Part 117: Luca's Soulspace, Level 9

: Because if I wasn't, everyone, including Croix, would've left me. There were so many versions of me who were vulnerable, evil, mean, angry and generally unfriendly. ...And everyone was gone in the end. I didn't understand "love" completely, either. It didn't make sense that the person I wanted didn't want me back. My completed body would've been loved. That's why... I've settled this way. This form is how I've always imagined myself to be. But... But...

: Oh what are you still talking about. Just prepare yourself already. Plus, the person who accepted you this far is no one else but Luca. Be confident!

: You're right. Alright, I better go look for Luca.

: What!? Wh-what did I do?

: You tickled the area around Luca's sides! Luca was panicking so badly!

: But, it can't be helped. Luca's Installer Point is at her ribs right under her armpits...

: I know it couldn't be helped. But that's why you needed to be more careful!

: ...B-but what am I supposed to be more careful about...

: Luca's side from her armpit down to her belly is a weak point. You can't just be touching her like that!

: Weak...point...? She's sensitive...?

: You're such a stupid guy! She'll get yelpy if you touch her, so don't! Whenever you have to give her another life extending agent, make sure you be really careful not to touch, okay?

: Th-that's so hard to do...

: Wh-what? Were there more problems...?

: No! Something unexpected!

: Something unexpected...?

: So you're finally at the last level, right?

: Yeah...

: The truth is! I completely forgot to give you the "welcome package" for the 9th level!

: Welcome package...? What the... Is it like extra magic or something?

: Wow, how did you know!

: ...I know you too well... So? What is it?

: Well, for the person who's entered during this limited time gets the Luca's Earth! Hey.
That's supposed to be Gaea, not Earth.

: ...Hah?

: I said, you get Luca's Earth for free!

: Luca's Earth... You mean...

: Yes! That horrendous looking theme park that Luca made up. You can use that during the battle to attack the enemies by[sic] its beams, hey.

: Are you serious...!?

: I'm so serious! Like, for real. It's not just like playful beams, it's like a really destructive beam.

: ...That's ridiculous.

: No, really. This is such a surprise. I didn't even know that a human can create an Earth like that in a second.

Humans can't, but Reyvateils can.

: That might sound a little insulting...

: Meh?
Magic [Super Potential: Lv 3A] "Gaea" acquired!

: Luca! Luca! Where is she? ...Maybe she's upstairs.

: No! Stay away!

: Huh?

Wow, that almost looks like a texturing error.

: Whoa. Hold on.

: No...this is too embarrassing. You're gonna be so disappointed in me.

: Maybe you should put some clothes on first...

: No, I don't want to.

: Uh, why not?

: Because...

: ...?

: Ergh! Why don't you get it!?

Aww, he got smart. I was hoping for a trainwreck.

: Sorry...

: No! I don't want you to see me like this!

: Okay, okay. I'll just go somewhere else then.

: No...

: ......

: I'm...scared. I want you to see me... I really do. But... I'm still not convinced that you'll love me for who I am...

: I'll never stop loving you, no matter how you act. I want you to be who you really are.

: ...... How much do you love me? How much do you care for me? I still don't know. That's why I don't want to share this with you.

: I...I see.

: I'll let you see everything once I know for sure.

Oh la la...

: Well, there's not much I can do to help at this point. This is really between you and Luca.

: Really?

: Haven't you heard the expression, "Whoever interferes with someone's love should be stoned to death by Funbuns"?

: I...can't say that I have.

: Ah...I don't even know why I'm here. I should've known I wouldn't find anything.

: Whoa... You scared me! Who are you...?
Loveydov: My name is Loveydov. I'm an expert of love troubles. I can answer anything you want on love.

: Really? This seems too good to be true. But I guess I'll give it a try... Well...
Loveydov: Hmm, so you just don't understand how women work... Do you want me to solve that problem for you?

: ...What?
Loveydov: I know a way to reaffirm each other's love and build stronger ties. But... there is one thing you should know about this.

