The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 64: Update LXI - Featuring: A whole heap of EX Skills

Update LXI - Featuring: A whole heap of EX Skills

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Our target for GEORGE!'s EX Skill can be found at the very top of the Ladyin Ruins.

Music: Ladyin - Spiral Ruins

Music: Battlefield - Ultimate Predator (The dragon music has changed!)

The Noble Rosier is... a pink giraffe.

How fitting.

The Rosier keeps Twirl and Back Kick from the Gir-ragon, and also packs Charming Gaze for a 40% chance of confusion against the entire party.

As a sidequest dragon, it has barely enough bulk to survive Earthquake.

Which at least gives us a chance to see its face for once.

The keyword, once again, is 'barely.'

There, we never have to go back to Ladyin ever again.

Ever. Again.

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Music: The Daily Grind

So, fun fact, one of the starred quests we have to do actually involves Jil and Sailas moving to Nodens. Since that hasn't been done yet, Jil shows up out of nowhere for GEORGE!'s EX Skill and will vanish as soon we get it.


To think that dragon actually existed... You are incredible, Unit 13! Now, that weapon... Wait here a moment! I shall have Sailas make it right away!

*sigh* I'm surprised I actually managed to complete it with such vague specifications~.

By attaching this to your weapon, you will increase its maximum power by 200%. It will become more difficult to control, but I am sure you will have no trouble.

Well, whip your weapon out. I'll pop this thing onto it~.

Well? Do you feel a difference?

System Message: Power is flowing from your weapon, bringing with it visions of a brilliant skill.

As a Banisher, I cannot let you surpass me...! Let us work hard together to reach the highest of heights!

Like she was never there...

Up next is Opal.

Never underestimate your friendly neighborhood Blaster Raven, the best superhero gamer there is! Let us go forth, Blaster Kids!

Because the Kirino reveal is technically optional, Raven remains entirely in-character for this trip.



As Raven said, we have to go all the way to the top of Seventh Encount.

Also the enemies here are unchanged from when we came in with Yuma during the last Intermission, so there's no point in fighting them.

Removing limiter...! Cosmic energy, full throttle! I will give this everything I have!

Video: Opal VS Blaster Raven (This one is worth watching just to see Kirino Ayafumi calling his attacks like a dork.)
Music: Battlefield - UE77

I wonder why Raven, of all people, gets a custom intro?

So, right off the bat, Raven has the same health as Eigur at 2.9K.

However, Opal lacks a delete button like Valerie does, so she'll have to actually fight him.

The damage on these solo bosses is toned down a bit to make up for not having someone on hand to heal.

Oh hey, I can go straight to G3!

Blaster Shot (which is more of a kick, really) is Raven's real threat here, what with its 40% chance of Null Action for 2 rounds. If it lands, Opal is pretty much dead right there.

Good thing Opal has a way to heal without wasting a turn!

Blaster Strength is a simple ATK buff that gives a 1.4x boost for 2 turns and is his obvious telegraph move.

Now, I could use Quartetto and end this before he uses whatever super move he's preparing.

But I think Kirino earned the right to show off a bit.

Blaster Fist is Raven's ultimate attack, with each punch having a 60% chance of inflicting a 0.5x Blind.

Alright Kirino, you've had your fun. Now cough up the goods.

Music: Tokyo - Cascading Ordeals

System Message: Power has weIled up within you after your battle with Raven. You thought of an amazing skill!

The poor guy doesn't even get to say anything, he just vanishes.

Music: The Daily Grind

This is actually a perfect spot to end up.

As you can only swap team leaders at a Terminal, so doing EX Skills in sets of three like this lets you do as little party shuffling as possible.

The next batch will be Yuno, Inoue, and Thomas.

The vending machine for Yuno's EX is right past the War Room.

I wasn't kidding when I called it a secret rare, you do actually have to get lucky on this.

