The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 51: Update XLVIII - Featuring: Group interviews

Update XLVIII - Featuring: Group interviews

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Ah, it was one of those 'knock out everyone in range' explosions.

Don't ask how we got back from the top of a tower coated in incredibly powerful Dragonsbane.

I should ask you the same thing.

Don't worry, I'm fine. My symptoms are almost all gone for now.


Shouldn't you be in bed?

Hey, I'm the worried one here, OK?


Everyone's still in shock about Emel... Hey, Valerie... What do you think we should do? S-Sorry... It's way too soon to be asking you about that, huh?

*shakes head*

Music: The Daily Grind

A new chapter means a new batch of construction to go along with it.

Including some new floors!


I don't have time for this, though... Someone needs to keep an eye on Yuma...

Yoritomo is out of action thanks to Emel's explosion. I guess Yuma dragged everyone back?

Pretty much all the NPC dialogue in Nodens is unchanged from last chapter, because why would it? As far as anyone here is concerned this is just another normal day.

But in far more important news:


Mine mine mine mine mine


Researcher Mitch: There're loads of fresh skill points in this shot! Sounds yummy, don't you think?

You obtained 3,500 SP!

You obtained SP Up EX x1.

Now, I haven't really mentioned this, but...

I've kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda been having Valerie save up a bit of SP.

Just a bit, mind you.

Everyone else starts chipping away at their T3 skills. GEORGE!, however, finishes capping out Bomb Bonus, letting him start each fight with a full stack of nine bombs.

This will be important later.

Music: UE77 In Ariake

Even though it's totally Yuma's fault for turning his back to her.

Any idea on where Emel might be, Nagamimi?

Preloma... Why? Is that place not already a nest of dragons?

That's exactly it. Emel prolly wants to slaughter all the dragons in Preloma.

What do you mean...?

There's probably the tiniest bit of ego left within Emel that's making her do it. That should be obvious if she's still going after dragons.

Humanity. She'll spread that blue Dragonsbane, and become a dragon that only wants to kill humans.

Commander Emel becoming a dragon...? This is preposterous...

Oh, I nearly forgot! How is Nagiri doing~?

Nagiri is resting. On that note, Yoritomo has been hospitalized for his injuries as well. They'll stay here while you guys go out on your next mission.

*shakes head*

Please stop it, Jil~. Nothing in this world is that convenient...

B-But Sailas...

Jil, I agree with them. We need to hunt Emel... We need to hunt the 4th True Dragon Hypnos.

Jil... If she starts spreading Dragonsbane and eating humans, all while using the Dragonslayer... There won't be any hope left for humanity. Eden, and the rest of the world, would surely fall. Do you think Ms. Emel wished for that to happen?

That... may be true, but...

We must end this, with our own hands.

You know, watching Emel's former comrades decide to kill her for her own good is sad and all, but keep in mind that Emel's had like five minutes of pre-dragon screentime. If you don't know about the prior games and Emel's prominence there, like literally everyone in the West who saw the game and went 'wow! cool RPG!,' then the Eden crew has been debating about this for longer than Emel's been an actual ally.

Of course.

Thank you, Unit 13. Let's release her from her misfortune.


I want to save Emel, but...

This is the only way. Releasing her from her misfortune is... almost like saving her, in a way.


Emel turned into a dragon. All dragons must be exterminated. Hence, Emel must die. Are these foolish emotions truly necessary for hunting dragons? You should simply focus on your tactics. That is all we will need to be victorious.

And now for Yuma's latest bit of character development:

What's gotten into you, Yuma? Calm down...!

I shall no longer allow my vision to be clouded. Therefore, I wish to enter Preloma independently!

Developing a raging inferiority complex from Unit 13 outclassing him so hard.

A solo mission...? Absolutely not! This level of confidence is approaching insanity!

Which, on one hand, is really tragic. The guy's a living weapon raised with a mindset of being the best or being discarded. He was polite to Unit 13, but only as long as he could see them as weaker than him. Now that we have two True Dragons to his zero, he's grasping at straws to reclaim his top spot before people decide he's no longer needed and throw him away.

No. Going on my own will free me of my shackles. It is the best possible option. It is the most feasible plan there is for defeating the 4th True Dragon Hypnos efficiently.

On the other hand, this is really funny, because Unit 13 consists of nine people from three different time periods. Yuma is straight up having a nervous breakdown because he isn't as strong as an entire group of people who have been training specifically to murder dragons.

We should work together.

Unit 13... Do you doubt my power? By defeating the 4th True Dragon Hypnos, I will prove it to you... I am the true dragon hunter...


You think we'll slow you down.

You would not be mistaken if you took it that way. I will defeat the 4th True Dragon Hypnos... And in doing so, I shall prove that I am the strongest person on this planet.


Or is that just how he is when his supervisor's not around? *sigh* I need a break...

What!? Why?

Well, ISDF has a completely separate chain of command from us, right? I thought this is what you've wanted from the beginning, Julietta. Besides... competition promotes growth. Isn't that right, Unit 13?

Well, I'm sure every one of you has your own crappy opinion... But all you're doing is sitting around here. Shouldn't you be heading to Preloma?

Unit 13 nods.

Music: The Daily Grind


Yuma seems quite motivated. It's splendid having someone to push you towards the path of growth★

Before we go hunt down Emel, we have something more important to take care of.

Music: Let's Get to Work!!

Because a new chapter also means a new batch of sidequests!

This is your final bout of employee training. Today you'll be learning about the future... Thankfully, I do not have a lecture for you today... Please head to the War Room as soon as possible...

