One year following The Secret of Monkey Island...
Monkey Island 2: LeChucks Revenge
The same team, led by Ron Gilbert that brought us the first game return in style with the direct sequel a year later. Following the release and subsequent success of the first game, they dove straight into the second installment, refining the interface and the style even further. I am of the opinion that it is superior in every way to its predecessor and one of the best games ever made. It also has the best/worst ending to a game ever.
I'll be following pretty much the same format as my Secret of Monkey Island LP. But I'll also be adding optional music from the game for some scenes (depending on if I think it's worth it) because the music in this game really does add a lot of atmosphere. Don't think it necessary or anything to listen to it though.
Now then, I believe we have treasure to hunt:
Part 1 - The Largo Embargo
- 01 - The Story Begins
- 02 - The Largo Cargo
- 03 - Something of the Body
- 04 - Something of the Dead
- 05 - Something of the Head
- 06 - Something of the Thread
- 07 - Captain Threepwood
- 08 - The Fall of an Empire
- 09 - Captain Dread
- 10 - The Guybrush
Part 2 - Four Map Pieces
- 11 - Guy & Dread
- 12 - The Booty Boutique
- 13 - The Peg Leg
- 14 - Previously Updated
- 15 - Mission Briefing
- 16 - The Jail
- 17 - Wheel! Of! Fortune!
- 18 - The Library
- 19 - Throw Me The Book
- 20 - Mardi Gras (Part 1)
- 21 - Mardi Gras (Part 2)
- 22 - The Return - Additional
- 23 - The Tree
- 24 - Captain Loogie
- 25 - Under The Sea
- 26 - The Exhuming
- 27 - The Drinking Contest (Part 1)
- 28 - The Drinking Contest (Part 2)
Part 3 - LeChucks Fortress
Part 4 - Dinky Island
- 32 - The Fuck?
- 33 - Herman Toothrot
- 34 - The Jungle
- 35 - The Treasure
- 36 - The Light Switch
- 37 - The Tunnels
- 38 - The Ending