The Let's Play Archive

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

by Cake Attack

Part 42: Note to self: Do not insert foot into mouth.

Welcome back. Last time, we said goodbye to all of our friends in Ruan, and made our way to the checkpoint with Kloe. Who's obviously not just some ordinary school girl, but we'll worry about that when it inevitably becomes relevant.

For now, it's onward to Zeiss, via means of cool underground tunnel.

Thanks to Polsy, music links should now autoplay when opened. So no more tabbing over to start the music!

What's wrong?
Nothing... I just got the feeling that someone was...coming.
Huh... There's someone in here other than us?

...Hmm. Guess not.
Sorry. Must have imagined it.

Oh...I get it...
Heh... I think you've still got a little crush on Kloe.
Huh? What makes you say that?
Oh, don't be shy. You know I can read you like a book.

Estelle, you've literally never been right about this.

I-it's not unreasonable, after all... You did... um... kiss her during the play...
Wh-what if she asked you to come back? You'd say yes, right?
I guess you didn't notice, then...
Notice what?
The last scene...
That was just for show, you know. It was staged, just so it would look like a real kiss for the audience.

You really can be completely clueless, sometimes. It was written right there in the script notes.
Oh, um...ha ha ha... I see...

(But...why do I feel so relieved?!)
Um...Estelle? You okay?
HA HA HA! I'm fine! Come on, come on! Zeiss awaits!

That it does! Allons-y!

Since Liberl is a chaotic nightmare outside of the cities and main-roads, we run into some monsters on the way. The Jet Tortoises are fond of casting Earth Guard on themselves, which is absolutely pointless. They're using a move + cast time to block one of our attacks, and there's two of us.

Hey, it's been a while. At Level 19 Estelle learns Comet, a Craft which hits all enemies in a line extending outwards from Estelle. It's not as good as Joshua's similar Flicker, as it doesn't penetrate defense or stall the enemy's turn, but it's cheaper!

It also contributes to Estelle's greatest asset - her outstanding versatility. With Comet in her arsenal, she can attack physically with both types of AoE (circular, and line), and hit a single target with her S-Craft. Beyond that she can buff, lure enemies, and cast.

Damp Crawlers leech Hp with their attacks, but otherwise aren't threatening, especially on their own.

Now that we're in Zeiss, our chests are moving up in the world. Instead of Tear Balms, your average chest has a Teara Balm now. Tear Balms are nearing useless by this point, so it's a welcome change.

The chest is your thieving heart.

Harsh, chest.

The chest is empty...because you removed the contents, you looter!

...Nope, still empty.

We can also run into some Cave Rays, which would be really cool if they existed in real life. They poison with their standard attacks.

Reduced to searching empty chests? That's really sad.

I just don't have a lot going on in my life, okay?

Why else would I be 40 updates into an LP

Without Kloe, I suddenly realize we have no healing magic, and I like living. So that's bad. Estelle fixes that, at the cost of some of her Fire magic. Once we get to Zeiss, we'll be able to unlock all six of Estelle and Joshua's slots, so she'll be able to get them right back.

North it is!

We're down two party members and several levels from when we're supposed to be here, so we're going to have to approach this with caution.

Caution means hiding in the corner, in this case.

And then going nuts with Flicker, while Estelle heals. The thing about this fight is that around two of the penguins won't move, so we're safe from them in the corner. The ones who do move will end up forming a queue in front of Estelle and Joshua as they come to attack, meaning Flicker can keep them near-indefinitely turn locked.

One of the penguins can cast though, which is really dangerous. We S-Break him to put him out of commision.

They aren't lining up perfectly, but it'll do.

While cleaning up the stragglers, I take the chance to show off Comet.

Our reward - a weapon we can't even use. Fun!

Celestial Balms are the full-revive items of the game.

Ah-ha! You again!

The chest is empty, but you may now fill it with your tears.

Someone's coming this way.

Good afternoon.
Where's the fire?
G-good afternoon.
Um...are you taking this road, too?
Well, yeah...
Have you seen any lights that weren't working? The lights along the tunnel wall, I mean...
Hmm... Sorry... If there are, I haven't noticed any.
All the lights we've passed have been fine, but we crossed two rivers, and something did seem off there.
That's it! I-it's just like I thought... Sorry... I have to hurry!