: That I should know...?
Loveydov: What I'm about to show you could lead to serious problems if your feelings aren't strong enough. Meaning, if you aren't serious about her... you will die.

: ...Die...?
Loveydov: Don't think it's just for inside the Cosmosphere. You will have a spiritual meltdown and die in reality, too. Do you still want to know how...?

: ......
Loveydov: ...I know it's a hard decision to make. But you should know that if you were serious, you wouldn't hesitate to say yes. I'm sure you need some more time to think about it. Just come back when you've made your decision. You need to prepare for it, too.

: ...Prepare?
Loveydov: Yes, like... Telling Luca that you're going to die soon...

: ...
Loveydov: I'm just saying... If you don't need to do that, then just come straight back here. You just have to do whatever that suits your heart. Just do everything you can do for Luca. Well, I'll see you later! If I ever do...
Loveydov: Hello big guy, did you decide?

: Yeah, anytime is fine.
Loveydov: Alright, then I'll begin. I'll say this for the last time. You will die if you don't have an unconditional love for Luca. That death will occur to you in this world, and the reality... And you still want to do this, right?
Loveydov: Okay, well then...

: W, what, wait! Gahhhh...ahh...
Loveydov: Hehehehehehehe!

: What are you doing...!? Can't breathe...stop...strangling me...
Loveydov: I told you, that you were going to die... Well, let me give you 10 more seconds. If you think you can do something in 10 seconds, try it doing it.

: Gh...!
Loveydov: 1...2...3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9...

: Gh...!
Loveydov: ...10.

: Aw, looks like no one came to help. That sucks. Well, that's how it is! Things never go the way you want it to. I kind of feel bad, so I'll at least take you back to the reality. You better be thankful, since you would be dead in the real life too by now!

Uh, let's try that again.

: Croix... you're here. I'm glad...

: Luca...

: B, but... just don't come any closer!

: ...Alright. I'm here today to tell you about something. I... have a really important thing that I need to go do. So... I might not be able to come back alive.

: What!? What do you mean...!?

: I'm not sure either, but I think it's pretty serious.

: Hm... I still don't get it, but I guess it's that serious...?

: Well, yeah... I guess...

: Can't you just tell me what it specifically is?

: I don't know about it that much either... Just believe in me and wait for me! I will be back...!

: ...Okay...just be careful...
Loveydov: Hello big guy, did you decide?

: Yeah, anytime is fine.
Loveydov: Alright, then I'll begin. I'll say this for the last time. You will die if you don't have an unconditional love for Luca. That death will occur to you in this world, and the reality... And you still want to do this, right?
Loveydov: Okay, well then...

: W, what, wait! Gahhhh...ahh...
Loveydov: Hehehehehehehe!

: What are you doing...!? Can't breathe...stop...strangling me...
Loveydov: I told you, that you were going to die... Well, let me give you 10 more seconds. If you think you can do something in 10 seconds, try it doing it.

: Gh...!
Loveydov: 1...2...3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9...

: Gh...!
Loveydov: ...10.

: Aw, looks like no one came to help. That sucks. Well, that's how it is! Things never go the way you want it to. I kind of feel bad, so I'll at least take you back to the reality. You better be thankful, since you would be dead in the real life too by now!

Oh come on.

: You are... Luca!?

: Hehe, you're pretty good! Actually, I'm a traveling merchant.

: What are you talking about?

: I said, I'm a traveling merchant. So, we met for a reason! Do you want to buy some foreign clothes?

: You don't really make sense... but no thanks... I'm kind of busy.

: Oh, c'mon! Oh, yeah! I have this "white kimono"! I just stocked up on it the other day! Isn't it beautiful? Give it to your girlfriend when you want to propose to her!

: ...White kimono...? How much is it?

: Hehe! I'll give you a good deal, Mister! How about for 50000DP!?

50KDP minus! That's a lot of DP, I don't think I've ever seen anything use that much DP. I mean, Infel's simulation of Cloche's entire cosmosphere wasn't 50KDP.

