
If you know anything about RPG's, you've probably heard of the Final Fantasy series. Whether you've heard good or bad things has probably depended entirely on who you've heard it from. While the series' graphics quality and music can generally be considered to be some of the best of the genre, Square-Enix's tendency to revamp the gameplay of each installment, not to mention the emphasis on character development and personal interactions, has resulted in games that can best be described as hit-or-miss.
Final Fantasy VI, I feel, is a fairly tenuous "hit." On the downside, the game has quite a few major programming quirks that suck much of the difficulty from it, and the game's principal gameplay element makes almost every member of the game's ensemble (fourteen characters, each with their own unique gimmick) relatively homogenized near the end of the game. On the other hand, the game flows quite well, featuring a gameplay system that's easy to get into and offers a little more variety than your standard "Attack and heal" setup. Whether that makes up for its deficiencies or not is up for debate.
One major aspect of the game that I feel makes it worth playing is the English translation of it. Created by one Ted Woolsey in the space of a month, the localization is considerably quirky, especially in regards to the game's main antagonist, but still manages to bring the original language's message across. Even in later translations that took the original Japanese script more literally, some of Woolsey's most notable lines have still been retained, just because of how much people associate them with the characters.
So how will this LP work?
Seeing as this is an RPG, I'll be doing a screenshot LP, providing links to the game's soundtrack when applicable. This LP is going to be informative first, with a genuine effort to be entertaining as well. I'm going to be going for every sidequest in the game, as well as showing off all of the many MANY glitches that you can pull off.
So far as a schedule goes, I should be able to update at least two or three times a week, school permitting. As for you guys, discussions of gameplay and party members are fine, but I beg of you:

With that out of the way, let's begin.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Magitek and Mutes
- Chapter 2: Digging for other people's pockets
- Chapter 3: The best character in the game.
- Chapter 4: Magic is weird, man!
- Chapter 5: Hyper Combo Finish!
- Chapter 6: In which we torment an old man for personal gain
- Chapter 7: Rolling on the river
- Chapter 8: Separate Ways
- Chapter 9: The Naked City
- Chapter 10: Patton would be spinning in his grave
- Chapter 11: Take a ride on the Reading
- Chapter 12: He followed me home
- Chapter 13: With a little help from my friends
- Chapter 14: Hope you like character development
- Chapter 15: City of the Dampened
- Chapter 16: Jidoor's Got Talent
- Chapter 17: We get an airship but we don't
- Chapter 18: Deus Ex Magicka
- Chapter 19: The Birds and the Bees
- Chapter 20: Esperger's
- Chapter 21: It's only manipulation when the bad guys do it
- Chapter 22: Peace through superior firepower
- Chapter 23: LP's? No LP's here. No sir!
- Chapter 24: Only YOU can fight house fires
- Chapter 25: Relm, Destroyer of Worlds
- Chapter 26: In which Kefka is a Mary Sue
- Chapter 27: Fly the Unfriendly Skies
- Chapter 28: End of the World
- Chapter 29: Good Morning, Celes!
- Chapter 30: I'm on a Raft
- Chapter 31: Getting the gang together
- Chapter 32: Gerad, Master of Deceit
- Chapter 33: Looking for friends, wage negotiable
- Chapter 34: These long-distance relationships never work out
- Chapter 35: Dynamic Stupidity
- Chapter 36: Night at the Art Exhibit
- Chapter 37: A team-building exercise
- Chapter 38: It's Christmastime Every Day!
- Chapter 39: The gang's all here
- Chapter 40: This Esper belongs in a museum
- Chapter 41: A pointless waste of time
- Chapter 42: Xtreme Psychotherapy!
- Chapter 43: Family Matters
- Chapter 44: All Your Powers Combined
- Chapter 45: The End of an Age
- Final Chapter: Let us give thanks
- Postscript: What was and what could have been
BONUS UPDATES! Let's Break Final Fantasy VI, by ElephantGun
BONUS BONUS UPDATES! Let's Low-Level Run Final Fantasy 6, by Nakar
- Part the Oneth
- Part the Twoth
- Part the Threeth
- Part the Fourthish
- Part the Fiveth
- Part the Sixenth
- Part the Sevth
- Part the Eightenth
- Part the Ninend
- Part the Tenenth
- Part the Elevened
- Part the Twelventh
- Part the One-Threeth
- Part the Fourteventh
- Part the Fiftigth
- Part the Sixtelfth
- Part the Seventeth
- Part the Fuck It