She seemed awfully flustered...
Hmmm... Now I'm kinda worried.
Hey... You wanna try following her?
You read my mind. I don't like the idea of a little girl wandering around here by herself. We should catch up to her and stick close.

There's literally nothing else to do here, so no smart ass comments. Let's go!

It's going to break, at this rate.
Maybe this...

The girl takes out a giant gun. Kids these days, with their ipods, and their instagram and their giant high caliber armaments.

Bearing set... Angle of elevation, twenty degrees...
Orbal compression at thirty percent...

There's a graphical glitch, and she turns into Estelle for two frames. I guess in a way we're all Estelle, it just only comes out when performing acts of violence against creepy crawlers.

A-any closer and it would have hit for sure! O-okay... This time, I mean business!

How nice of them; they're waiting

Or not

Ah... Is it jammed...?

The jump in rescue never gets old. We're getting good at it too, that was an artsy twirl by Estelle.

Hey, I remember you...!
We can talk later! Get back!
We've got to get rid of these things first!

We're up against four of the Damp Crawlers, which isn't really threatening. Random encounters are never that tough, even in slightly greater numbers than usual.

We do have a new party member though! Tita (I'm not dancing around her name, we learn it right afterwards) is kind of a glass cannon, except for the part where she doesn't quite put out enough damage to be a cannon. More of a glass super squirter.

That said, she has one unique ability, shared by no other party members. Her default attacks attack an area, making her the only source of completely free area of effect damage. While her attacks are only about as strong (or weaker) than hardier units (this is a JRPG, so a well-placed sword out damages even the most cannony of cannons) this can be a pretty handy ability.

Umm... Thank you very much. I thought I was a goner, for sure.
Ha ha ha. Well, the important thing is that you're safe.
But you really should be more careful. Stirring up monsters is a surefire way to get yourself eaten.
Oh, but... If I just leave them alone, they break all the lights.
Speaking of which... Why would those things go after the lights anyway?
Don't they do the same thing when the highway lights are switched out? The septium in those circuits is the monsters' favorite food. The highway lights work to keep monsters away... But when they stop working, they have the exact opposite effect.
Ahh, I get it.
Still, you shouldn't mess with stuff like that. Septium might be their favorite food, but little girls probably rank a close second.

Everyone would fondly look back on this as the time Estelle traumatized a twelve year old.

Oh... S-sorry...
Go easy, there. Giving her nightmares and saying, [Don't do that,] isn't exactly going to score you any points.
Oh, don't be such a wet blanket.
Anyway, my name's Estelle.
And I'm Joshua. We're bracers, affiliated with the guild.
Ohhh, so that's why you're so tough.
I'm Tita. I work as an apprentice at the Central Factory.
Wow, that's pretty impressive. Well, then, Tita... We're heading to Zeiss, so do you want to join us the rest of the way?
That's right. You don't want to be around here if the monsters show up again.
R-really...? Thank you!
Would you mind waiting for a little bit? I've gotta get that light fixed.
Yeah, it's probably risky to leave it like that. How in the world did you know it had burned out, though?
Well, I was lucky enough to notice the problem when I was looking in the computer database... It seems like a defective unit was installed here by mistake.
Ah, all right. It's a good thing you caught it when you did!
(Computer? Database?)

Sorry it took so long.
Wooow, color me impressed.

There's no way to stretch out a wow that far and make it not sound sarcastic.

Don't be mean to the little girl. Wasn't traumatizing her enough?

Well, if she's an apprentice at the Central Factory, she has to be good.
Hee hee... Well, I didn't do anything special. I just fixed the quartz connections so the orbal pressure could be regulated again.
Well, it sure SOUNDS special...
It's not that big a deal... Umm... Okay, how to explain this.

Despite being the semi-obligatory child party member, I like Tita. Mainly because she's got more of a personality beyond "is twelve". She's basically a pint-sized engineer, and call me a sap, but something about that just warms the cockles of my STEM major heart.

She also has some really nice interactions with Estelle (admittedly, so does everyone) but we'll see some of that later.

M-maybe you should save the explanation for after we get on the road... I mean, if we stand around too long... the monsters... you know...

Might start lecturing on scientific theories that go over your head?

Yeah, I guess so... I was just warming up, too...
(Whew... )
Ha ha. Well, why don't we set out for Zeiss, then?
Yes, sir!

