The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 75: Update LXVII - Full armor double Saber

Update LXVII - Full armor double Saber

Music: School II

Look at it this way—none of your opponents have been easy. But, you ended up trouncing every single one of them! So, you'll win this time, too! And even if winning all of those was luck, then you have the luck to win a thousand times! Tamamo will be your lady luck, guiding the dice however many times it takes!

...That's right. Not a single fight has been easy. I just need to do the same thing one more time. Just once more. I shouldn't worry, because I have Rani as my ally.

Well, the Moon Cell replicates that function that the Holy Grail used to do. Unlike the original Holy Grail, this digital simulacrum can manage over a hundred Servants at once.

No punk will ever hack into my precious Arena again! Okay, do your best out there! We'll be done with our jobs soon, but until then, let's rock!

I get the feeling we'll be hacking the Arena to deal with Gawain.

Music: Duel of Fate

I tell Rani about my encounter with Gawain, who I fought against the previous day. His name which bears no shame, the blade that shines like the sun, his apparent invincibility-

I wonder if the legends of him receiving divine protection have an element of truth to them? As long as the sun shines, Gawain might be the mightiest Heroic Spirit, even greater than Arthur.

The power of legend— Gawain's exploits are described in detail in the "Knights of the Round Table" mythos. It's said that he was a hero who was blessed with great powers by the sun. Now that I think about it, his abilities seem to be taken straight from the legends.

However, even heroes can die. And in the end, Gawain, too, will succumb to death. No matter how powerful he may be, he cannot escape the ties that bind him to his legend. Per the legend, if one were to overcome his greatest strength, he'll be left vulnerable.

The stories say Gawain died by the hand of Sir Lancelot, who waited until the sun set to strike what became a fatal blow. But in the SE.RA.PH, the Arena days are controlled by the system. I couldn't imagine the sun setting while inside there.

Unfortunately, my power is such that it'd only be for a moment— And I can't guarantee it'll work.

While Rani's power as a Wizard is without question, to use such an advanced technique— I wonder if there is something I can do to help?

At first I couldn't think of a place on campus that a Wizard could work without bother... Maybe the multimedia room that Julius was using before... But the secret to gaining access to it probably died with its original occupant. For now, I'll poke around the multimedia room. Maybe I'll find a clue about how to get in—

Music: School II

Now, the scene technically ends here.

But all I have to do is move like five feet to start the next one.

I knew it... I earn a mild electric shock when I touch the door. It's been booby-trapped.

-I have an idea. If only Julius can enter, then I just have to pretend to be Julius. How I'm going to masquerade as the guy, I don't know. If only I had something of his... Anyway, I'll go look around the place where I fought Julius. Maybe I'll find a clue.

...This...isn't it. *Sigh* Please, you have to get it for me! Come on, you'll try again, won't you?

Turns out the teacher doesn't need a Teacher's Emblem. :v:

...If I must.

Despite having nothing on the first floor, we still have two sidequests this week.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You gratitude! The "object that grants wishes" has to be on the Arena's second floor. It just has to! That area's probably over the sea right now, so everything should be copacetic. After two day's time, I won't be able to see you again, so please get what I asked for before then.

They're just both on the second floor. And since we have to go back to the first floor today, we really one have a one day time limit to get it.

This is actually the only time in the entire game where the plot forces you back to the first floor after unlocking the second.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

Perhaps I should go to where he and I fought, and where he disappeared. I might be able to find something of his there, or at the very least some kind of clue. There isn't much time left in the prep period. If I don't look into it today, I may not get another chance. I should be a bit more cautious when I go exploring.

There are absolutely zero changes in the floor, so let's jump ahead to the where Julius died.

It looks like it's a feather from his coat. That should be good enough for our purposes, right?

Interesting thought. Maybe something so tied to Julius would be enough to break through the protection. I'll give it a try as soon as I return to campus.

I gain another level while letting Tamamo eat hits.

...just don't ask me when I gained that first level.

Music: School III

Music: School II

With this, the Multimedia Room's identification scan should prove no obstacle to you. I'll begin opening our new base of operations immediately. Come by this evening. We'll make plans at that time.

