
Metal Gear Solid 2 is a weird game. Metal Gear is usually weird, but this is the strangest of them all. You might start to worry when you can't make sense of the game anymore, but don't! It all makes sense in the end. Or not. Maybe? We'll just have to wait and see.
This LP goes through Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, a re-release of MGS2: Sons of Liberty that contains a shitload of VR Missions, alternate storylines, skateboarding and more. This LP will also be showing of The Document of MGS2, a making-of DVD that is stuffed full of neat stuff, including a lot of stuff that was cut out from the final verison of the game. MGS2 is a good game but it is not the best game because you cannot throw snakes at the faces of guys and they won't wrassle with 'em. Also the cutscenes interrupt you way more than in MGS3 and it's annoying.


1964 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
1995 - Metal Gear 1
1999 - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
2005 - Metal Gear Solid
MGS2 #1-1 - Welcome to MGS2 (Gameplay/Intro) C&I
MGS2 #1-2 - Happy Birthday! (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #1-3 - Chattin' with Otacon (Codec) C&I
MGS2 #2-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #2-2 (Codec) C&I
MGS2 #3-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #3-2 (Cutscene) C&I
MGS3 #3-3 (Codec) C&I
MGS2 #4-1 (Clusterfuck) C&I
MGS2 #4-2 (Clusterfuck)C&I
MGS2 #5-1 (Clusterfuck) C&I
MGS2 #5-2 (Cutscene) C&I
MGS2 #5-3 (Skateboarding) C&I
MGS2 #5-4 (VR & Codec) C&I
MGS2 #6-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #6-2 (VR) C&I
MGS2 #6-3 (Codec) C&I
MGS2 #7-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #7-2 (Codec) C&I
MGS2 #8-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #8-2 (VR) C&I
MGS2 #9-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #9-2 (VR) C&I
MGS2 #10-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #10-2 (Easter Eggs & Codec) C&I
MGS2 #11-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #11-2 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #11-3 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #12-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #12-2 (Cutscene) C&I
MGS2 #13-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #13-2 (Cutscene) C&I
MGS2 #14-1 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #14-2 (Gameplay) C&I
MGS2 #15-1 (What) C&I
MGS2 #15-2 (What) C&I
MGS2 #15-3 (Codec) C&I
MGS2 #16-1 (Cutscene) C&I
MGS2 #16-2 (The End) C&I
MGS2 #17: Jack, do you remember what today is? C&I
MGS2 #18: The End C&I
Concept Art
Document of MGS2