The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 102: Update LXXXVIII - Funny clothes

Update LXXXVIII - Funny clothes

This update covers the events of Update LVI to LIX.

Is getting the Base Red here so important that the devs just had to make it one of the few things to not carry over into NG+?

Music: Down to Dawn

At least we hit another optional chat with Nero. This one is for five Nephilim kills.

Hmph, I am regretful that the Arena is not the Roman Coliseum.

...Wait a sec. Did I just hear what I think I heard? The lion is fine. The killing, that's cool. But, wasn't something indecent sandwiched in there...?

Wh-Why do you look at me as if I were some deranged child? Lion! Nude! Strangling! You hold the lion's head under your bare arm like so and...snap!

She snapped its neck? She snapped a lion's neck? My Saber, with her lithe, slender body, snapped the steely neck of a lion? And we're talking BEFORE she became a Heroic Spirit...right?

Er...That is, um. That method of lion killing was too stunning to gain popular usage.

Saber looks away sheepishly. Yeeeah... Somebody was exaggerating.

I-I made it faint! Which is victory enough, against a lion! Seeing as its bones are rather, um, solid...

Saber starts bombastically, then trails off into silence. Thank god she's not some kind of lion decapitator. Just some sort of ancient Pro Wrestler...

The textbox actually bugs out here and doesn't show the text while Nero is speaking.

It pops up for a single frame as soon as she finishes.

Saber's shoulders slump at the unpleasant memory. ...But wow... What a megalomaniacal emperor she must have been, to view Heracles as a rival...

The bright design of this floor is the only redeeming factor of Week 6.

Music: Fear

It is good to win the Mystic Code's approval, but don't forget that our current opponent may come after us.

Saber is right, as always. Gaining the Mystic Code's approval won't mean anything if I'm dead. I should proceed to explore the Arena, but with caution.

It cannot be a Servant... It resembles the effigy from the preliminaries all too well. Perhaps it has been endowed with a Servant's abilities and has been sent to collect Triggers. How thorough. Our enemy truly does intend to remain anonymous until the Elimination Battle.

It is like when I choose to relieve stress by putting paint to canvas...

Have a quick chat with Nero.

Grab another NP kill.

Which also nets me a level.

And go deal with the effigy.

Ready yourself, Master... In a beautiful dance of blades, we will coax out its true identity!

Let us retire with that information. Who knows what trap lies in wait if we dawdle here.

Music: School III

Music: Duel of Fate

One more level!

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

Fortunately, I feel the effect of the firewall bypass coursing through my system, giving me strength. We must find that construct and dismantle it.

Deal with the effigy.

I will pulverize you and extract your identity, cheap imitation!

The effigy lasts for two attacks.

Nero stronk.

I can tell the treatment is taking effect. If our enemy is a Lancer, we'll be at an advantage. But— The effigy is an imitation. Knowing that the real thing could be much more powerful, I feel I ought to remain wary.

Deal with Moby Dick.

Let us go, Praetor! My blade will slice the blubbery hide of that mammoth monster into slivers!

I suddenly have a craving for seafood.

Gain a level.

We may have retrieved the Triggers, but our enemy this time is stronger than Heracles. Never fear. When we take to the Coliseum floor, I will make you victorious, Praetor.

Get the Trigger.

And done.

Music: School III

Music: School I

However, as your Servant, my duty is to clear your path to the Holy Grail of all obstacles. The enemy is exceptionally strong. Therefore, I cannot allow my blade to become dulled.

Saber's gaze is more solemn than usual, and she fixates it on me. She doesn't say a word, not even to goad me into responding. There's a reprimand in her words, but also compassion. The reprimand wasn't necessary. I know that in this world there are only victors and losers, and losers are quickly culled. At least I can say of my opponent that we egually share the risk of victory or defeat.

Very good. I approve of this resolve, my Master. Let us go. We must fully prepare ourselves for the battle ahead.

The prep period ends today. I want to wake up tomorrow fully prepared for the fight to come.

The goldfish is the same as Tamamo's.


So how does Nero's final skill compare to Tamamo's?

A hell of a lot better. It can only be used for three turns in any given fight, but using Nero's NP is a lot easier than having to stay at critical HP. Plus, Nero's utterly jacked Strength means that any enemy that survives long enough for Theater will already be almost dead, effectively making Blossom of the Court an I Win button.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

Let's see if I can squeeze in a use of it on this Nephilim.

Turns out, that the best way to stall for three turns *and* avoid piling on too much damage is to just spam Thrice-Setting Sun forever.

Local emperor too arrogant to die.

And I just barely keep it alive.

Aaaaaaaaand its identical to her very first skill with some added flashy bits. Great show of effort, Extra. :v:

Jesus christ that's a lot of damage, though. :stare:

For comparison, a Merciful Sky-buffed Chaos Heaven from Tamamo in the same week hit for 2.3K. Fiery and Frigid would probably have hit for around 3K.

If I start chugging Elixirs, Nero can very easily shred anything that is able to last to turn 4.

Music: School III

Though our preparations are limited, let us approach the Coliseum with our heads held high. Even if you were not friends before, she is your friend now. You should resolve to give it your all.

Music: Down to Dawn

That last Nephilim kill was the last NP use I needed for this chat.

??? Why is Saber so angry? I'm doing only what comes naturally to me... But I don't know what else she has to be mad about...

You fool, I'm speaking of my Noble Phantasm! How dare you levy it against insignificant enemies! My golden theater is for grand performances only! Used too often, its spectators will lose interest!

Ignoring the spectators comment... Perhaps I've been a bit too free with my use of her Noble Phantasm. But, I only use it so frequently in order to see Saber in all her sensational glory.

...That permission came fast. Saber comes off stoic and honorable, but she flusters under flattery. As a Master, I worry that she's too easy to manipulate... Putting that concern aside, this is a good time to ask why Saber's Noble Phantasm takes the form it does.

My Noble Phantasm could have been any of the many things I treasured while I was alive. I cherished the theater best, as I am also an architect, songwriter, writer, painter, and fashionista.

You! Don't look so exasperated! I know what it means to be crazy about something but be bad at it! Some may want to say I spread myself too thin, but I say the sun does not complain of being overburdened!

...Saber retorts before I even say anything. She's as sensitive to criticism as she is to compliments. ...You know, I don't understand why an emperor would be so gung-ho about artisan stuff.

...To me, art is life. To create is to breathe.

But, making art is different. I have even soothed the torn edges of a few relationships with art. Hmm, perhaps art has always been my mode of expression. That must be why I created so many works.

She speaks fondly of the past. ...I misunderstood her enthusiasm for art as flighty when in fact it is a lot more serious. She created great works in order for people to understand her better. Even if no one valued them, she was satisfied just having them made. Because she expressed her love for her people through her works.

If I had built a silversmithery rather than a golden stage, I could have adorned you with ornaments.

Hey, so, funny story about that...

I then go hit Level E like always.

Music: Duel - Prelude to Confrontation

Your stoicism is tedious. If you are hiding emotions with your silence, then perhaps you have regrets?

Hey, we're almost there.

Never fear. I understand that silence is more powerful than a thousand words.

Music: Duel - Friend Turned Foe

Video: Week 6 Elimination Battle (Saber ver.)

Ah, you're a reasonable tyrant. Emperium's such a flashy name though.

While waiting for the Golden Theater to come up, I figure...

Why not treat Extra with a bit of respect for once?

Do not treat Extra with respect.

It does not deserve it.

Thankfully, that was the last turn I needed.


Was popping an Elixer overkill? Yes, extremely.

Sure was fun, though.

Music: School III

Next time: The beginning of the end.