
What is this?
Magic Pengel is a 2002 role-playing video game developed by Garakuda-Studio and Taito for the PlayStation 2, published by Agetec in North America. Studio Ghibli also collaborated with this game. The main draw is the drawing mechanics allowing you to make a massively customized line up of creatures to fight with.
Thread Participation
That is right with the main mechanic being to make things, I will be trying to make some of the things that get suggested.
Just try not to make the thread look like a redacted mission statement.
Episode 1: Awakening to ARTEpisode 2: Denka's Fist
Episode 3: Superstar Arrives
Episode 4: Spooky
Episode 5: Vampyre Joins
Episode 6: Oblivion Awaits
Episode 7: Going Fast
Episode 8: Tipping the Scales
Episode 9: Magic Happens
Episode 10: Refreshing
Episode 11: Next Stop the Finals
Episode 12: Finding Mono?
Episode 13: What a Twist
Episode 14: Colorful Finish