The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 126: Week 1 Information Matrix - Rider

Information Matrix - Rider (True Name Revealed)

With Shinji's death, Drake's Information Matrix is fully revealed.

This includes her Noble Phantasm, her stats, and her other passive skills.

Hunt of the Golden Hind: Golden Stag and the Eventide Tempest posted:

This Noble Phantasm is Rider's ace in the hole and forms the basis of her day-to-day life. With her flagship, The Golden Hind, at the fore, a vast flotilla of smaller craft expand ever outward and exterminates her enemies with overwhelming firepower. Its attributes contain vestiges of not only the fleet that eventually defeated the mighty Spanish Armada, but also of the stories involving the golden stag and the eventide tempest that had spread throughout the whole of Europe.

The eventide tempest is the encapsulation of all storms, from blizzards to cyclones, which manifest in the imagination of men as beasts and soldiers, saviors and monsters. Depending on who is speaking, the leader of these apparitions ranges from a fallen King Arthur to the Norse god Odin to the first murderer of men, Cain. In England, it is believed that Francis Drake rides the endless storm despite the fact that the role assigned to her is usually given to malevolent figures of history and myth.

Invincible Armada posted:

The name given to the Spanish naval forces during the period of history known as the Age of Discovery.

The Invincible Armada consisted of an estimated 65,000 men serving on more than a hundred large warships, each of which weighed in at over 1,000 tons. Its might was such that it earned Spain the reputation of being ”The kingdom on which the sun will never set.”

Logbook posted:

The sailing logs of a renowned explorer who successfully circumnavigated the globe.

The logs themselves are illegible, with pages cracked and flaking. However, it seems that the author of these logs was a ship's captain who made their name as both an adventurer and fleet commander.

Anti-Magic (D) posted:

Cancels single-action spells. It also bestows magical resistance equal to that normally provided by a physical talisman such as an amulet.

Rider on the Storm (A+) posted:

Compels those who serve her to do as she commands. As the ability to lead is essential in her position, this unique skill also has an effect on Charisma and Military Tactics.

Settler of the Stars (EX) posted:

This unique ability is given to those heroes whose exploits became turning points in human history. Any difficult voyage and insurmountable challenge cease to be "impossible" and become "events to be realized.”

Character Background posted:

The person who circumnavigated the globe and paved the way for England to become the dominant superpower in the Age of Discovery through its substantial earnings. This person was also the one who was given credit for the virtual destruction of Spain's Invincible Armada, which caused the nation once thought of as "the kingdom on which the sun will never set" to teeter on the edge of collapse.

She is a person who has dedicated her life to hedonistic pursuits and sees no difference between a paragon of virtue and a rogue scoundrel. She revels in all things gaudy, whether they are in war or in her private life, and is content to chase after ephemeral pleasures and leave nothing of worth behind, much like the passing of a raging storm.

She is particularly entranced with treasures of gold and silver, but her true love lies not with enduring treasure, but those treasures that explode like fireworks and then quickly fade away.

As she so often declares, "I chase after gold so that I can scatter it like a storm!"

It is for this reason that she is wholly incompatible with the Hero of Legend that symbolizes "an inexhaustible treasury.” She would also be at odds with the fox-eared Caster, as Caster is the epitome of eternity.

As a devoted libertine, all that matters to her is the inevitable crash at the end of it all. A Heroic Spirit who is completely indifferent to the frailty of human existence, she is content to indulge in her own whims and desires until death comes to greet her.

She died of dysentery at the age of 55. Her dying wish was that she be buried in her full armor.

Franciscus Draco posted:

Sir Francis Drake is generally considered the first person to successfully circumnavigate the globe (the first person known to have attempted this feat —Ferdinand Magellan- was killed halfway through his voyage).

Though a male in life, Francis Drake has materialized in Fate/EXTRA as a woman.

During the time of Francis Drake, England was considered to be a second-rate power with no real influence beyond its borders and no colonies of worth overseas. It was primarily due to his voyages and successes on the high seas that gave rise to the British Empire. The combination of the wealth he brought to the country and the detailed maps he produced while circumnavigating the globe allowed Britain to assemble a fleet that rivaled that of Spain's.

An oft-mentioned aspect of the Drake mythos is that of his ship, the Golden Hind. Not only was it the flagship of Drake's fleet, it was seen as a symbol of hope and a source of miracles. The exploits the Golden Hind made possible elevated Drake (known and feared by the Spanish as El Draque) to a level on par with King Arthur. Both are said to dwell in Avalon, the city of the dead, and will eventually return to lead England to true glory.

During what was to be the final confrontation between England and Spain's Invincible Armada, Francis Drake was conmissioned as a vice admiral in the English navy. Using an unorthodox strategy involving the use of fire-ships, forcing the Spanish fleet into open water where they could be bombarded with cannon fire.

Battle lines

Battle start

Damn, the system's already noticed us? Well, we just gotta do it quick then. (Day 2 battle)


Alright, let's get started!

This is an obstacle a commoner like you couldn't hope to overcome. (Elimination battle)


Command select

Want to surrender? Give me everything you have and I'll consider it.

God, you really are only interested in money. (High health)


It's my style to steal to my heart's content when it comes to money. (High health)


Maybe you should start thinking of excuses. (High health)


Ahh, they've really lit a fire under our asses. I've never seen anything like them.

Why are you admiring them? You're still my servant, fight! (Low health)


Cape of Good Hope is still far away... (Low health)


What are you doing, Rider!? (Low health)


Shinji, you mind if I go ahead and finish this?

Yeah, use my power to show them who's boss, El Draque. (Noble Phantasm ready)


Ahh, the rum's hit~ I might fall over soon~

Dammit, are you drunk right now!? (Noble Phantasm survived)


Round start

Dull-witted turtle!


Normal attacks

Take that! (Attack)


Don't get greedy! (Guard)

Back at you! (Counter)


You underestimating me? (Break)


Well done. (Extra turn)

Ha! Don't make me yawn. (Consecutive extra turn)

I'll send you to Davy Jones' Locker! (Extra attack)


Hit reactions

This one's dangerous. (Damaged)


Guess that was too obvious.

T-that was just a fluke. (Enemy Extra attack)


Hahaha! Looks like you're being exposed, Shinji.

You bitch! Don't read into this! (Consecutive enemy Extra attack)


Augh... They really did me in... (Defeated)



I never get tired of showing off! (Profligate Pillaging)


Bomb's away! Send them to Davy Jones' Locker! (Culverin Cannons)


Remember my name! Temeroso el Draque, the woman who felled the Sun! (Noble Phantasm)


It's time, you scallywags! King of storms, swarms of ghosts. It's time for the Wild Hunt! (Noble Phantasm)


This is what fighting with your brain means! (loss_lck(32))


Shut up, won't you?

Nice, leave it to me! (Shock(32))