Well, DP is a measure of trust. So Luca has trust issues, but we knew that already. How ridiculously strong they are is news though.
That's a bug, we're actually fine. I think it's bugged for very high DP costs.

: Alright! Thanks! Give your girlfriend something she's always dreamed about!

: Croix...I miss you. But I'm still embarrassed, so just don't get too close.

: Yeah, I know. I actually brought you something...

: What did you bring?

: This...
Handed her the "white kimono".

: Th, this is...

: I'm sorry if I look like I'm rushing you...but I just wanted you to know that I want to be with you forever.

: So was this what you were talking about earlier?

: Oh, no... Luca... if I came back from this task... I want to ask you if you want to live with me.

: Croix...

: Luca... I'll be leaving soon to complete this one task, but if I get back I want to move in with you. You can wear that white kimono, and we can have a wedding ceremony... and I'll promise to love you forever.

: ...

: Is that okay?

: Yeah... I'm so happy... Is that task going to take a long time...?

: No, I don't think so.

: Okay... I'll wait for you. Hurry back for me...

: Okay...
Loveydov: Hello big guy, did you decide?

: Yeah, anytime is fine.
Loveydov: Alright, then I'll begin. I'll say this for the last time. You will die if you don't have an unconditional love for Luca. That death will occur to you in this world, and the reality... And you still want to do this, right?
Loveydov: Okay, well then...

: W, what, wait! Gahhhh...ahh...
Loveydov: Hehehehehehehe!

: What are you doing...!? Can't breathe...stop...strangling me...
Loveydov: I told you, that you were going to die... Well, let me give you 10 more seconds. If you think you can do something in 10 seconds, try it doing it.

: Gh...!
Loveydov: 1...2...3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9...

: Gh...!

: Stop!
Loveydov: ...!?

: Please don't kill him! Let him go!
Loveydov: Oh my, were you running around outside with a towel around you like that? Shame on you!

: ...!
Loveydov: Aren't you embarrassed to be seen like that? You're wearing just one towel with no makeup on your face. Pervert.

: No... stop...
Loveydov: Look, everyone is looking at you with disgust. Your true self... People are saying you're not good enough... That's her real body? ...She actually looks like that? Some people are thinking you look just okay without makeup...

: Nooo! Stop...!
Loveydov: Why don't you go home? It's safe over there since no one is there to see you!

: I......I...

: Luca...! You look more beautiful than ever to me right now!


: Huh...!?

: No matter what anyone says, you're the most beautiful person to me!

: Croix...but my...body is like this.

: I don't care if you don't approve. I can't help what other people think, but... You look more beautiful than anyone else. That's all I can say!

: ......
Loveydov: ......

: Croix...thank you. I...was waiting for someone to say that to me... I was waiting for you... to say that to me... Thank you... Croix... I'm not scared anymore. I can show you anything.

: Luca...

: I'll even take this towel off!

: Whoa, wait! Wait!
Loveydov: Hehehe! Ahahaha!

: Huh...?

: ...Loveydov...what do you mean?
Loveydov: I was just watching how true your love is to each other. You both were tested and showed it to each other.

: Oh...I see...
Loveydov: Yep. Let me explain to Luca. Croix took this offer to prove his love for you, even though he was told that he might die. Doesn't that mean that Croix really trusts you?

No, but it's a hell of a proof that we can make simulated people do anything with the -force mode.
Loveydov: And in his hour of crisis, you came running, wrapped only in a towel. You ignored your shame to save Croix... And you ignored my insults. I think that's pretty amazing.

: I see... tehehe....
Loveydov: You two proved it yourselves that you two need each other the most. No one could do that but you two. Anyway, congrats! Good luck to you back!

: Thank you for everything. I have more confidence in myself now, too.
Loveydov: Good. Use that to protect Luca from now.

: ...Yeah.
Loveydov: Oh yeah, Luca.

: Hm? What?
Loveydov: Why don't you let Croix see the inside of that towel? I'm sure he would be happy.