Here's Tita. She has stats.

Said stats are a little low all around, particularly defensively, although her ability to attack multiple enemies makes up for this.

The G-Impact is a weapon from much further in the chapter, so equipping it boosts Tita's damage above both Joshua and Estelle, and increases the radius of the area her attacks hit. Now she actually lives up to the cannon part of glass cannon (and then some!)

Tita only has one normal craft: Smoke Cannon. Smoke Cannon attacks a large radius, potentially blinding any targets. Blind is pretty effective if it sticks, so it's a good enough craft.

Her S-Craft involves her taking out her cannon...

Turning it into a gatling gun, and then going nuts.

Her guardian was found guilty on ten charges... of being kick ass!

It is my favorite S-Craft.

Moving on (as much as we may want to dwell on awesome gatling guns), we find the light at the end of the tunnel. It's the same as the other lights, but it's at the end, and that's what matters.

That's right. It leads right into the basement of the Central Factory.
I'm excited to see it!
The Central Factory is the pride and joy of Zeiss, since it's an industrial city.

Yes yes, you know things, good for you Josh.

I'd heard it was big, but that's about all I really know...
Well, yeah. It's really huge. Anyone who's not used to the layout could get lost in a hurry.
Brrrr... There's a creepy thought.
I'm beginning to worry whether or not we'll really be able to make it to the guild...
The way out to the city is up on the first floor. I'll show you how to get there.
Well, let's go in.

And then they were never heard from again. Some say that on a dark and stormy night, you can hear a voice crying out for sneakers.

The factory is... well, a giant factory. It's pretty cool, since it's a different aesthetic than we've seen in any of the other towns for far.

Hee hee... Below the city there are lots of orbment factories. They make everything from lights to airship parts.
That's awesome... A little overwhelming, but awesome.

We head into the elevator, and Estelle looks all around, violating all sorts of unwritten laws of elevator conduct.

Okay, what's this room?
This is the elevator. It can take us from the basement to the roof.
Hmm... Can't say I've ever seen one of these outside of the mines. And this one seems super high-tech...
Ha ha. Well, this IS Zeiss. And since this is the Central Factory, I'm sure they have quite a few of these.
They have more than one...?
Hee hee... It's the latest model, too. Maximum weight capacity, 50 torim... It can handle even heavy industrial equipment with no problem.
I don't entirely get it...but it sure sounds impressive. do we get it to move?
Oh, you just pick which floor you want on that panel. Let's see... You want to go into the city, right?
Yes. Can you take us up to the first floor?

The elevator starts moving.

This is the Central Factory's main floor. It's where the reception desk and consumer maintenance windows are.
I see. So we can get out to town from here.

Miss Hazel?

Hazel: There you are. Supervisor Travis has been looking for you. He'd like for you to go straight to the Operations room.

Oh... Okay, I will.
Uh-oh... Sounds urgent.
Thank you for showing us around.
I-it's no big deal. It's the least I can do after you beat up those monsters for me!
Well, we're planning to be in Zeiss for a little while. Would you mind if we stopped by to see you again?
I'd love that! Bye-bye, then!

The giant gun supports that theory.

I agree.
*sigh* I always wanted a sweet, lovable little sister like her. INSTEAD OF, might I add, an obnoxious little brother.

Talk to Cassius, maybe he can exchange him. It's been five years, but he can probably get a store credit or something if he makes a fuss.

You keep saying things like that, but you're the one who's always following ME around. If you want to be more like a real older sister, you need to get your head out of the clouds every now and then.
*Pffffft* Look who's talking.
Anyway, all sibling rivalries aside... Want to head into the city?
Yeah... First, I'd like to switch assignments at the guild. Plus, we can see if there's any new information on the orbment, or Dad.
Sounds like a plan.

We've got some other, more important business to take care of first. Although it blows through most of our sepith, we can unlock every one of both Estelle and Joshua's slots.

Joshua is forced to equip two Time quartz, so I just go full hog and set him up with for maximum time magic. Since Time Magic is really good, this is generally a pretty good setup. With an elemental value of x9 time in a single line he can cast Clock Up EX, which boosts a single character's speed by 50%. It's haste, and it's a JRPG with a turn order. It's good.

