Welcome, one and all, to the Let's Play Megaman Handheld thread! What began as a humble journey through the Classic Gameboy games, from Megaman I to V, has now become an LP of every Megaman handheld game known to man, thanks to the pledged efforts of Solar System Bus, Oyster, and myself.
Megaman I
Megaman II
Megaman III
Snake Man: Silent in the Grass, Bite You in the Ass (Guest: Great Red Spirit) | Dailymotion
Shadow Man: Ninja Vanish! | Dailymotion
Spark Man: Hopelessly Convolted | Dailymotion
Gemini Man: Two More Complaints | Dailymotion
Dust Man: Playing Dirty | Dailymotion
Drill Man: Dammit, I Used the Oil Joke on the Game Title Already | Dailymotion
Dive Man: Under Da Seeeeeeeeeea | Dailymotion
Skull Man: To Dig Up the Bones | Dailymotion
Wily's Fortress Slash Phallic Oil Rig: Part 1 (Guest: Solar System Bus) | Dailymotion
Wily's Fortress Slash Phallic Oil Rig: Part 2 (Guest: Solar System Bus) | Dailymotion
Megaman IV
Ring Man: Running Around in Circles (Guest: GreatRedSpirit) | Dailymotion
Pharaoh Man: I WANT MY MUMMY | Dailymotion
Bright Man: Pretty Liiiiiiights (Guest: Solar System Bus) | Dailymotion
Toad Man: Hip Hop (Guest: Solar System Bus) | Dailymotion
Wily's Fortress 1: Ballade of the Blue Bomber (Guest: Solar System Bus) | Dailymotion
Napalm Man: DY-NO-MIIIITE!!! | Dailymotion
Charge Man: I Think I Can | Dailymotion
Crystal Man: Shattered Hopes | Dailymotion
Stone Man: Rockin' Out | Dailymotion
Wily's Battleship: A Boss Bonanza! (Guests: Captain Duck, Garin) | Vimeo

My handmade starter password for Mega Man IV. This baby starts you off with all Energy Tanks, Weapon Tanks, the Special Tank, the Energy Balancer, and Beat.
Megaman V
Neptune: That Sinking Feeling (Guest: Solar System Bus) | Vimeo
Mars: I'm a Rocketman (Guest: Greatn) | Vimeo
Mercury: Death By Degrees (Guest: Glazius) | Vimeo
Venus: Refusing to Move 'Till the Bubble Pops (Guest: Technokami) | Vimeo
Pluto: This Space Would've Been a Giant Furry Joke Anyway (Guest: Starhound) | Dailymotion
Uranus: In Ur Base, Fisting All Ur Dudes (Guest: Taxidermistpasta) | Dailymotion
Saturn: Ode to Gravity Gimmick Overuse (Guest: GreatRedSpirit) | Vimeo
Jupiter: A Race in Space Takes Place on Your Face (Guest: Daniel) | Vimeo
Wily Star: The Final Showdown (Guests: Solar System Bus, Oyster) | Vimeo

My handmade starter password for Mega Man V. This baby starts you off with all Energy Tanks, Weapon Tanks, the Special Tank, the Energy Balancer, and the Clobber/Magnet Hands.

Special Videos
Let's Fail Rockman and Forte for Wonderswan! | Vimeo
Let's Play Megaman Game Gear! (Guest: Oyster) | Vimeo