It's that time once again! As Toady keeps working on his mysterious construction, it has been decided that there's time for another Dwarf Fortress LP. If you are unfamiliar with Dwarf Fortress, the basic premise of the game is setting out with 7 (foolish) dwarves and to start digging out a mountain fortress. As your fortress grows, you need to manage getting all the resources you need, digging out living space for all of your migrants, fending off sieges, and trying to curtail the insanity that the game constantly throws at you. Only the greatest fortresses ever harness the power of adamantine, the rare and valuable metal located deep underground. However, the most honorable way of ending a fortress's life is not filled to the brim with wealth, but in an orgy of violence and bloodshed with tantruming dwarves killing eachother and imploding your civilization. Considering the fate of LPs in the past, it is a safe bet as to which fate Headshoots is going to end up succumbing to, especially given the fact that we have elected to settle in an area chock-full of undead.The site of Headshoots:

Click here for the full 816x636 image.
- Year 1: Settling in and fun with fire imps. (Phrog) 1
- Interlude #1 (SWATJester)
- Year 2: The queen is dead. Long live the queen. (Vox Nihili) 1
- Interlude #2 (SWATJester)
- Year 3: Goblins and dehydration. (Verviticus) 1
- Interlude #3 (SWATJester)
- Year 4: Dwarves are a renewable resource anyway. (Kippling) 1
- Year 5: WEAPON (Royal W) 1
- Year 6: Good thing ice is immune to fire. (MONKET) 1
- Interlude #4 (SWATJester)
- Year 7: Too bad dwarves aren't immune to fire. (Lucidphoole) 1
- Year 8: We had to destroy the fortress to save it. (Eiba) 1
- A Musical Interlude (ProfessorBling)
- Year 8b: From 7 to 7, the dwarven circle of life is complete. (OtspIII) 1
- Year 9: There's nowhere to go but up! (Phrederick) 1
- Year 10: TRIBUTE (Spoonboy)
- Year 11: WEAPONTRIBUTE (Uncle Jam) 1
- Year 12: This is a water block wall. It menaces with spikes of water. (OrangeSoda) 1
- Year 13: Dragons ain't shit. (SpookyLizard) 1
- Year 14: Headshoots, not legmangles. (The Good Professor) 1
- Year 15: WE HAVE A DEATHSMITH (Ur Getting Fatter) 1
- Appendix A: Dicking around in adventure mode. (Vox Nihili, Ur Getting Fatter) 1
- Year 16: Tourist trap: the most valuable well in the world. (Kennel) 1
- Appendix B: Tourist trap: the world's deadliest backpack. (Vox Nihili)
- Year 17: We forgot to turn temperature on. (Alius) 1
- Appendix C: The Arrestsmith enters a martial trance! (Vox Nihili)
- Appendix D: HolisticDetective: The World's Deadliest Catch with the World's Deadliest Backpack. (Kylaer)
- Year 18: It's better to burn out than to fade away. (Eiba) 1
- Appendix E: Ahh... fond memories of murder and bloodshed. (Val Helmethead, Drakenel) 1
- Epilogue (Mortal Sword)
List of Headshoots' (in)Glorious Leaders
Vox Nihili
Royal W
Uncle Jam
The Good Professor
Ur Getting Fatter
Eiba (second run)
The save for anybody who wants it is located HERE.
The Creedence Leonore Gielgud Memorial Genocide Award

This award is given to the dwarf with the highest kill count. The winner is Nemo2342, who killed no less than 190 creatures in Headshoots (including Phrog!)
The Glutton for Punishment Award

This "award" is given to the dwarf with the highest death count. The "winner" is Alius, who somehow managed to die no less than five times.
Arts and Crafts
We keep getting a bunch of fey moods and the people following Headshoots' troubled history are starting to be affected by the madness that plagues the place. Here's what has been churned out so far:"The Salty Imprisonment"

Click here for the full 728x866 image.
Engraved on the wall is a masterfully designed image of Sankis the dwarf and dwarves by MONKET. Sankis is surrounded by the dwarves. The artwork relates to the very poor choice of proclaiming Headshoots the capital by queen Sankis in 107.
"The Fork of Spells"

Engraved on the wall is a masterfully designed image of Trailmachines the Fellowship of Right the adamantine plate mail by Holistic Detective.
"The Spoon of Might"

Engraved on the wall is a masterfully designed image of The Special Paddle the perfect brown zircon by Holistic Detective.
"Two Dwarves One TRIBUTE"

Click here for the full 550x713 image.
Engraved on the wall is a masterfully designed image of two dwarves and a skeletal mountain goat by Mofeta. The dwarves are melting. The skeletal mountain goat is laughing.
"The Splattered Froths"

Click here for the full 799x581 image.
Engraved on the wall is a masterfully designed image of a dwarf and Landslantern the skeletal fire imp by Mofeta. The dwarf is striking down Landslantern. The artwork relates to the killing of Landslantern the skeletal fire imp in 107.
"The Mucous Bandits"

Click here for the full 603x662 image.
Engraved on the wall is a masterfully designed image of Holistic Detective the dwarf and a kobold by Screaming Idiot. The kobold is making a plaintive gesture. Holistic Detective should be melting but he somehow isn't.
"The Painted Shapes of Whales"

Click here for the full 800x619 image.
Engraved on the wall is a masterfully designed image of Holistic Detective the dwarf and a kobold by Holistic Detective. The kobold is making a plaintive gesture. Holistic Detective is striking down the kobold.
With that, let's strike the earth, shall we?