The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 102: Operation Mange Poutine: Turkish Turn 2

Okay, I can't get the turn to replay either. I tried tweaking some settings like "Fast Artillery" as the game recommends. We get sound but no picture. However, from that sound I determined something crucial: Our air defense was active last turn. Both the Rapiers and the ADATs launched a barrage of 11 missiles (one less than a full) and are currently pointing towards Sand Hill. All the sounds available match up one for one as the 11 missiles launched by our SAMs. No opposition noises were heard, however. This makes identifying what exactly was flying, if its still flying (likely, there are new wrecks on the map or 'hit' sounds), and what it accomplished difficult. There is one definite conclusion we can come to, namely, that our opponent has some air assets.

I will lay out the two likely probable occurrences:
1. We just got overflown by one or several UAVs.
2. One or several fighter/bomber made an attack-run but found no targets or was driven off.

Our lack of suppression, damage, or kill leads me to believe it was a UAV. The question would then be "What got overflown?". Unfortunately, our only clue is the pointing of all the SAMs towards the Sand Hill region, but that is so very little to go on. Without the knowledge of when in the UAVs flight, the information is largely useless. Maybe our opponents will be kind enough to fill us in on what it was and where it both entered and exited the map as a normal replay would.

Oh and the two Chinese vehicles pushing to the center are more of the M2058 recce vehicles. Likely they are trying hoping to reach the central village and establish an OP before we're set on our Ridge.

But now for what you really want:
Turkish Turn 2

The first movement of the turn is to edge a scout around the southern side of Sand Hill.

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Who finds nothing new. Maybe the north is fairly empty.

The scout of Green Ridge does find some Chinese as he peeks around his hill.

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Three Chinese Type 86-I IFVs. They're BMPs with the normal turret replaced with a 25mm autocannon on top.

The third action is to do similar with a scout on Crescent Ridge.

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Again, nothing.

This is proven wrong, however, by the nearby AB-206 recce helicopter.

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He moves but one hex north and is swatted down by a US Stinger Team. The opposition's first kill goes to The Merry Marauder and the battle is no longer bloodless for the Canadian Team (but who really expected us to make it to Turn 2 with no casualties in a battle of this magnitude?). There's definitely enough Stinger assets in play that I'm going to put a moratorium on helo movement insight of the enemy's deployment until a later reassessment.

The rest of Crescent Ridges moves are completed to start establishing their position.

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Everything that's to the right of the primary road will take up positions in the forests on top of the ridge. The lone squad on the left of the road will remain where it is to try ambushing anything that comes up the road.

Continuing back down the line south, Sand Hill's Stinger Team climbs to the top of Sand Hill:

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Now that's a bit more like I was expecting.

He's closely followed by the platoon's Milan team who find just bit more.

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Including the one destroyed Challenger that's 12 Challenger's arrayed before us. Please keep in mind that they come in troops of three and squadrons of 10.

The rest of the platoon moves up to just behind the crest of the ridge.

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With the British aimed right at them, the platoon will decide how it will fight based on the actions of next turn.

Last Ridge to play with is Green.

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Green Ridge is filled out with two motor scout platoons, a airmobile platoon, and an airmobile weapons platoon. Most of the heavy equipment is one turn out from being set, but the airmobile's Milan is in place. With the addition of the Crescent Ridge Milan there are two Milans in position to sweep the forward face of Sand Hill of any charging Challengers.

Last movements are of the armoured forces of my cavalry squadron.

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The Yatagans charge forward at full pace with their attendant armoured cars close behind. One Yatagan has sight of the whole of Sand Hills arse.

I'm going to go eat, but I'll be back later to answer questions, expand, or improve this post.