
"Hey guys, check out my Chrono Trigger fanfiction I posted. I think it turned out pretty good..." - Masato Kato 1999...The Day of Lavos

What the hell is Chrono Cross?
Chrono Cross is a JRPG released in August of 2000 (with a November '99 release in Japan) late in the Sony Playstation's lifecycle. It is a sequel to 1995's much acclaimed Chrono Trigger. is a sequel in the sense that it takes place in the same world (technically) and makes many references to the previous title. It doesn't actually continue any manner of plot from its least not directly.
To be frank, Chrono Cross is a terrible sequel to Chrono Trigger. It takes place in a region that didn't exist at any point in the previous game. The plot has fuck all to do with Trigger until toward the end. And it basically shits all over its predecessor and its characters at several points. So, if you really liked Chrono Trigger and were hoping for some more time traveling antics goodness...yeah...look elsewhere...
Strangely enough, Chrono Cross is also a pseudo-remake of a text adventure spin-off of Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamers, for an obscure Japanese SNES peripheral the Satellaview. Several of the characters and plot points in the early game were directly from that title, as well as a number of music tracks. I'll point out parallels to Radical Dreamers and Chrono Trigger when they crop up. I've done my homework.

So what is good about Chrono Cross?
Well, it is a shit sequel to Chrono Trigger but it really isn't too bad a game on its own merits. It tries...however unsuccessfully...some new things. It has an absolutely massive cast of playable characters (45 in total.) On the downside most are completely undeveloped and range from forgettable to some of the worst/most ridiculous fucking designs to ever offer a hand to a RPG party. This is not helped by a somewhat restrictive battle system (with only three characters in a party to boot) limiting who is viable. Gee...these sound like negatives... Well, the plot is is something... Umm... Well, it is a gorgeous game and undoubtedly the prettiest thing the PSX ever pumped out coupled with a fantastic soundtrack that is still top notch to this day. It has its charm once getting past being a huge step down from its big brother.
Or not... I suppose you'll decide on that yourself.
Well, there's still time travel at least, right? That was a fun gimmick. I mean it is named Chrono Cross, after all.
Ergh...well... No... No there is no time travel. Chrono Cross' gimmick is traveling between two dimensions. And not exactly bizarro world dimensions or anything either. More like Alternate History style different dimensions. We'll get to that when we get to it. It is sort of kind of neat... Well, no. It gets ridiculously convoluted and worthy of a lot of mocking and I'll be doing just that. It has some neat ideas. And a lot of terrible ones. The bag is, as they say, mixed.
So there is an ass load of characters to recruit, are you going to get them all?
Hell no! Mostly because it is impossible to do so in a single playthrough. Indeed, it takes about three playthroughs (the game has a New Game + much like Chrono Trigger) with a FAQ open the entire time to recruit everyone. The game has quite a few branches and is meant to be played through a few times. Which I won't be doing. But, I will let you jerks decide on things the occasions it do come up.
So you're not going to play through the 50+ hour game multiple times?
Fuck no! I am playing through exactly once for the benefit of the LP. I will, however, show off the array of alternate endings after said completion. I'll also be 100% (within the given parameters of a single playthrough) the actual playthrough.
Edit: Turns out I changed my mind...sort of... Check out the Overtime section of the Post Game content.
Do we get to vote on the names of the characters?
No. Unless they are an awful character I will never ever use. Then maybe I'll consider it (so many terrible characters...) But enough of this crap, let's get started...
Hey, what's the deal with spoilers in this thread?
You can discuss whatever. Just use spoiler tags for anything we haven't gotten to yet in the LP. This includes retarded characters we recruit, plot points, etc. Chrono Trigger spoilers don't need tags UNLESS it leads into a tangent that is part of Chrono Cross' plot.

- Chrono Trigger PSX Epilogue
- Chrono Cross Introduction
- Chrono Cross Attract Intro Warning: Slight early game spoilers!!

- Episode VII (Part 1): Puns Are Present
- Episode VII (Part 2): Ways Are Parted
- Episode VIII: Dolls Are Creepy

- Episode IX: Clowns Are Scary
- Episode X (Part 1): Break-in Plans Are Made
- Episode X (Part 2): Lives Are Ruined
- Episode XI: Tourists Are Obnoxious

- Episode XII: Shadows Are a Creepin'
- Episode XIII: The Guards Are Dumb
- Episode XIV: The Dragoons Are Chatty
- Episode XV: Cats Are Evil

- Episode XVI (Part 1): Hydras Are Not Humorous
- Episode XVI (Part 2): Pants Are Never Optional, Flamer
- Episode XVII: What Are We Doing Now?
- Episode XVIII: The Recruits Are Flooding In

- Episode XXIII: In Which Poisoning is a Minor Nuisance at Best
- Episode XXIV: In Which There Are Race Wars
- Episode XXV: In Which There Are Flashbacks
- Episode XVI: In Which There Are Reoccurring Bosses Out the Wazoo

- Episode XXVII: In Which There Are Far Too Many Boss Encounters
- Episode XXVIII: In Which Things Make a Switch...