: Hehh!? Wh-what...!? What are you talking about?
Magic [Hidden Enchant: Lv 2B] "Loveydov" acquired!

Ok, so we proved that the only way to Luca's heart is to buy her expensive stuff.

: Goro! Where were you?

: I couldn't help it! I was told to not show my face until after this task was over.

: ...By who.

: Well? I can't tell you that!

: ......

: Anyway, I just wanted to tell you something. Congratulations! You two have overcome all the obstacles, and you're finally here! Luca has shown her everything to Croix, and Croix has accepted it all! So, we will be conducting the ending ceremony at the church!

: Ending ceremony...!?

: Don't worry, the ceremony isn't something scary like where people would die. Luca, wear that white kimono that someone gave to you earlier and come to the church. Croix, wear whatever.

: Do I not matter that much...?

: This isn't like a wedding or anything. This is just a ceremony for Luca.

: Oh, I see... I get it.

: Okay, I'll be waiting there! Hurry up and meet me there, hey!

: ...She's more excited than usual. Anyway, I better get ready.

: Wait, Croix... before that...

: ...What's wrong. Luca?

: Um... uh...

: ...?

: Yah!

: Wh, what's wrong!?

: What are you saying...

: Um... well... I want you to touch me. I've been avoiding this for a long time, so I didn't have to disappoint you, but... I...didn't really try to get to know you either, so... I want to know the feel of your hands... Whether they're warm, strong, or soft... I want to know...

: Well... but......Um...

: Croix... Do you not want to......?

: Well... I do, but...

: Am I... not that attractive...?

: I, I didn't meant that!

: Well then... please...

: Well, okay... Just a little...

: Psych! I'm not gonna let you touch!

I'm terrified for whatever man or woman she eventually ends up with.

: Y, you......

: Ahahaha! Sorry, I just wanted to tease you! But I really do want you to touch me, you know...? You can after the ceremony!

: ......

: Well, I'm gonna go get ready now, so wait for me at the church!

: Oh... alright....

: Oh, and... Thanks for the white kimono. I was so happy...

: ...Yeah, I'm glad.

: Yep! Well, I'll see you later...

: No, um... nothing really.

: Hmmm, well fine!

: I'm so sorry for taking so long!

: Luca...

: Tehehe... What do you think? Do I look good in it...?

: Yeah... you do.

: Alright, alright! Keep that for later! We're starting the ceremony!

: Oh, yeah, sorry.

: Okay, so face each other now. Croix, come over here, and Luca, over here. Just stay where you are! Let me begin now.

: Well... The time is finally here. Luca has overcome many obstacles... And she's provoked countless Paradigm Shifts...and finally got to this point. Croix has accepted all of Luca, and the two stand here today. ...Ahem. Luca Trulyworth.

: Yes.

: Do you pledge here today that you have given your all to Croix and showed him everything with no lies?

: Yes... I do.

: ......

: ...... Okay, next is Croix Bartel.

: Yes.

: Do you pledge here today to protect this woman, and share a strong tie with her forever?

: Yes, I do.

: You have both agreed, so hold each other and complete your contract!

: ...What!?

: ...Do we have to?

: Yes! Just jump into each other's arms already!

: Whoa! Don't push!

: ...Me neither.

: I'm sorry for everything, Croix. I've been so fake to you and put you through so much trouble.

: Don't worry. I was always having fun being around you. It's gonna be so much better from now on. Being with you will bring me so much happiness.

: You really think so? If you're serious...then we'll both be really happy!

: Luca...I hope you'll be by my side forever...

: Yeah, me too....

: This will lead both of you to have faith in each other, and you'll be able to accomplish many great things.

: ...Great things...?

: Yes, like bigger things! We will be going to the "Tower of Life" from here. I'll give you the best magic.

: Source of power...?

: As you know, Reyvateils receive their powers from the Magic Server. And the Magic Servers and Reyvateils are connected by the Tower of Life.

: I see...

