The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 119: Update CV - Justice and the kitten

Update CV - Justice and the kitten

This update covers the events of Update LVII to LIX.

Music: School I

Get the gear.

Spend SP.


Music: Fear

...Getting approval from the Mystic Code is good, just don't forget our opponent is lurking out there.

Hmph, maybe a Servant's abilities have been loaded into it, and it's been sent to collect Triggers. How thorough of them. Our enemy really does want to remain anonymous until the Elimination Battle.

This long, tournament-style war forces the Masters to bond.

Talk with Archer.

Be careful, Master. This isn't some knock-off brand Servant.

I tried to see if I could burst down the effigy with UBW.

I could not.

All right, let's get out of here. Who knows what nasty surprises lie in store if we linger.

And done.

Music: School III

Music: Duel of Fate

Get the Firewall Bypass.

And back to the Arena.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

We will be the ones bringing the trouble...I can feel that firewall bypass coursing through my system. Let's go give that effigy a rough introduction to my new power, huh?

How about we expose this imposter's true identity, Master?

I can tell the treatment is taking effect. If our enemy is a Berserker, we'll be at an advantage. But— The effigy is an imitation. Knowing that the real thing could be much more powerful, I feel I ought to remain wary.

Deal with the whale.

Oh, Archer actually does acknowledge it.

We'll need to be more cautious than ever in this battle.

Another chat with Archer.

Gain another level.

The good news is we've obtained the cipher keys. The bad news is the enemy's crazy strength. Be careful.

And done.

Music: School III

Music: Duel of Fate

However, as your Servant, I will defend you to the last, more so against such a strong opponent. I cannot falter. I am your sword and shield. That is my duty as a Servant.

Archer speaks in easy catchphrases, but I think that's because he isn't sure how to express his kindness. I have to fight her. He stands stoically by my side as the thought turns my stomach. He doesn't need to say anything. I know that in this world there are only victors and losers, and losers are quickly culled. At least I can say of my opponent that we egually share the risk of victory or defeat.

—I see. A bitter resolution. But an honest one. Not hateful or malicious. Respectful. I see that you've finally grown a self-preservation instinct. Then I have nothing more to add. You've become a soldier capable of defending their convictions.

The prep period ends today. I want to wake up tomorrow fully prepared for the fight to come.

One more point pushes Archer to B rank Defense, so I figure that's good enough and start exclusively raising Strength.

That Archer now has his final Skill also factored into that decision.

Fake Helix Sword has a slightly better MP cost compared to Blossom of the Court, and has the simplest use requirement out of all final Skills. You want to pump Archer's Projection stacks as fast as possible anyways, so you'll always have this on hand as a deletion button.

Get this week's decor.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor


And go test out our new toy.

Wings of the Crane for comparison.

A good bit better!

But we can go higher.

UBW-backed Wings.

And UBW-backed Caladbolg.

Archer is outdamaging Nero's strongest attack. And on the slim chance an enemy survives 3 turns of this, he can keep spamming it even after UBW wears off!

Get one last level while I'm here.

Music: School III

We've done all we can, whatever that is. If you're ready as you'll ever be, then I guess it's up to me to defend you to the best of my abilities. If you're wavering, then I need you to make a choice. What-no, who—is most important to you right now?

That's because she isn't. Let her appearance fool you, and you'll suffer in the battle.

She's got as much humanity in her as a box of hair. Get that through your head before it's too late.

Music: Duel - Friend Turned Foe

This will be like fighting a living fortress, huh? It'll be extremely hard to break down those walls.

Video: Week 6 Elimination Battle (Archer ver.) + Bonus

Of course. My professor gave me a mission. You will not stand in my way.

You already know what end game combat is like.

So let's skip to the fun part.

And Lu Bu is kind enough to give me an opening!

Music: Archer - Nobody Knows Him

On an NG run, Lu Bu is one of the roughest bosses for Archer. Lu Bu's NP turn consists of his actual NP and five Waits, so if you don't get lucky and have it revealed you'll have to use Rho Aias on every unknown command to keep yourself from being crushed by God Force, burning 180 MP to survive.

Bye Rani!

But before we go...

I should at least bring up the fight against Rin.

...Consider my fierce indifference passionately inspired!

No, she's not the same...they just look alike. This isn't that story; this isn't that time or place.

Cut the crap, Archer! That's what I'm supposed to say!

Regardless of the rules on a Servant's memories between summons, these two will always recognize each other on sight.

Which honestly makes the damaged wall earlier this week even more stupid, as 'Celtic warrior who uses runes' should have been a dead giveaway for Archer.

The specific thing I want to show here involves Cu's NP.

Namely: What happens if you block it with Rho Aias.

As a tribute to their fight in Unlimited Blade Works, Gae Bolg and Rho Aias actually have a unique interaction!

Since I had to reload a save right at the route split for this, I hacked my stats to max to speed things up.

So in case you ever wondered how high your damage gets when every stat is at 255:

Now you know.

Next time: The beginning of the end.