... Even you are unsure... Such doubt was not present within me before I came here... I simply believed anything that threatened human life was my enemy, but...


I will leave the complicated issues to Sailas and Mr. Julietta for the time being.


I feel much better now. I expect I will be able to sleep. Thank you, Opal. My apologies again for waking you. Will you be OK?


Good night, Opal.

Music: Kazan - Drowning in Petals, The Future

We then cut to Eden, to see how Emel and Nagiri are doing.

Music: Ignith of the Final Attack (code:VFD Ver)

Ngh... Arghhh! Arrgghhhh...! I... I hate them! I hate all dragons...!

L-Lady Emel...! Please, calm down!

I will... kill all dragons...! I must...! I must... kill... them...! Grahhhhhh!

Oh, that's bad.

That's even worse.

True Dragon... Haze...! I shall destroy you... right now... with my bare hands!

Next time: The plot gets even more insane.