The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 115: Update CI - Murder at the empty mansion

Update CI - Murder at the empty mansion

This update covers the events of Update XLII to XLIV.

Music: School I

And as Servant information is being offered as a reward, we have no choice but to win.

Go start the hunting challenge.

And Arena.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

Earn as many points as you can without consuming your strength. So, don't engage the enemy Master. Let's get this over with quickly, but not recklessly. Ready?

For your acts of aggression, I will crush you!

mORe! MoRE!

Gain a level.

Finish the contest.

Phew, and that's a cipher key in the bag. Just checking, do you have all the Triggers you need? You'll be in trouble if you don't acquire both. Don't think you're above checking on your status.


One more level.


Music: School III

Music: Down to Dawn

But to put your accomplishment in perspective, that is but half of the objects available...more or less.

Sorry, but you're light-years away from being a true collector, so don't go feeling too good about yourself.

This optional chat is from getting half of all the chests in the game.

Talk to Rin.

Spend SP.

And back to the Arena.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

We still have some hunting left to do, so let's get this over with as quickly as possible.


You're a fake Heroic Spirit, too? Tell me, did becoming one warp your perspective, or did you start crazy? Either way, you're a monster now. Lucky for us, a good old monster fight is what we've been craving!

The people who couldn't understand him called him a monster. Hating is easier than communicating, you know. Master, I think this guy needs a new eulogy. Let's make that happen for him, huh?


Music: School III

Get this week's decor.

Music: Down to Dawn

Day 6 holds Archer's actual yellow chat.

Vampires were immortalized in the 20th century horror pantheon, but they're relatively new monsters. At least, the modern conception of vampires is new, though similar monsters have always existed. The particular image of vampires as lords of the night comes to us courtesy of Bram Stoker. This conception, of course, is as fictional as the Dracula novel. Bram Stoker's vampires immediately rewrote the public's imagination when it came to "bloodsuckers." How ironic that vampires surpassed the popularity of werewolves and witches, which are older.

Vampires are based on werewolves— It's a fine example of the successor usurping the predecessor. Our opponent this time is the model for the modern vampire. Though I imagine our opponent is more Bram Stoker's Dracula than the historical Vlad III.

Does he just want to rail on our opponent, or is Archer in a good mood? He's unusually chatty. Bram Stoker is an Irish novelist and short story writer who became popular during the 19th century. His best seller, Dracula, reinvented vampires as blood-sucking aristocrats just in time for the 20th century. But, why did Archer bring up a history of vampires now?

Well, I'd feel bad if you had some misconceptions about vampires that I could have cleared up. You never know when a little bit of trivia might come in handy.

He was trying to protect me from making a faux pas if I ever end up having small talk about vampires?

Anything is possible in fiction, even things that aren't possible in the real world. How ignorant you come off to people around you is none of my concern.

After clearing his throat, Archer quiets down. My guess must have been right.

Talk to Rin.

Spend SP.

Fun fact: After the forced fight yesterday, you can just leave. Nothing forces you to stick around and kill every Carnivore.

Music: School III

I know you're concerned, but you've survived a long time sans body. Concentrate on the battle ahead. Let's make this battle a quick one. This character drives me bonkers.




It isn't your taste that's lacking, but your common sense. What you consider food is an abomination. Master, please point out that her taste would rate negative stars...if they even gave those out.

Video: Week 4 Elimination Battle (Archer ver.)
Music: Duel - Kill Or Be Killed

Your Servant says nothing during the pre-fight bit.

Silence. That is god's love. God eats the lambs full of love. I will give my dearest what she needs.

...i'Ll EaT yOU!

Vlad was already the weaker of the two Week 4 bosses, and that was before I got the Staff of Rebuke and Demon of Atlas.

It doesn't go well for him.

Music: School III

Music: School I

Don't look so put out. As powerful as he is, you've both won the same number of rounds. You're not the same person you were in the first round. You've gotten me to use much of my power.

Archer's brow is furrowed.

Or, am I that undependable? I thought my actions had lived up to your expectations.

My Servant appears to be sulking.

...Never mind. Now's not the time for chit-chat. To be honest with you, this fight is 70 percent his. But, you've made much progress. Don't shirk on your training, and you might win this yet. Let's get going. We'll get the better of him.

Talk to Rin.

When going up against most Masters, you'll be overwhelmed if you try to go toe-to-toe. So- You'll want to use strategy when facing a superior foe, being sure to take full advantage of your skills.


I guessed we'd have to go up against this guy eventually. Luckily we didn't get him until the fifth round. Although you still have a lot to learn, you've managed to take out a number of other magi to get this far. You should be able to handle anything he throws at you. We need to gird ourselves for the trials ahead. This is what some would call a turning point, I believe.

Talk to Archer twice.

No, I'm letting my imagination run wild. But I will act as your shield if need be. Let us go.

Talk to him again by the Arena.

And off to get ganked.

Music: Fear's just my imagination. But, I have a bad feeling. Let's proceed, but with caution.

Where's your Servant? Or are you just taking a stroll through the Arena? Wait, don't tell me—

A splendid guess. Just a little slow though, sport.


Is the enemy Servant an Assassin? But, the way he erased his presence didn't seem like thaumaturgy...

Archer haltingly gets up. It's clear that he is worse for the wear.

I'm sorry, Master... I won't blame you for thinking that I'm useless now...

Music: School III

Archer winces as he clutches his chest. Just keeping his composure through the pain is causing beads of sweat to form on his brow.

I'm eating crow now, telling YOU to be vigilant against surprise attacks in the Arena...

...No, this is my fault. Julius knows he's a better Master than me, so he knew he could get away with lying about not attacking us in the preparation period. Julius is wrong about one thing. His tactics shouldn't change in relation to his opponent's level. He should have wiped us out from the start instead of toying with us.

...I highly doubt I can get my magic circuits functioning properly before the Elimination Battle. But that doesn't mean I can't fight. I'll keep doing what I do best. You... You just keep your own safety in mind, Master.

It seems to take all of Archer's energy just to draw the breath to speak those words. He still wants to fight. If that's what he wants, I can't bring myself to argue with him. His iron determination isn't from a sense of pride as a Heroic Spirit, but from his deep devotion to the one who commands him. I have to be at least as earnest as Archer, and find a way out of this predicament...!

Next time: Turns out that my actions have consequences.