The Let's Play Archive

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 1


Lufia and the Fortress of Doom is one of the fondest memories of my childhood. VIDEO GAME RELATED MEMORIES OKAY I'M NOT PATHETIC. Anyway, this is a charming RPG made by Tatio that became somewhat of a cult classic. People who love Lufia REALLY love Lufia. In fact, my favorite RPG character ever, Dekar, is in Lufia 2, which I will probably LP after this thread. Since classes are over, and it's SUMMER, I'll be able to actually finish up this thread fairly quickly, not in six months like Terranigma. Let's begin with the intro to the game, which has awesome music, and if someone could post the soundtrack, that would be amazing, because frankly, half of what makes this game great is the music.

ah, 1993, Nirvana was new, so was the internet, and I was 7. SNES RPG's, the cream of the crop.

What other games did TAITO make? Bubble Bobble? Bust-a-Move? I have no idea.

It's the location of the next Survivor!

NBC is gunna be pissed.

And the power turn red lights green just by staring at them. Creepy.

Wait, they're evil AND left-handed?

(Sinistral also means a left-handed person, look it up)

I thought only one controlled terror?

It's kind of hard to get masses of people onto an island in the sky, wouldn't it be easier just to send like 4 people?

Yeah, one confused them, then another blew up the rocks beneath their feet, the third scared them before the fourth killed them. Brutal.

In alphabetical order, of course. Guy is awesome, Artea is okay, Maxim and Selan are kind of whatever.

I like games that start out with the final battle.

TITLE SCREEN! It's purdy

Wow. Initial? Free? What a strange choice of words. Douglas Dinsdale would never allow such a crappy use of the English language

Hope your name isn't more than 5 letters!

Okay guys, what should I name the main character, descendent of Maxim?

I'll choose my favorite suggestion and update again later.