The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 60: Update LVII - Featuring: Robocop

Update LVII - Featuring: Robocop

Music: The Daily Grind

Our first quest of the day is in the Eden Ward, so we don't have to go far.

Myrna: I want you to go stop my friend Nonom from leaving Kazan. She heard about this rare dragon, and now she won't stop talking about going to Preloma. But the only weapon she has is her camera... It would be suicide to go to Preloma! Please, stop her!

It's sorta funny how we've had two quests for a dungeon we haven't even cleared yet.

Up next is the Tokyo Ward.

Nene: Thank you! Unit 13... You've been to Atlantis, haven't you? Is it really in the middle of the ocean!? I heard there's a giant beautiful palace there, too! O-Oh, I'm sorry. I have a new friend from Atlantis... My imagination's kinda gone wild after hearing her stories... *giggle* I really like books, too. Reading makes me feel like I can go anywhere in the world. So, I was hoping to borrow this book from Atlantis that my friend recommended... But the librarian in the Reference Room said she can't let normal people borrow it! Please, Unit 13! Could you help me get that book?


Nene: Thank you so much! You can ask the librarian for more details. It's up to you!

We don't have to leave Nodens for this, so might as well get started.

Asuka: Oh, that book... This is strictly confidential, but I can tell you, Unit 13...

Asuka: They said we can't loan material that proves the existence of a civilization hidden to the world. There were lots of wonderful books in there, so I am honestly quite disappointed...


So, bringing the entire populace of an entire country forward in time is all hunky dory, but the books are a step too far!? This entire quest started because the quest giver became friends with someone from Atlantis. Taking the books does nothing.

Asuka: If you want... do you think you could retrieve them? In secret, of course.

And they can't even do that right, as now some of those oh-so-risky books are now just littered around for anyone to find!

Let's just go start that last quest.

The previous Investigation quest revealed that Blaster Raven was a straight up super hero, so we'll probably be seeing him again.

More dragons seem to be disappearing from the depths of the Tokyo Underground. It has to be that man... don't you think?


After the first incident, I've been looking more closely into Blaster Raven. Blaster Raven was the player character in an old game called Super Blast. It was a game of doubtful quality made by a small-scale production company about thirty years ago.

That seems suspicious...

Doesn't it...? Could that be a sign that another party outside of Nodens and ISDF is waiting to appear...? Just kidding! We're a bit too far into this little game for any new entrants... right?


Is Blaster Raven a Murakumo survivor?

That can't be! Murakumo was assimilated into ISDF over twenty years ago! According to records, the youngest member at that point was 70 years old. Even if they were still alive and kicking, you can't expect an old fart like that to beat dragons!


Anyways, we can't leave this unattended. Go investigate right away! I'll be counting on you!

How convenient that two quests both take place in the Underground.

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Almost like it's the only real world Tokyo dungeon we have available or something!

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

This signal... It must be Blaster Raven!

There's nothing in the first area.

But there's something in the second.

Excellent work, ISDF. Really earning those taxpayer dollars.

Nothing in the third area.

And Blaster Raven at the end.

Also there have been no changes to the enemy list here, they're all still as strong as they were during the intermission. I just pop Stealth to avoid wasting my time here.

Music: Endless Attack Cycle

You know, Blaster Raven has been built up as this big badass that's been slaughtering dragons while we're away, but he's currently 2 for 2 on getting his ass kicked on screen.

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

The Evil Tyranno is the first T-Rex type dragon we've seen. It has Massive Fang (single target damage), Sideways Swipe (full party damage), Tyrant's Roar (ATK buff + DEF debuff), and Ominous Roar (crit chance buff + MDF debuff). The buffs alone make it a joke, as you can just break the buffs and leave them with a crippled defense.

However, GEORGE! exists, so all it can do is die.

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

Guess you gotta bring him back, Unit 13. He'll be dragon food if we just leave him.

Music: The Daily Grind

Doctor Hori: He's still out...


You mean someone based their highly advanced combat cyborg on a retro video game?

Doctor Hori: Indeed. He's deteriorated over the past twenty years, but he was clearly created with great skill.

That must mean he's really...

You know who he is...?

Someone who could develop a high-quality artificial body with anti-dragon weapons... There's only one person I know of who could have done such an amazing feat...


Is he from Murakumo?

...That's right. Only one person could develop such a high-quality artificial body with anti-dragon weapons...


*groan* *gasp*

what????? :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

Ayafumi Kirino, from the PSP games.