- Episode XXXIII: Stars
- Episode XXXIV: Revisit
- Episode XXXV: Cruise
- Episode XXXVI: Cat
- Episode XXXVII: Slam

- Episode XLVI: A Tale of the Two Norris
- Episode XLVII: Lynx and the Dinner with the Master of Hell's Kitchen
- Episode XLVIII: ZOAH and the Clockwork Army of Porre

- Episode XLIX: Lynx and the Dark Gentleman of the Hermit's Hideaway
- Episode L: Fargo and the March of the Acacia Dragoons
- Episode LI: The Melancholy of Harle the Jester

- Episode LII (Part 1): Lynx and the Conference at the S.S. Invincible
- Episode XLII (Part 2): The Ballad of Ziggy and the Neptunian Nymphs
- Episode LIII: Lynx and the Black Nightmare of Marbule
- Episode LIV: Karsh and the Secret of the Isle of the Damned
- Episode LV: Lynx and the Kung Fu Waitress of Guldove
- Episode LVI: Startling Tales From El Nido
- Episode LVII: Lynx and the Shifting Sands of Earth Dragon Isle
- Episode LVIII: Lynx and the Pint-Sized Dragon of Pyre Mountain
- Episode LIX: Riddel and the Forbidden Island
- Episode LX: Lynx and the Cursed Sword Masamune
- Episode LXI: Lynx and the Land Time Forgot
- Episode LXII: Zoah and the Riddle of the Criosphinx
- Episode LXIII: Lynx and the Clash on Sky Dragon Isle
- Episode LXIV: Lynx and the Grand Metamorphosis at Fort Dragonia
- Episode LXV (Part 1): Serge and the Abominable Thing That Came From Hermit's Hideaway
- Episode LXV (Part 2): Steve and the Pearly Gates

- Episode LXVI: Serge and the Three Fates of the Sea of Eden
- Episode LXVII: Serge and the Birth of the El Nido Archipelago
- Episode LXVIII: Serge and the Laboratories of Tomorrow
- Episode LXIX: Serge and the Challenge of FATE
- Episode LXX: Kid and the Fate of Humanity

- Episode LXXI: Collected Stories From Another El Nido
- Episode LXXII: Collected Stores From El Nido
- Episode LXXIII: Serge and the Orphan of the Flames
- Episode LXXIV: Kid and the Lost Letter from the Laboratory
- Episode LXXV: Starky and the Ship That Sailed the Skies

- Episode LXXVI: Serge and the Ladders of Terra Tower
- Episode LXXVII: Serge and the Sage of Reason
- Episode LXXVIII: Serge and the Time Devourer of Terra Tower

- Episode LXXIX: Radical Dreamers
- Episode LXXX (Part 1): The Darkness Beyond Time
- Episode LXXX (Part 2): The Chrono Cross

- Overtime A: A Look at New Game Plus (Part 1) - The Fast-Forward Button
- Overtime B: Separate Ways (Part 1) - Ze Hero
- Overtime C: Separate Ways (Part 2) - The Magician
- Overtime D: Separate Ways (Part 3) - The Ferryman and the Fairy
- Overtime E: Separate Ways (Part 4) - The Brat
- Overtime F: A Look at New Game Plus (Part 2) - The Mystical Knights
- Overtime G: A Look at New Game Plus (Part 3) - The Reunion

- Alternate Ending #1: The Programmer's Ending
- Alternate Ending #2: General Kid Conquers the World
- Alternate Ending #3: A Changing Job Market
- Alternate Ending #4: Korcha Marries Macha
- Alternate Ending #5: Fuck It! Let's Just Rock Out!
- Alternate Ending #6: Herr Lynx - Champion of the Demi-Humans
- Alternate Ending #7: The Acacia Dragoons Get Off Their Asses for Once
- Alternate Ending #8: Twist of the Century...Lynx Finally Does Something!
- Alternate Ending #9: Dark Serge's Outrageous Bar Tab
- Alternate Ending #10: Falling Action...