Part 2: A Place Called Vertigo
Update 1: A Place Called Vertigo

Fubar is a Half-Orc Barbarian, so his main assets (and, indeed, only assets to speak of) are his top-notch hit points and melee combat skills. Fortunately, those are good enough that he'll be a valuable party member through the whole game. Half-Orcs get penalties to spell points and thief skills (neither of which matters to Fubar) and a bonus to HP and elemental resistances (which do matter). He can use most weapons, but his choice of armour is pretty limited. Barbarians don't really need much beyond Might, Endurance and maybe some Speed and Accuracy, so Fubar is sitting pretty with regard to stats right now.
The character screen also shows a bunch of other information besides basic stats, but I'll explain the rest as it comes up.

Ms Swallow is a Human Paladin, with pretty impressive starting stats. Humans have average HP, SP and resistances, so they're good for hybrid classes. She's a bit worse in melee than Fubar, but will be able to use all weapons and armour, and cast Clerical spells (mostly healing and buffs) with half the SP pool of an actual Cleric. That high Speed means she'll act earlier in combat and get a bonus to armour class: this makes her great at staying alive, while her magic means she can keep the rest of the party on their feet too. As a human, she starts with the Swimmer skill, which allows the party to cross shallow water, but only if everyone in the party has learned the skill. As a Paladin, she also starts with the Crusader skill, which is required for certain events.

Flench is an Archer, and the party's second Half-Orc. Despite the class's name, Archers in this game don't get any particular bonus with bows, although they can certainly use them. Archers have so-so HP and armour choices, are about as good in melee as Paladins, can use most weapons and can cast Sorcerer spells (mostly attack magic with some utility spells), although they only get half the spell points of a Sorcerer. Between that and the SP penalty for being a Half-Orc, he'll have limited spell points early on despite his high Intellect -- still, for as long as his reserves last, he's as good a caster as anyone, and his race will make up for Archers' lowish base HP. Flench has good overall stats that will make him competent in both physical and magical combat in the long run. I've also equipped him with a Swift Ring from the pregen party's inventory, bumping his starting Speed of 14 up to 17.

Trish is a Gnome Robber. Robbers are respectable in physical combat (about as good as Paladins or Archers), can use most weapons and have pretty good HP and armour. They're also one of two classes with access to the Thievery skill, allowing them to pick locks and avoid traps. Gnomes have a little less HP than humans, but have the best thief skills of any race plus good innate poison resistance (in M&M3, Gnomes had magic resistance and Dwarves had poison resistance; in Xeen, this is reversed, which may be a bug). Gnomes also make good spellcasters, but Robbers can't use any magic. Finally, Gnomes start with the Danger Sense skill, warning the player when monsters are nearby. I put Trish's highest stats in Endurance and Luck, so she's good at surviving damage (say, from traps) and avoiding status ailments, and her other combat stats are still decent.

Anleisa is a Human Cleric, and a pretty good one at that: she has the highest possible starting Personality, and her Endurance and Speed are decent too. Clerics aren't very good in melee (and Anleisa's poor Might and Accuracy won't help), can use only blunt weapons and have low HP, but they do have good armour options, cast Clerical spells and have twice the SP of Paladins. She'll be the party's main healer, with Ms Swallow serving as backup for emergencies.

Vandesloof is an Elven Sorcerer, with stats in just the right places to be good at it. Elves have the lowest HP of any race and pretty poor resistances, but make up for it (arguably) with a significant SP bonus for Sorcerers and Archers. Sorcerers have the worst melee skills, weapon and armour choices and HP of any class -- as you may notice, Vandesloof has miserable starting HP despite his very respectable starting Endurance. On the bright side, they do cast Sorcerer spells with twice the SP pool of Archers. Finally, they start with Cartography, an essential skill that enables the game's automap function. Vandesloof will be a powerful spellcaster both in and out of combat, as long as we can keep him alive.
There are some classes and races that aren't included in the party; I'll cover those in more detail in a bonus update.