I hope the procedure goes well... No, I need to focus on chipping away at Gawain's ability for now.

Music: Down to Dawn

The standard room chat changes for today.

Um, Master? This may seem kind of random, but would you consider just stopping right here and now? To live in absolute freedom. Just let the Holy Grail, and that child, be. And there's a way around the rule about dying if you don't win. It's not that hard to create a loophole. Then we could go back to the beginning when the school was calm. That'd be okay with you, right?

You know, that loophole would have been really nice to know before we killed Rin, Tamamo. I bet she really could have used it.

Also it screws over Rani, depending how strict the 'only the winner can leave the Moon Cell,' thing is.

Her sudden questioning takes me totally by surprise. And even more surprising than Caster's words is the look of frail weakness in her eyes.

I-I'm joking! Really! Turning back after coming this far wouldn't fit my Master's personality at all. If we were going to drop out of the war at all, we would've had to do it at the beginning. The lives of the six Master's we've beaten...mean nothing to me. But I can't dismiss all of your efforts. All right, let's get our heads straight and head out! Oh, and forget everything I just said now, okay? ♥

Music: School II

The Holy Grail will continue to observe and record the Earth.

Music: School III

I hold up Julius's possession as Rani requests.

Next, Rani utters a low chant, and the lock clicks open.

There is much power in this place. I believe I can hack the Arena to lower the lighting from here. Please stall for time however you can, Hakuno.

Of course. While Rani is hacking here, I'll distract Leo. If correctly timed with the fall of the light, just one strike against Gawain is all that is needed.

After I nod in agreement, Rani goes into the Multimedia Room. I better go find Leo right away, because if I miss him going into the Arena and mess up the timing, the plan will amount to nothing.

And for whatever reason, we're just not allowed into the Multimedia Room. The only time we get to look inside was during the route split.

Stop off to get more Magic...

If an emergency arises, these items might help keep you and your Servant stay alive. You can buy this stuff in bulk, so be sure you stock up.

And Leo is by the Arena.

There's someone in a deep crimson uniform across the hallway. —It's Leo. I have to get him to the Arena and buy some time while Rani finishes her hacking. I've got to chase him down before I lose sight of him—!

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

Leonardo should be close. Please draw him out and buy us some time.

We're allowed to head further up now.

We're roughly even with the sea at this height.

Ahead is a three way path. To the left is the exit portal, ahead is a bunch of enemies guarding some loot and the second healing fountain, and to the right is another ramp.

Let's check out the ramp first.

The last new enemy of the week is a Fortress.

There's a second.

How long have we been underwater? Huh... The time felt so short yet so long.

And a third.

And just past that... Leo, standing at the very top of the world. He's standing right next to the Trigger, so there's no way to go to the Elimination Battle without springing this ambush on him.

Music: Breach

...Leo, the Trigger is right next to you.

You can see it in this shot.

From Leo's conversational tone, you would think he forgot that we'd fought yesterday. ...That works for me. I bring up my uneasiness about the "utopia" Leo spoke of. —A world in which he sees regulation as a necessity. A puzzled expression on his face, Leo answers me with a question.

No poverty. No war. No inequality. Those things are the conditions for happiness. Conditions the Harways maintain. There are two types of people— Those who manage, and those who enjoy the fruits of being managed. In this case, the fruits of being managed are stability and happiness.

...Y-You have a point.

The other option skips ahead a bit.

There's...some logic in what Leo's saying. Not everyone is capable of having and striving for goals. I was lucky Rani showed up. She guided and pushed me to where I am now. And also, every time I'm in dire straits, Caster has been there to pull me through. I really doubt I'd be standing here if I'd had to face this war alone. Ugh, way to make myself feel bad.

Yes, it the role of a king to give the world that guidance. That is why I MUST attain the Holy Grail. If you could return to Earth, I'd enjoy speaking with you more about the Harway's utopia.

The Harway utopia— For all its validity, it leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth.

The screen bugs out here and forgets to pull the pixilize filter from Hakuno's lines.