He also learns White Gehenna (x8 time, x4 Space, x2 Mirage), which is an upgraded version of Hell's Gate, attacking a wider range and doing more damage. Hell's Gate is already one of the best spells, so White Gehenna tears everybody apart.

We finally have two lines on a character who's going to use both, so let me talk a little bit about what two lines can do for you! The lines aren't entirely separate, instead, they share the center slot. The implications of this are obvious - a center slot with a variety of elemental values can greatly increase the amount of high tier spells a character can use. That said, most characters are locked to a certain element for their center slot, meaning the center slot can actually turn into a liability instead of an asset (take Joshua, who's locked to Time. He'll learn all his Time element spells from one line, at which point his other line has some extra Time values not really doing anything).

Estelle, on the other hand, can do things like my current line-up. She equips Scent in her center slot, which has a value of x3 Wind and x2 Earth. Wind is needed to unlock AoE Fire spells, while Earth is needed to unlock AoE Water Spells. Both of these are taken care of in one slot, letting us unlock more skills then we would otherwise.

(I know I said you should never equip Scent, but Joshua has Haze, which makes enemies ignore you. So they should cancel out. Also who listens to me?)

We can leave the Central Factory and head into the city, but the game interrupts us pretty quickly.

Some kind of... moving staircase. It IS a really long climb, so I guess it would be really tough without it.
Yeah, but to have the whole thing moving underneath you?
This place has been full of surprises ever since we got here.
No kidding.

We run down the up escalator because what are we, nerds?

We can also buy new stuff. As always, the new stuff is just better than the old stuff, so buy what you can afford. The exception is the Craft Cannon, which is a fair bit worse than the G-Impact.

Note that I only have 292 Mira, even after doing every sidequest and without buying the Craft Cannon. Stuff is pretty expensive, you normally wouldn't be able to do a full update in one trip (like I did.)

Pardon us.

Umm... See, we're--
...finally here, I see.
Estelle... Joshua... Welcome to Zeiss.
You know us?
I've already been briefed of your arrival from one Jean, at the Ruan branch. A girl with chestnut hair, tied in twin ponytails, and a boy with black hair and amber eyes...
That is you, is it not?
My name is Kilika. Zeiss welcomes your service. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Oh, uh, same here!
The pleasure is ours.
I know you've only just arrived, but I'd like to proceed with the formalities of changing your affiliation. If you'll just sign these documents...

...That should do it.
You are both now affiliates of the Zeiss Regional Guild. There are no urgent matters that must be seen to, currently. You're free to check the bulletin board and work at your own pace.

Boring! Someone get the mayor to vandalize a children's hospital, or something.

That's kind of disappointing... but hey, a little peace and quiet can be a good thing.
Oh, right. I had a question to ask...
About Cassius, correct?
She can read minds!

Kloe has bird telepathy, Kilika has people telepathy.

Did Jean tell you about him, too?
The whole sordid matter. I'm sorry to have to say that Cassius is not currently in the Zeiss Region. He only stops in every few months or so.
*sigh* Figures...
That just leaves Grancel, or maybe...
I believe I might be able to provide you with a lead in another matter. Please, take this.

Received [Attn. Factory Chief].

What's this...?
It is a letter of introduction to the head of the Central Factory: one Mr. Murdock. He is basically like the mayor of the Zeiss Region.
Is this in regards to the matter of the black orbment?
The stories of the mayor's residence paint it as a very mysterious item. I'd suggest that you consult with the factory chief, and see what he has to say.
W-wow. You've really got this all planned out... Do you have some kind of super power, Kilika?
My business is to provide support for bracers, such as yourselves. I simply decipher the intelligence that's provided and pass it on, as the mandates of my job require.

Basically, she has the super power of being better at her job then Jean, Lugran, and Aina.

We really appreciate your assistance.
Think nothing of it. I trust that you will return to assist us, should a major incident occur.
Ha ha ha... You can count on us when the time comes!
Well, do you want to go ahead and see the factory chief?

Next time: Science!

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky First Chapter HD boxart.

(Click for huge.)

The boxart for the HD remake is done by Haccan, who might be best known for being the best part of Avalon Code after the LP, as well as the DLC art for Alm in Fire Emblem: Awakening. His First Chapter boxart is quite nice, while his Second Chapter boxart is fantastic. Don't search for it though, because spoilers.

Anyway, Tita is the last party member to join who shows up on it, so I'm posting it now.