The Slime isn't a particularly dangerous opponent, and will most likely die to a single attack. But it is fast, so if you let it close to melee range it'll get in a couple of hits for minor poison damage before anyone can act, and can potentially knock out a weaker character. Having been reduced to 0 HP or less by the Slime's attack, Anleisa is unconscious and can't take any actions. If she were reduced to a negative HP total equal to her maximum HP, she'd be dead, which would be more difficult to treat.
Also note that the gem underneath Anleisa's portrait has turned blue: this is a measure of her state of health. A green gem means a character is at full HP, a yellow gem means they're injured, a red gem means they're close to 0, and a silver gem means their HP is boosted above its normal maximum. A character with a blue gem is unconscious and a character with a black gem is dead.

The party can rest whenever they have adequate food and aren't in immediate danger (not within sight of a monster, in a lava pit, etc). Resting restores the party to full HP and SP and cures some negative conditions, although others can get worse. It also causes all temporary magical blessings and boosts on the party to expire.

By going around the tables and interacting with them, we can have conversations with the tavern's patrons.

Well, we can have conversations with the ones who are willing to talk to us, anyway.

Gameplay-wise, the most important function of taverns is to sell food. Food is only consumed when resting, and one day's supply of food is good for three rests. Since we've only rested once, there's not much point buying food right now.

By buying a drink for one gold coin and then tipping the bartender another coin, you can receive useful information and gameplay advice. Each town has its own set of hints available, and the game will cycle through them as you buy more drinks. You can also listen for rumours, which are free, but there's only one rumour available per day of the week, per town.

Each drink has a small chance to make the drinker drunk, in which case that character can't buy any more drinks until they've sobered up.

Drunkenness raises a couple of stats and lowers the others, and wears off with time or rest, although it has a chance to leave behind an equally temporary Weak condition (lowers all stats).

It's worth remembering to search beds, cabinets, junk piles and the like in this game, because some of them contain items or other treasure. The exact content of treasure is usually randomized: for this playthrough I won't be saving and reloading just to get better loot, so I'll have to live with whatever the game gives me. A sling is the weakest missile weapon, but it'll have to do.

Not every character can use every weapon or every kind of armour. Splint mail can only be worn by Knights, Paladins, Clerics and Rangers, so let's go ahead and give this to Anleisa. It'll raise her armour class by 3 compared to the scale armour she's currently wearing, making her harder to hit with physical attacks.

Most trees in towns throughout the game can be searched for small random amounts of gold. It's not much, but it adds up.

Trying to steal from a display case with anyone other than a Robber or Ninja advances the game's clock by a year -- and of course, you don't get to keep what you stole. Characters do eventually start losing stats from aging if enough time passes, so you don't want to just waste a year for no reason.

As long as you have a competent thief, stealing from the display cases nets you free items with no consequences. In the grand tradition of old RPGs that aren't named Ultima IV, Xeen can be pretty resolutely amoral at times.
From the cases in the blacksmith's shop, we lifted various bits of equipment and some items that cast low-level spells when used; the number on the right is how many times they can be used before running out of juice. They might come in handy, if I remember to use them.

Now it's time to explain another World of Xeen game mechanic: materials. Equipment can be made of various materials and have other special properties to improve its effectiveness. Crystal is one of the lower-level materials, and crystal weapons have a small bonus to accuracy and damage compared to normal weapons. Of course, they're also significantly more expensive.

We can also sell equipment for a quarter of the purchase price. All of these accessories we got from the pregen characters are useless except to sell: unlike in Might & Magic III, items with a zero base AC bonus in Xeen will never get an extra AC bonus from their material, although other bonuses like stat boosts and resistances will still take effect.

Blacksmiths offer two more services: repair and identification. A blacksmith will tell you the exact properties of any item for a small fraction of its cost, including what classes can use it, how much damage it does and any other abilities it possesses. As for repair, I'll show that off as soon as we have something in need of fixing.

To buy spells at a guild, a character must have a guild membership and be a member of a spellcasting class. Paladins, Archers and Rangers pay twice as much gold for all spells compared to Clerics, Sorcerers and Druids. Unlike previous games, there no longer seems to be a level requirement on learning spells: access to them is controlled by what town guilds you have access to and what you can afford to pay.

I'll go over the exact details of the spells in a bonus update. We're not exactly swimming in gold at the start of the game, so I don't buy anything just yet.