This request was submitted by a refugee from Atlantis named Tohma... It seems Queen Ulania is being stalked by someone, so he'd like us to put an end to it... Furthermore, it seems that the suspect is a Nodens employee... Anyways, we can't ignore this situation. Please hurry to the Atlantis Evac Ward...!

This request comes from a chef named Goht who lives in the Eden Evac Ward... He said he wants to make an anniversary gift for his wife, and that he needs your help to do it... I hope I can find an amazing partner someday... I'm currently accepting applications... I don't care about the age, gender, race, or even species...

I have a request for help from Developer Ryo... But... he shouted something about a demon and ran off before I could ask him what he needed help with... Ryo is most likely in the Development Room. Please find out what he wanted...

Unit 13, have you ever read the Nodens periodical, "Nodens Monthly"? They publish all sorts of info about company happenings, as well as employee interviews and the like. From what I've heard, the next issue is due to be released, but they still don't have a headline article... At this rate, the company magazine will be blank this month... Just thinking about such a predicament makes my stomach hurt... The editor, Kanna, has been holed up in the Reference Room for a whole week now... Please help her...!

Music: The Daily Grind

Well then, get on over to the Reference Room!

Asuka: We have been gathering books from Eden and Preloma and repairing them, but... We don't have much manpower for translation. We're far from ready to release any of the books. Ah... I know! Unit 13, you know that man Sailas from Eden, right? Could you go ask him to help us with the translation? That way you will be able to study...


Asuka: Thank you so much! I'll loan you the original. It's an adult book, but it's pretty thin so you should finish the translation tonight. O-Oh, I don't mean that kind of adult— I... Nevermind. Please just forget about that.

Asuka: This floor is closed at night, so please undertake the translation elsewhere. When you've finished, please return the original book to President Allie.


Asuka: We just acquired a large number of books from Eden. They're from the future... The future! The past is great, but the future is incredible. Books are mankind's greatest invention...

The interview quest also starts here, so we might as well grab it now.

Kanna: That was close... If I fall asleep now, the "Nodens Monthly” will be...


Kanna: I'm Kanna from the PR department! The gods of salvation have come down to my humble abode... I've wanted to interview Unit 13 for ages, but you guys are always out on a mission... You'll let me interview you for this month's company newsletter, right?

Of course.

Kanna: Yippeeeeee! Well, show me around already! I mean the Rest Floor! Obviously!


What do you need me to do?

Kanna: You can start by showing me around the Rest Floor!


Kanna: Unit 13, shrouded in mystery... The three leaders who hold power over three time periods... This is definitely going to be the main article for this month's issue! Come on, let's go!

This is the first time the other team leaders have been acknowledged in... ever, really. I want to see how this plays out.

Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

Kanna: Can you call the leaders of your 2nd and 3rd teams in as well? I'd like to conduct this interview discussion-style!

Kanna: Opal... You're the leader of the 1st team, right?


Kanna: Which means you are the leader for the 2nd, Valerie?


Kanna: And finally, you must lead the 3rd, GEORGE!.


Kanna: OK! Well, this first question is for Valerie and GEORGE!... What do you think of Nodens? Valerie first!

It's close to the ocean!

Kanna: I see... So you like it here at Nodens.


Everything's so exciting.

Kanna: I see... So you like the atmosphere here at Nodens.


The food is great!

Kanna: I see... Tokyo is known for its excellent food, after all.

Just because the other leaders get to do something for once doesn't mean they'll get to do much. :v:


Kanna: Next! What are your thoughts, GEORGE!?

It's a nice place to live.

Kanna: I see... So you like it here at Nodens.


I want to make lots of friends.

Kanna: I see... So you're interested in the people of Nodens.


It's full of surprises.

Kanna: I see... The Nodens facilities and staff members are all state of the art, after all.


Kanna: Next up is a question for Opal. What do you think of these two teammates? First, Valerie.

I can depend on them.

Kanna: You've already overcome many a difficult battle together. I can really sense the bond of trust in your relationship!


I want to do more for them.

Kanna: Ah, you want to deepen your bond. That's a great attitude~


I'd like to stay with them forever...

Kanna: Wow, a confession of love!? How incredible~! A love born from the heat of battle...


Kanna: Next, could you provide a comment about GEORGE!?

I Look up to them!

Kanna: That's great! There must be some kind of connection that forms between skilled warriors.


I wish they were more honest.

Kanna: Hm? Is GEORGE! still a bit reserved towards you? Well, as long as you keep battling together, it's only a matter of time until you become closer!


Love transcends all barriers.

Kanna: Wow, a statement of passionate love!? How incredible~!

At least this quest lets you go for the Unit 13 polycule.


Kanna: Finally, I'd like a comment from each of you to the other members of Unit 13! Valerie first!

Oh my god please let this end...

I am immensely grateful.

Kanna: Yes, yes! I understand!

Every option gets this response, at the very least.


Kanna: Next is GEORGE!!

You guys are the best!

Kanna: Yes, yes... This is great!

Same here.


Kanna: And last but not least... Opal!

*shakes head*

Kanna: Hm? What's the matter?

There's so much I want to say...

Again, both options are the same.

Kanna: I see.


Kanna: Alright, in that case you guys can just have a conversation between the three of you. I'll keep the recorder going, so just talk normally. While you do that, I'll take some photos!

Kanna: I thought it would be difficult for people from different time periods to work as a team... But it's a mystery. You're so in tune with each other, it's like you've always known one another!

All three nod.

Kanna: *chuckle* I'll bring you the article right away once we send it to print! Look forward to it! Anyways, this is a thanks for today. Please accept it!

You obtained 5,000 Az!

Next time: You've heard of VFD, now get ready for...