The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 59: Update LVI - Featuring: Cleanup

Update LVI - Featuring: Cleanup

Music: Preloma - Ruined Scholar City

Seriously, the game is already strapped for content as it is, why make at least two areas optional?

There's an area transition to the far right.

Which leads back to GEORGE!'s segment.

Don't ask how GEORGE! got here without exploring the previous area.

It lets me grab this missing chest, at least.

This will never get old.

Shrewd Boy: Wait... Did I drop it while I was running away from those dragons...?

Looping back to get that other dragonsbane wall.

And that chest.

You might be asking yourself if dragons will ever get enough health to tank Earthquake.

And my answer is to that is: lol.

That's this area cleared.

And after that is a second optional area.

The funny thing is, even if Earthquake did start to fall off, Sheathed Stance is a priority move so I can always squeeze in some extra damage and a 10% DEF cut to bring it right back up.

A new weapon for GEORGE!, but inexplicably weaker than what he already has on.

Scholarly Man: It just saddens me to see the city where I spent my youth crumbling like this...

Turns out there was a chest at the start.

And that's every normal dragon in Preloma!

And the area itself clear.

Which leads back to where we started the party split.

So all that's left is grabbing that one chest where Insomnia was.

Now we can finally go fight Hyp-

Nah, I'm fucking with you.

Music: The Daily Grind

Kino: As promised, here's your reward! Thanks a lot!

You obtained EXP Upper G x1.

Yuma can be a distraction while we engage in the most time-honored of JRPG traditions:

Doing literally anything else in a supposedly time-critical situation.

"Not Lost" Girl: By the way, do you know where the Infirmary is...?

Oh, and it looks like we did get a third quest after the party split!

lmao diminshed

More dragon signals have begun disappearing unnaturally... Just like last time, this request comes from Julietta... You can find him in the Director's Office. Please do your best...

A Tokyo refugee seems to be looking for a special book... Please talk to Nene if you'd like more information...

Myrna, a refugee from Eden, put this request in... She wants your help in stopping her friend from entering the dragon's den that is Preloma...

At least this one is specifically from a civilian we rescued, rather than just materializing out of nowhere.

Heyyyyyyy Nagiri, just stopping by the cat cafe real quick before GEORGE! inverts Emel's organs with high explosives.


Meow-nager Ai: It should be OK for you to use Fancy Cat Food now. Please come back fur more relaxation!

You obtained Confusion Cut x1.

This is... you know what I'm not actually sure what triggers this one.

Meow-nager Ai: In that case, I have a gift fur you! Your journey will purr-ogress phenomenally with this!

Oh look, another field skill held behind an unmarked conversation.

Anyways, Repose acts as a 50% LF/MN heal for the front row, but only the front. Teams 2 and 3 get jack.

And this is for hitting a cat milestone.

Meow-nager Ai: This is a thank you gift for all your help! I look fur-ward to working with you some more!

You obtained SP Upper G x1.

As she said, we can now use that Fancy Cat Food we've been picking up.

It has the same full heal and 300 SP effect of normal Cat Food.

Plus gives EX to all 9 party members.

Even with two Mind Boosters, refilling EX on everyone would take a while, so this saves a ton of time.

Shrewd Boy: By the way, I found a super rare item after I got to Tokyo. I'll give it to you for the low price of one billion Az! Huh? You don't have that much!? Sheesh, I didn't realize you were so poor...

And with our exploration of Preloma complete, we have enough stuff for Goht's quest.

Goht: Unit 13, I'd like you to meet my wife, Chiako. Thanks to these people's 'elp, I think I can fulfill my wedding anniversary promise.

Chiako: You shouldn't have... Trying to keep your promise even in this harsh situation...

Goht: I'm proud to 'ave you as my wife, Chiako. You married me, even though all I can do is cook. So, that's the way I 'ave to show you my gratitude.

Chiako: Dear...

Goht: Please wait 'ere, Unit 13! You get a serving of my special dish. too!

The flavor was quite rich...

Goht: Yes, yes. It's just as you say.


It was 'eavenly!

Goht: That's the best praise a man can 'ear about 'is cooking.


Chiako: *giggle* This is the 30th time we've had this anniversary stew. You were still just a dishwasher when you first made it... It tasted pretty terrible back then.

Goht: I-I feel so 'umiliated...

Chiako: And my prediction was correct. It got better each year, and now it's just otherwordly. Thank you for the meal, dear. I look forward to next year's stew as well!

Goht: Yes, of course...!

Chiako: Unit 13. When Preloma is restored, please do visit our store.

Goht: I'll repay today's favor with an 'earty feast! But for now, I'll just 'ave to give this as a thank you.

You obtained 5,000 Az!

You obtained Dragon Hatchling x1.

Goht: Thank you very much!

Next time: The truth of a hero.