Current EventsThread over. See the next post for all the videos.

Ahh, NetHack. One of the most challenging games out there. It's 20 years old and still going strong. Some people have been playing for that long and haven't ever beaten it. Besting Hell is apparently too much for some people.
Who are you?
I'm Filburt Shellbach and I'm here to make NetHack my bitch. I also go by the name Eidolos. Some of my claims to NetHack fame (

* ascended a game with all 12 conducts in 1h 56m and 5420 turns
* have 70 ascensions, more than a third of them wizards
* run the annual June tournament on NAO
* regularly ascend in under four hours
* wrote the menucolors drat near everyone uses
* coded most of Interhack (though I won't be using it in this LP)
* gave two lectures about NetHack at MIT, one about expert tactics and strategy, another about Interhack and my NetHack bot TAEB
While I don't claim to be the best NetHack player out there, I'm certainly up there.
What is this LP?
I'm not doing the condition per video any more. Too much overhead! But I will do conditions for blocks of videos (entire games, if your condition is good!).
I'm here to show off a lot of NetHack's little tricks. I'll be happy to answer any questions about how I did things my videos, or really, anything about NetHack.
Important Links
* Salvor_Hardin's video LP (archived)
* Lobster Maneuver's screenshot LP (archived)
* Salvor_Hardin's screenshot LP
* NetHack thread in Games
*, a public NetHack server
* PuTTY, a telnet client for you Windows folk
* Wikihack, the NetHack wiki
* Eva Myer's spoiler list
* /dev/null tournament
* TermPlay, Windows ttyrec player
* ipbt, UNIX ttyrec player (ironically, written by the PuTTY guy)
Fan Art!

raocow answers the question "where do turtles roam?"

BurningNinja answers the question "For what do you wish?"

Blinn answers the question "Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you?"
Note: the Vimeo videos are higher quality, but all the videos should have readable text. ttyrecs are text recordings, so if you know how to play them (see above), the video quality there can't be beat (but you'll have to sync the audio yourself)Episode 1:
* Vimeo / Dailymotion / ttyrec
* Condition: immediately pick up and read each scroll (given by Lobster Maneuver)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Blackray Jack, Static_Fiend, Contra Duck, Prodigious, Azeral
Episode 2:
* Vimeo / Dailymotion part a, part b / ttyrec
* Condition: immediately pick up and read each scroll (given by Lobster Maneuver)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Blackray Jack, Static_Fiend, Contra Duck, Prodigious, Azeral
Episode 3:
* Vimeo part a, part b / Dailymotion part a, part b / ttyrec
* Condition: play with caps lock on (given by Filburt Shellbach)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, Contra Duck, Prodigious, Azeral
Episode 4:
* Vimeo part a, part b / Dailymotion part a, part b / ttyrec
* Condition: eat every corpse (given by Under 15)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, toft, Lairek, Krakhan, Garin, Azeral
Episode 5:
* Vimeo / Dailymotion / ttyrec
* Condition: drop nothing, autopickup on, all pickup_types on (given by slayn)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Contra Duck, Yog-Sothoth, Static_Fiend, Garin, dsage, Change
Episode 6:
* Vimeo / Dailymotion / ttyrec
* Condition: No # commands (given by Lairek)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, Krakhan, arcanehl, Garin
Episode 7:
* Vimeo part a, part b / Dailymotion part a, part b / ttyrec
* Condition: Untrap all traps by any means necessary (given by LaserShark)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, Contra Duck, omniscientist, Azeral
Episode 8:
* Vimeo part a, part b / