The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 109: Update XCV - Gold rush?

Update XCV - Gold rush?

This update covers the events of Updates XI to XV.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

Gain a level.

All right, we managed to track down both of the Triggers, or Cipher keys as Kotomine likes to call them. If we want to insure we find the Triggers in the future, we had better thoroughly scour the Arena.



Music: School III

Well, all that matters today is that you got a feel for the importance of information. You probably noticed half the prep period has passed. Obtaining both Triggers in time is crucial.

Music: School IV

Barrier time.

Like they say, a leopard can't change its spots. Expect nothing but subterfuge from now on.

Luckily, this barrier is fairly weak, and is caused by an anomaly in the area's programming code. I guess that leaves us no choice but to find the two locations that little vermin put his sigils.

I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but have you been using ■? Pressing it will bring up a list of places you can immediately travel to without any effort. If you forget anything, make sure it's not this.


Go spend my SP.

...Although I have to admit that whoever dreamed this trap up is a genius...or a savant.

And two.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

like a warm-up, but it'll be a rocky road after that.

Gain two levels.

And leave.

Music: School III

Just one day left in the preparation period. You'll have to be trained up with Triggers in hand by tomorrow.

Music: School IV

Once the day of the Elimination Battle arrives, it'll be too late for go-backs. It's not like the enemy Master is a threat, but his Servant is on the powerful side. Her strength matches my own, so it'll be the one who falters first who loses.



In any case, we can't twiddle our thumbs while she gets stronger. Let's use that treasure to bolster our own funds.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

Speed up.

This is just stupid. But I'd expect nothing less from that idiot Kotomine.

And start running.

...Wait, Kotomine had nothing to do with this, what's Archer talking about?

I'm referring to how tragically sloppy the guy has been with his information, of course. Review your information one more time tomorrow before the Elimination Battle in your private room. Things might not go as smoothly next round, so let's just enjoy the battle this time.

I'm sorry my own commentary has been so sparce lately.

(For most of NG+, in fact.)

But what is there to say at this point? This is the third time we've seen the exact same stuff.

Music: Duel - Prelude to Confrontation

Even with different Servants, pretty much all of their non-private room lines have to hit the same notes so it plugs right in.

...I didn't realize I'd be thinking about this, but there's certainly something in a name.

He's not the same person—this Shinji is actually good at heart. Still, I can't help thinking this is fate.

Yeah, sure, we get some of Archer's signature snark, but every Servant has to insult Shinji here so the writers don't have to do unique reactions from Shinji.

Archer confirms that this Shinji is different than the original about 10 minutes before the game itself does it, at least.

Music: Duel - Kill Or Be Killed

Video: Week 1 Elimination Battle (Archer ver.)

Oh hoh, I like you, hot stuff. Alright, I'll make you bow beneath my feet!

This is just standard NG+ Extra combat.

Except now I have to spend a move setting up Projection before I can start spamming Skills.

Although I did decide to let Drake use her NP.

add_invalid lol

...El Draque. I'm surprised that you're a woman, but perhaps you're even wiser and deadlier for it. After all, gender has nothing to do with prowess on the battlefield. Farewell, great navigator.

Bye Shinji.

Music: School III

Music: School IV

But, Masters call forth Servants they're compatible with, and you summoned stubborn me. My unbending conviction is what made me a Heroic Spirit, really. So you, too, must be stubborn. So don't worry if at some point I get overbearingly stubborn. As for you, focus on not dying. There's no time to construct more elaborate of a motivation.

Archer doesn't have to drive the point home so hard. Even if I'm lost now, I'll have to find a moral compass before the next battle...or else. If my issues are still unresolved when that comes around... I'll just die.

He is very different from Shinji. With Dan, we will lose unless you cease to be lost.

Archer's saying that I ought to believe in myself first. He's right. I have to fight and win, because the alternative is not an option. But that also means taking a life. I can't justify that— ...I'm hesitating. But I wouldn't be thinking so hard about this if there were less at stake.

Get Archer's generic line for this week.

Talk to Rin.

Spend SP.

And talk to Archer.

That's right. This strange man is a Servant, one just as capable of displaying incredible powers. Now that I'm a Master, of course I can't avoid my curiosity about this Noble Phantasm thing.

My Noble Phantasm? It's no better or worse than any other Servant's. It's yours to call upon whenever you deem necessary. I have a duty to protect you, after all.

I understand how a great warrior's tactics and tools could telegraph their identity to a wise Master. It will be most advantageous if I wait as long as possible to use the Noble Phantasm...

Another difference between routes. Tamamo was too ashamed of her past to use Ninefold Blessings, and Nero wanted to wait for the most dramatic moment to use the Golden Theater, but here it's Hakuno who holds off on using Archer's Noble Phantasm.

I really wished the writers leaned into this more, with Hakuno developing in different ways based on which Servant is guiding them, but the writing budget was thin enough as it is.

Next time: So two cynical, pragmatic Archers walk into the Arena...