Ayafumi Kirino, two time president of Murakumo.

Ayafumi Kirino...

...the man who tried to use Raven as a nickname???

Is a fucking combat cyborg???

And, don't forget that this very quest mentioned that Super Blast was made by a Murakumo member. So did Kirino create a shitty video game just to give himself cover so he can run around acting like a cosplayer in case dragons ever showed up again?

No matter how many years pass, I remain unable to follow through on my responsibilities...

Oh, and despite Kirino living through 2020, meaning he'd know exactly what happened in the now Nyala-less timeline, we'll never ask him what happened back then.

Why are you wearing that outfit?

I first gave myself artificial parts after being wounded by a True Dragon years ago. But the organic parts kept aging, making it hard to continue on...


How old are you...?

My age is not important. I have lived for many, many years... That is... I can't die. I gave myself artificial parts years ago. But the organic parts kept aging...


So you decided to make your whole body robotic.

Why are you fighting dragons?

Because... There is something I must settle... alone.


Let's fight together!

I wish I could, but... I am sorry. There is something I must settle... alone. No matter what.

I understand that you, too, go by the name Unit 13.


You are very similar to the Murakumo Unit 13 I once knew. Please, protect Tokyo as they did.

But you know what the funniest thing about all this is?

Doctor Hori: Don't push yourself!

This quest? Optional.

If you didn't care about doing the bonus dungeon (which requires all dragons dead) you can just skip the entire Investigation quest line and never find out that Blaster Raven is actually a major character from the 2020s.

Which is, you know, kinda a big deal.

Doctor Hori: I heard he was a great engineer, but he lost his right arm during a battle with a True Dragon...

Well, we know his identity now, so the mystery of the disappearing dragons is officially solved! This is your reward! That is, unless you want something a bit spicier... Anyways, good work!

You obtained 3,000 Az.

You obtained Sp Up 500 x3.

Now to hand over those books.

Or maybe I missed a step.

Asuka: The engineering and history books are gone, but most of the novels are here! Those ISDF soldiers are so foolish! The culture of Atlantis matured in more ways than one through its literature... Mmmm... Oh! E-Excuse me... I believe the book Nene wished to borrow was The Sound of the Surf. Here you go. Please take this to her.

I think the implication of just the engineering and history books being taken is that the ISDF were lying their asses off, and just wanted to get their hands on anything that can teach them about Atlantean military stuff.

There we go.

Nene: I'm going to read it right away♪ Ahhhhhhh...! It's written in the alphabet from Atlantis! I totally can't read this! ...But it's OK. My friend can teach me, and I'll read it little by little each day! Thank you so much, Unit 13! Here's a present!

You obtained 3,000 Az!

You obtained Healing Aloe III x3.

You obtained SP Up 500 x3.

That's all we can do in the present day.

So that means we have to head back to Preloma for more not-killing-Hypnos!

Music: Preloma - Ruined Scholar City

Nonom is right by the entrance.


Nonom: Myrna's worried about me, huh...? I see... but I'm still gonna go! The albino dragon of Eden is super rare! It's like a work of art! It might fly away even as we stand here talking...

It's dangerous. You shouldn't go.

Nonom: That's none of your business! I may not look like it, but I'm a well-known dragon photographer! I don't need your concern!


Let me accompany you.

Nonom: I wouldn't be able to get a good shot if I had to deal with you guys holding me back!


Nonom: Well, seeya! Say hi to Myrna for me!

Naturally, we do absolutely nothing to stop her from walking into a place currently infested by blue dragonsbane and an actual True Dragon.

We find her back in GEORGE!'s section of the party split.

I imagine dragon photographers are a dying career.

The White Dragon is literally the same one we fought in the prologue with tweaked AI and stats boosted.

Just stats, mind you, the Burn on Fire Breath still deals 3 damage a tick.

Surprisingly, it has barely enough bulk to survive Sheathed Stance into Earthquake.

Key word: barely.

Nonom: Thanks to you, I got all sorts of shots of the heroes in battle with the rare white dragon! Turns out you guys are pretty cool! I'll get this developed right away! Well, seeya! Say hi to Myrna for me!

We're almost ready, Yuma!

Music: The Daily Grind

Myrna: I'm sure she didn't thank you, so I'll do it instead... Thanks. This isn't much, but here.

You obtained 5,000 Az!

You obtained Soma-Aid x3.

Okay, surely we're done with all the sidequesting and can finally go kill Hyp-

what the actual fuck

Next time: We go fight Hypnos, surprisingly.