Notice how the gargoyle at the top of the screen has its mouth open? That's Trish's Danger Sense skill at work. If a character has the skill, the head will animate when monsters are nearby.

Doom Bugs hit quite a bit harder than Slimes, and have more health as well. They're still not extremely dangerous, but they should probably be a higher-priority target than the Slimes if you're fighting both.

Temples can heal characters and cure all negative conditions (for a price that depends on both your character's level and what's wrong with them), and remove curses on equipment. They also accept donations: donate enough times and your party will be granted a range of buffs until either you rest or the time hits 5 AM. Those little icons that just appeared above the character portraits represent the buffs we've received.

I'll explain exactly what all those buffs do when we can cast them, but basically right now everyone will do a bunch more damage and take a bunch less.

Pathfinder skill allows the party to travel through dense forests, as long as there are at least two Pathfinders in the party. It also costs more money than we can afford to throw around right now, but we'll come back for it soon.

Whenever we come to a locked door or chest, we'll have to pick the lock in order to proceed. Lockpicking is based on a character's Thievery skill, so only a Robber or Ninja has any real chance of success; whether the attempt succeeds or fails, it's also possible for a trap to be set off, inflicting some damage on either the thief or the entire party. Successfully opening a lock is worth a nice little chunk of experience to the character who picks it.
It's also possible to bash down doors if the two lead characters have high enough Might, but this always causes some damage, only works on doors, not treasure chests, and doesn't give any experience.

This broach (sic) is an accessory that gives a 3-point bonus to Personality. Because of the way statistics work in this game (as your stats get higher, the amount you have to increase them by to get the same bonus gets larger too), Anleisa won't gain any benefit from it right now, so it goes to Ms Swallow.

The colour of an enemy's name works like the gem under a character portrait: when it's yellow the monster is wounded, and when it's red the monster is nearly dead. The Breeder Slime has much more HP than a regular slime, but it's still not especially dangerous, and two or three good hits can take it down.

Katanas are the strongest type of one-handed weapon; I guess nerd culture's love affair with Japan was alive and well even back in 1992. Like all the Japanese weapons in this game, only Knights, Paladins and Ninjas can use it. I put it on Ms Swallow right away.

For their services to Vertigo, the whole party earns 5000 experience points, a good whack of gold and some gems. Gems are important for magic users, as they're consumed when casting certain spells.

The bank is a good place to store valuables that you won't need in the immediate future. Banked gold and gems earn a small amount of interest, and are safe from certain events that may take them away. Of course, the catch is that if you want to have that money available to spend, you have to hoof it back to the bank to withdraw it.

Levelling up doesn't happen automatically in Might & Magic: after earning a sufficient amount of experience, you have to pay a trainer, and the cost increases quite dramatically with your level.

Fubar's beginning to grow into a formidable melee fighter. As characters level up, their melee attack can hit multiple times per round. Barbarians gain those extra attacks faster than any other class: Fubar's already gained a second attack per round from hitting level 4, effectively doubling his damage output.

Ms Swallow's done quite well out of this first update too: between her high Speed and being the only party member who can equip plate armour, her AC is very high for so early in the game, making her almost untouchable to enemies that use physical attacks.

Note that Flench and Ms Swallow are only at level 3, while Fubar is level 4 despite having the same experience total. Some classes level up faster than others. The difference becomes less dramatic at higher levels, but at the start of the game it's significant.

Trish is higher-level than the rest of the party and will probably remain so throughout the game, thanks to both a high innate levelling rate and the extra experience from picking all the locked gates in town.

Anleisa's toughened up a bit, and I'll pick up some new spells for her at the guild before next update so she can put that solid spell point total to use.

Between his slow levelling rate and low base HP, Vandesloof is going to be quite fragile for a while yet. Still, at least he's got a decent spell point total with which to rain death upon our enemies now.
We're not even out of the first town yet and we already have two heroic leads to follow up on! But the party can only be in one place at a time. Should they drive the Mad Dwarf Clan out of the nearby mines, or investigate that rumour they heard in Vertigo's tavern about the Witches of Toad Meadow? It's up to you, so cast your vote!