: Luca's Cosmosphere is located in the tower known as "Ar tonelico" which is very far from here. She receives the power to sing from "Ar tonelico", relayed through "Sol Marta". Luca's magic was being controlled by the power she received. We will conduct a ceremony now, so that she can control the power herself. That way, she will be able to fully utilize Ar tonelico.

: That sounds... great....

: So... what do I do?

: It's pretty easy. You just touch the tower. There, go on.

: ...Okay.

: Amazing...this is...Sol Marta!? I've never seen anything like this!

: See, isn't it cool? You won't be able to keep yourself away from it once you start!

: Hehehe... I'm looking forward to it!

: Sounds kinda creepy...
Magic [Super Potential: Lv 2B] "Meteor Shine" acquired!

Man, I'd be scared of Luca with that one. It's awfully hard to aim right.

: Whoa! That was crazy! So I did show you everything...

: Yeah, I know. I almost died so many times....

: Heh, hehe... Let's not mention that. I still can't believe it.... I'm accepting you with my whole body right now. I never knew it would feel so great!

: ...

: Croix... thank you... for completing this awful Cosmosphere.... I... want to be with you forever... because I love you. I will not doubt myself no matter what. I can say this with confidence. I love you.

Sometimes there's stuff in the cosmosphere after the Ending Ceremony, let's go check.
Reception Lights: Hey, you...

: What... me?
Reception Lights: Yes, you. I heard about your ceremony with Luca. Congrats.

: Oh, thanks....
Reception Lights: I'm surprised to see that there are still people who can understand each other like this nowadays.

: Really...?
Reception Lights: Yes, really. If there were people like you back then... The world would have been so green 400 years ago.

: ...... You are...the Maiden from 400 years ago, Nenesha... Right?
Reception Lights: Well, keep that as a secret. I'm sure you already know, but I'm not supposed to tell people that. Anyway, you surprised me with your commitment, so I have something in return. Luca can have my magic that ties a beam of lights and shoots them at enemies.
Magic [Super Potential: Lv 1B] "Reception Lights" acquired!

: Are you sure...? You're not even a product of Luca's mind.
Reception Lights: It's fine. She's been letting me live here for so long, just think of it as paying rent.

: Alright... Well, thanks.
Reception Lights: ......

That's the first time I ever saw Nenesha act like a non-jerk.

: *Sigh* Finally! It took so long,

: Goro, thanks for staying and supporting me till the end.

: Of course! I have a customer center too.

: I see, well it doesn't matter. I wouldn't have done it if you weren't with me. Thank you.

: Well, you're making me blush, hey.

: ...... ...Oh, so...

: Meh?

: This is the last level, right?

: Yes?

: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... ...... Hey! Goro! You... You knew there were only gonna be 8 Paradigm Shifts, and that's why you talked about a grand prize after 10!

: Meh, meh? Did I say really say something like that?

: So you're gonna pretend again...

: Those things happen all the time when I'm in customer service. Why do you care anyway, you're done with it now. You got to be so close to Luca because of this too. The prize is nothing compared to that.

: Well, you're right, but... I feel like you just kind of wrapped it up...

: Hehehe!
Final Murder Attempt Count:
Lv1: 0
Lv2: 1
Lv3: 0
Lv4: 0
Lv5: 1 (unless you want to count her own alternate personalities)
Lv6: 2 (trying to merge with him and trying to knock him into the lava)
Lv7: 2 (the hole and the choking)
Lv8: 0
Lv9: 1 (I'm going to count that even though it was staged)
Total: 7

"The only way to Luca's heart is to buy her expensive stuff"!?!?!?!?!?!? "I'm terrified for whatever man or woman she eventually ends up with."!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!??!? I'll dash-force her!

Calm down. We can't do anything too drastic to her, very few people are actually on Metafallica at the moment.

I... I... see. I understand now. I can finally understand my own strengths and weaknesses. So this wasn't all bad.

Uh, Luca... I wanted you to calm down, but this is scaring me.

No, it's ok. I understand what I want to do about this now.

Just... nothing violent, ok?