The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 55: Update LII - Featuring: The penultimate boss of the previous game

Update LII - Featuring: The penultimate boss of the previous game

With GEORGE!'s supremacy assured, we can go start the party split.

Music: Preloma - Ruined Scholar City


In that case, let's go~!

Unit 13 nods.

The only way to keep GEORGE! from dominating the rest of the game is by forcibly separating him from the rest of the team.

Valerie can shred dragons with Brave Sword, while Aria can lock down random encounters.

GEORGE! can pretty much solo the entire dungeon. Vivian and Thomas are tagging along for moral support.

Opal... can still punch things, I guess? G3 skills need at least 2 turns of setup unless Preemptive God goes off, and that's just an eternity with VFD's speed.

Team 3 (currently filled by Valerie) is up first. Sadly, we'll have to wait a while to see GEORGE! in action.

Directly behind us is the central area we just left.

We can still head back to Nodens to shuffle parties around just like in Cladeon, so I could have GEORGE handle all three paths if I really wanted to.

But that would be boring, so Valerie and Opal will get their time in the spotlight.

We're also not allowed to head to another path.

Hey look a dragon!

Expect to be seeing this a lot.

And the other chest nearby.

Around the corner is another dragon.

Aria and Inoue didn't even attack that time. Valerie just one shot it from full.

Another dragon further ahead.

"Not Lost" Girl: I could totally find my way home without your help! Not that I won't accept the offer.

A cutscene starts when we approach the save point.

A dragon roars.

Hm... I might be able to discern which dragon it is from its roar!

Incredible! I failed to realize such a thing was possible!

Eeheehee... Don't underestimate her analytical ability. This'll be a piece of cake for that girl.

So, take a wild guess who we're fighting today.

I think it's going to try and use attacks that can Instakill! Be careful!

If you guessed 'even more asset reuse,' you were right! Insomnia was the final High Dragon in 2020-II. Consider this a sneak preview for Sympathy.

But first, you may have noticed that we skipped past a door earlier.

It's just a small room.

With a dragon.

Valerie got singled out by the dragon, so she barely missed the kill.

That's all the dragon was guarding.

The direct path to the save point is covered in dragonsbane.

Which is sorta pointless when, again, there's a save point immediately after to heal off the damage.

There's no way to that thin pathway on the map from here, we'll have to loop back later on.

Kinu will get into this more when she reaches Insomnia in 2020-II, but make sure you put on death resist if you're playing along at home.

And right past the door is...

The big guy himself.

He doesn't even get some token lines from Jil or Mio, just straight into the fight.

Video: Unit 13 vs Insomnia
Music: Battlefield - No. 7 Incursion

Deadly Omen is Insomnia's telegraph move.

Valerie has finished leveling Life Oath, giving her LF (and by extension, Brave Sword's damage) a 30% boost.

Eh, might as well.

In exchange for putting the party down a member for the rest of the fight, Aria can deal less damage than Valerie.

Death Sentence is Insomnia's signiture move, and has a 100% chance of instantly killing the party if you don't have resists on.

Of course, thanks to VFD giving 50% resists when blocking you could forego equips and try to block it, but then you're gambling on a coin flip.

Deep Inhale gives a 1.25x buff to ATK and MAT for 2 turns. Buddy skills technically have a 100% break chance, but you don't have the backline for this fight so it's a moot point.

Ah damn, just shy.

Kinu will have to get more in-depth on how Insomnia ticks when she fights it, because the poor bastard did not get a chance to shine here.

Music: Finish Them Off

Music: Preloma - Ruined Scholar City

Good work, everyone! That's it for the High Dragon in that area! Head over to the meeting spot!

Music: Destructive Curse

We then cut to a dragon.

Emel then cuts the dragon.

As I would have expected from the Dragonslayer... It is so easy for me to kill these weaklings... I will never have to rely on the people of this planet ever again... With this sword... I will exterminate dragonkind...!

Hey it's our old friend the mystery man! He's looking rather spry for... a... 19,000 year old...?

And then he vanishes like always.

Haha...! Ahahahahahaha!

Oh wait he just didn't want to walk down the stairs.

Is this truly the pinnacle of your evolution after so many years of wandering the universe...? Hm... Well, dragon hunter... I wonder if you will put an end to this azure scourge...

Next time: We see what the rest of the game will be like.