Part 10
The End -
After minutes and minutes of random clicking, the trap is set.

Nelly hits the button:

: Mint!

: Damn and blast! Let me down you wretch!

: Nee way!

: Let me down or you'll never get out of this mine! You're trapped here, you fool. Or is your fearless crew coming to rescue you?

: I... I don't have a crew.

: Aye, I thought as much!

: I'm sure my friends will come looking for me.

: Friends?

: They'll never come looking for you!

: Wha- who?

: Get him boys!

: Hooray!

: Charge!

: Leprechauns?

: Good to see you again, boys!

: Leprechauns! How did you get out?

: You broke our spirit, Baron...

: But Nelly reminded us of who we are!

: Damn right!

: And now we have the itch to do more magic.

: But first, we have some business to attend to...
Puff, puff, puff...

: Ouch! Stop that!
Oh! Ow! No!
Not there!

: There's a lesson in all of this... tangle with Nelly Cootalot, and end up a kinda magic irish pinata.

: Witness the cross-cultural fury of my wrath!
Some time latter, on the beach by the Barnacle Bar...

: Many thanks for saving us.

: Ah, it's nee bother.

: Meeth belongs to the spoonbeaks again... and Saul Mine belongs to the Leprechauns. Bloodbeard himself couldn't have done a better job!

: Thanks Sebastian.

: So what'll you do next, Nelly?

: Well... sorry, what's your name?

: Bruce.

: Well, Bruce...

: The high seas are beckoning, and my parking ticket expired hours ago.

: But Nelly, the Baron-

: He'll think twice before crossing the friends of Nelly Cootalot! Isn't that right?

: Sure, we gave him a kicking he'll remember!

: You see, there's nothing to worry about. Now it's time for me to go and help other cute animals in mild peril.

: Goodye, Nelly!

: Bye bye!

: Thank you!

: Goodbye!
Fade to black and...
Latter that night, at Widebeard Tower

: Oh tragedy! Oh god we're POOR again!

: Try to calm down dear.

: You can shut that bearded trap! Imagine! Allowing yourself to be beaten by a bunch of fairies!

: They were leprechauns!

: I know what I heard.

: Listen doll, things may look bad now... but our encounter with Nelly Cootalot may have changed our luck for the better.

: What do you mean?

: What?

: You remember those odd markings that first led me to the Saul Mine?

: The ones left by William?

: Exactly.

: What about them?

: Wee Nelly just gave me the key to deciphering the message.

: Is it as we thought?

: Aye. And as soon as my bruises heal... and you get a change of clothes... we'll recover what's rightfully mine... what my ratgut brother stole from me!

: The treasure of the Seventh Sea!

: Bloodbeard's Treasure!


And..... Roll credits.

Thanks for the game, Alasdair. I'm impressed by it, and by the fact Microsoft Word recognizes your name.

Well done with the composing and all that, Andrew and Michael. The music was quite good.

I would totally use any of these Nelly portraits as an avatar somewhere if they weren't covered with text. Because I am, in fact, a ten year old girl.

Aw, nee problem. Thank you guys for letting us play it.

: I said "Ahoy!"
He's not listening.

: Goodbye and fair thee well!
Get down from there you drunken fool!
Waste my time...
And that's the last we see of Nelly, until and unless there's ever a sequel. I enjoyed playing this game, and I hope you enjoyed watching. It's available for free if you want to try it yourself. See you on the flip side.