You have a 1/3 chance of getting the EX. If you miss it, you'll randomly get one of Duelist's first four weapons as a consolation prize.

None of them sell for more than 1K, so you can't get clever and game the system for infinite money.

Naturally, I believe in the heart of the cards and get it on my first try.

System Message: Gazing upon the shining hologram, you thought of a fantastic new skill!

It really is that simple.

Up next is Thomas.

A cutscene starts as soon as we enter the floor.

Asuka: It could be anywhere in here. You'll just have to search every shelf from edge to edge.

Or I could just... follow the marker on my map.

System Message: A multicolored tower of water... A bright pink lake... Giant crystals in a cave... This planet we call Earth is full of nature that goes beyond even our wildest dreams. A breathtaking feeling of wonder fills your heart as you study the stunning sights of this planet.

The world is such a beautiful place! Fucking end it.

And now for Inoue.

A Samurai that wields two blades is always faced with a choice. They must know which sword to block with, and which sword to cut down their opponents with. In order to master the EX Skill, you will need to demonstrate your ability to make proper choices. If you want to understand, meet me at the terrace on the Rest Floor.

I only need the right weapon type to actually do the task, so I can start up Vivian's EX Skill while I'm here.

Fleetness of foot and knowledge of your own limits are key to a Samurai who wields a single sword. If you have the spiritual focus to quickly defeat a Dark Rabi in a one-on-one duel... Perhaps then you will be able to reach a higher state of being. You should be able to complete your training in 7th Encount. I wish you the best of luck.

Music: UE77 In Ariake

Wow, he really had us stand here all day.

A large ship holding 1,000 passengers is sinking in the middle of the ocean. On your way to rescue them, you see a lone person being washed away. What do you do?

Getting the Dual Blade EX is just a matter of answering Baby's First Ethical Dilemmas.

Save the castaway!

You cannot let emotion cloud your focus on the mission. Start over from the beginning!

Failing kicks you out of the terrace.

At which point the sequence starts from the beginning when you reenter.


Continue on to the ship...

Correct. As a Samurai, you must be able to act while keeping your eyes on the larger picture. Your mission is always the top priority. Keep that in mind.


Next question. The plane your lover is on has been hijacked by a terrorist. If you do nothing, they will crash the plane into a densely populated area. Do you shoot the plane down?

I couldn't do that...

That is not an acceptable decision. Do not let your vision become obscured by foolish emotion! Think hard, and try again!


We have to take it down!

That is the only way to avoid widespread disaster. Even if it means losing one who is precious to you... it must be done for the greater good.


Next question. An enemy has set your home on fire. Many other members of your family are asleep in the house. What do you do?

Run away!

You imbecile! What are you fighting for!? Start from the beginning!


Focus on saving my family!

That's correct. As a Samurai, you do not use your sword for yourself. You use it to protect others. Power is meaningless if it is not used to protect those you care about.


However, the path of the warrior is laden with difficult choices. But it seems you have transcended the simple act of decision making.

System Message: In passing Yoritomo's moral test, you discovered a new power within and learned a stunning new skill!

That's the second set done, just Aiden, Aria, and Vivian left. Although we physically can't get Aria's EX until we unlock another dungeon or two and get the last of the cats.

Unlike with God Hands, single sword Samurai can jump straight to their fight without having to traverse Seventh Encount first.

Now, I will admit here-

I kiiiiiiiiiiiinda fucked up.

See, 2020 has pretty much the exact same setup for their Samurai EX.

And the Dark Rabi deals enough damage to make you think this will be an actual fight.

So I focus on setting up buffs.

But that bit from Yoritomo about quickly defeating the Dark Rabi was literal, you have two turns to kill it before you get booted out.

The obvious answer is to just pop Solid Stance on turn 1 and vaporize it, but I sorta forgot to get, like, any ranks in it on Vivian.

Oh well, I'll get the SP for it soon enough.

Next time: We actually do some sidequests.