The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 56: Update LIII - Featuring: Peak Physical Performance

Update LIII - Featuring: Peak Physical Performance

Music: Preloma - Ruined Scholar City

We're gonna head northeast from here and make that High Dragon bow down to us. Let's go!

Up next on our party split is GEORGE!.

Full power GEORGE!.



This map has another inaccessable path, with that dragon and rescue target next to us on it.

That dragon to the right, however, is a different story.

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

Now, let me show you how every fight for the rest of the game will go:

Step 1.

Step 2.

There is no step 3.

Also, the Dragora Yearn is a second Dragonfly type in Preloma. It has the exact same stats and level as the Draconica we saw earlier, but it trades out Downer Beat for Piercing Buzz which hits one person with Confusion.

Music: Preloma - Ruined Scholar City

To the south is a staircase.

And more dragons.

Micro Dragons have Bite, (three hits to one person) Skill Clash, (four random hits with a chance to inflict Skill Seal) and Fire Curse. (one hit with a chance of Burn)

And that's this area cleared out for now.

However that one chest in the bottom right is down here and I thought it was on the other path. I come back to get it later.

Now we can move to the next area.

Hmm... Maybe that's from the blue Dragonsbane, too?

The temperature is only high in that one area... The High Dragon ahead might be a fire type... I'll look into it.

Hmmm... Hey, did you hear that, Unit 13?

Unit 13 nods.

*sigh* It's so hot~... Can we just hurry up and beat this thing~? Heat is my one weakness~.

Strangely, this is the area where Valerie fought Insomnia last time.

There's an intersection in the middle of the map.

And a dragon further right.

While the south, which would lead to Insomnia's old spot, is blocked off.

More destroyed houses to the right.

And a cat just below.

The house has a ramp that leads to the lower level.

I then completely miss that this is also a ramp that leads deeper in and head back.

So ahead we go.

Nagamimi... I've finished my analysis!

Trinnitro is another old face from the 2020s.

This gives Trinnitro the dubious honor of being the only High Dragon fought in every game since its debut.

Hmph... It's fire-based, after all. Make sure you're prepared to deal with burns!

Sooooo hot~... Trinnitro, huh... I think that one has molten metal in its body~... I saw some super old book about it a long time ago~... Do you think it came back because of Emel~...?

Unit 13 nods.

Just three dragons, then Trinnitro itself.

The first two dragons are directly ahead, with the obvious trick of being so close together that fighting one will inevitably drag in the second after a single round.

However: GEORGE!.

This was the only thing those dragons were guarding.

The center path is blocked, so we have to head right.

Looks like that last chest and dragon are on that ever-present missing path.

But we have a save point just before Trinnitro.

And a bit more to the left.

With a sneak peek at our latest speedbump.

I give him 3 rounds.

And again, no words. Just right into the fight against a boss that does nothing but pad out the run time.

Music: Battlefield - No. 7 Incursion
Video: VS Trinnitro

I'm not doing Earthquake this time.

I'm doing an EX-boosted Earthquake.

Thomas and Vivian are here too, I guess.

In one turn with no setup, GEORGE! took out half of Trinnitro's health.

The catch is that now GEORGE! is effectively dead weight for a turn, while other party members could toss Valerie some heals to prep the next Brave Sword.

Vivian adds in some chip damage.

I've sorta been putting all of Thomas' SP into Volcano to boost the odds of Burn landing, so here he is matching Vivian's EX-less damage even when hitting a weakness.

Thomas heals.

Quick Regen gives Trinnitro 3% healing every turn for 5 turns. Buddy skills have a pointless 66% break chance. Heat Charge is his telegraph skill.

GEORGE! does the only thing he can right now.

And now GEORGE! has bombs.

Even at the 1-4 bomb multiplier, Earthquake is strong enough that GEORGE! has a higher damage per turn than the others just chaining Reload into Earthquake forever.

Heat Breath is your standard aoe fire attack. Body Flare is another buff skill that gives a 1.25x boost to ATK and MAT and a 1.1x boost to MAT and MDF for 4 turns. Buddy skills have a mere 25% chance to break this, but due to how stacking buffs work the game will only check Quick Regen's 66% break chance when they're stacked like this.

Not like I can actually make use of that information, what with my no backline.

Considering I've been maliciously using VFD's new buff system all this time, having it turned against me with no way to get around it seems fair. A 25% DEF boost combined with Burn's 10% ATK cut utterly kneecaps Vivian's damage.

Shame it took him so long to set up that he's already on death's doorstep, making it ultimately meaningless.

Music: Finish Them Off

Music: Preloma - Ruined Scholar City

Ahhh~! I'm finally free from this oppressive heat... Let's go, Unit 13~!

Unit 13 nods.

Music: Destructive Curse

We now return to our regularly scheduled True Dragon.

Although Yuma finally managed to find her.


*chuckle* Are you truly going to kill your own kin? lt's absurd for one dragon to kill another.

What... are you... saying...!?

Hmph. It seems like you can barely even understand me at this point. Why don't you just admit it?

Emel... You've become the very thing you hate.


Hey Yuma, can you keep her busy for like 10 minutes? Thanks in advance.

Next time: Oh, how the mighty have been utterly outclassed.