The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 58: Update LV - Featuring: Trees

Update LV - Featuring: Trees

Music: Preloma - Ruined Scholar City

Ah, to have my team back together after so long.

Much better.

Directly north of where we were is a doorway.

Leading into another tree.

To the east is a dragon.

And another dragon.

The Stab Dragon is, surprisingly, another new dragon type. This one can hit hard with Shredding Bite, inflict a Paralysis with a 40% stun chance with Rolling Claw, hit the entire team with the same Paralysis with Roar, and give themselves a 1.15x ATK buff with Sharpen Claw.

However, GEORGE! exists, so all it can do is die.

Past the dragons is a path up the roots of a tree, which would lead us to those unaccessable paths we've been seeing on the maps.

So instead I head back and go south of where we were.

That dragon wasn't guarding anything.

So we can head to the tree.

It may look like we're near a dragon, but this place has multiple levels. We'll get back here eventually.

Lena: My name's Lena! Woahhh, you're from some place called Tokyo? Tell me all about it!

And that's this section cleared out.

Our next stop is back on GEORGE!'s part of the party split.

This next dragon is...

Also new, what luck!

Tower Dragons are mostly the same from 2020-II, keeping the same multipliers on their attacks and having their poison tick for mostly the same damage. They get a small buff to Jump, which now lasts 3 turns instead of 2, but uh...


counts as a buff.

You can, at any point, poke a Tower Dragon with a Buddy Skill and bring them crashing down to earth. This isn't even some kind of unintended interaction either, Tower Dragons get nailed with Null Action for a turn when forced to land like this!

However, GEORGE! exists, so all it can do is die.

I do like how you can see the places you were just at from up here.

Disoriented Girl: But I jumped too far and got separated from my friends~...

And the game itself tells you about breaking Jump in case you didn't figure it out on your own!

The path leads into another tree hollow.

Which has a second exit.

Which just leads right back to the same map as before.

It was at this point that I realized I missed a chest on the lower level.

Eh, I'll get it later.

We then dip into where we started the party split.

For like three seconds.

Followed by Valerie's section.

Which immediately goes into a tree.

This tree has some loot.

Attack Ring III gives +8 ATK/MAT.

Considering everyone is in the mid-200s on their attacking stat, there are better uses for their accessory slots.

After that is where Valerie fought Insomnia.

It was at this point that I realized that I missed another chest on the lower level.

Another map cleared.

Where GEORGE! fought Trinnitro.

Into another tree.

Myrna: I came here to stop my friend from getting hurt, but I ended up lost instead...

But this one has a person inside it!

There's just nothing on the second half of the branches.

And just like that, we're back where we started.

You know, a save point and an exit means that Hypnos is almost certainly past here.

I'm sure Yuma can hold out for a bit longer while I grab those chests!

...Wait, how the hell have I missed 10 dragons?

Well, I can find them while grabbing those chests.

In fact, they're closer than you think!

Remember where Opal started her segment?

Turns out there was an area transition right behind her.

Turns out that there are several areas of Preloma that are completely optional to go through!

Next time: We still don't fight Hypnos.