The disapproval evident in Caster's tone makes me reconsider what Leo was saying. For stability to exist, no one can disobey the king. No one can try to better themselves. This stagnation is Leo's wish... It's the Harway's vision of utopia. ...I see. No wonder I feel so uneasy about it.

The other choice jumps to here.

When people have nothing to strive for, stagnation trumps stability. When individual people work toward a better tomorrow, humanity as a whole progresses. Dan taught me to strive for a goal. Alice reached out for the vigor of human life while in stasis herself. Even Gatou wanted badly to shape the world. And didn't Rin Tohsaka fight against the world? And...even Julius... Even that twisted man took a step forward and grasped his memories. I'm positive that stability had no role in the best part of the lives of any of these people. The stability that Leo would impose on us is suspended animation. Of course we'd be free of struggle.

Ahahahahaha Shinji is the only person to get left out of this.

Get fucked, Shinji.

This line only shows up if you picked option 2.

While this next bit only plays if you pick option 1:

You cannot understand me, but I see the eradication of strife under my rule as the noblest achievement.

Leo sighs, and glances casually at Gawain...

Shall we, Gawain? It is sad, but she places herself in opposition to the Harways.

That's the end of that conversation. The atmosphere on the battlefield instantly changes, and Caster leaps forward to engage.

Oh, you're a Saber. Then I will be my Master's armor. I'll be impenetrable steel! I will wrap around my Master's body and protect her from every attack and every evil. Being armor means I can get a lot more snuggly with my Master than if I was a stupid sword.

I would burn steel to ash with my holy sword if it prevented my lord from his rightful rule.

No—! Even if I turn into ash, I'll be like a phoenix and resurrect! I'm good at transferring souls. Who cares about kings? Nothing in the whole world is more scorching than the fires of love.

The second choice links up here.

I had just intended to stall for time, but suddenly the tension in the air draws tight as a bowstring.

*Chuckle* No one can resist a fox's provocation...! Now that he's all steamed up, he won't notice that I'm just stalling for time with my attacks! Probably.

Caster smiles and I'm left wondering if this outcome was inevitable. Fortunately, it seems Gawain has lost his cool. I'll just have to stave him off long enough for Rani to finish...!

Music: Duel - Unauthorized Battle

Better listen to it now, because this is the final use of Unauthorized Battle!

Music: Stops

And then-

A heavy, scorching strike hit me and sent my body flying. The sound of a grotesque splatter still ringing in my ears, my vision fades with my thoughts.

Sound: Phone ringing

The last sound I hear is the chirping of the terminal—

The fight is the exact same as last time.

Music: None

Caster's taunt is gleeful, but the expression on her face is stern.

Even though Gawain is upset, he continues to strike heavily and effectively, driving Caster back. —Still nothing. I can tell by Caster's face that they're at their limit. I may have to prepare for the worst...

Sound: Phone ringing

Solar powered enemy? Hack the sun! :black101:

Music: Duel - Prelude to Confrontation

This is it.

With all her might, Caster drives a single blow into Gawain. A moment later, Gawain is fuming at what's happened to his body.

Ha ha! Now you can't cheat anymore!

Caster taunts Gawain, but I'm not sure we cheated any less... Well, at least she's happy.


As a reminder, those waterfalls are falling upwards.

After Gawain reluctantly lowers his sword, Leo turns to me. He's still so damn upbeat—

Leo and Gawain do not get more powerful in the Elimination Battle. This is just some more random stuff that comes out of nowhere only to be immediately forgotten.

I'm glad to know I wasn't wrong in getting excited about facing you.

Music: Stops

For someone admitting defeat, Leo looks positively chipper. He laughs cheerfully as he logs out. He was only using a third of his power just now... Knowing Leo, he wasn't lying. But, at least I've neutralized one of Gawain's abilities. Two days remain until the Elimination Battle. Can I catch up to Leo by then—?

Level 3 nets us his third Skill.

Numeral of the Saint (EX) posted:

A condition unique to Sir Gawain's existence. During the hours between 9am and 12pm and those between 3pm and sunset, all of his powers increase by a factor of three. This was related to the ancient belief that the numeral "3" was the sacred number of the Celtic gods.

Next time: Hacking the game for the sole purpose of fox abuse.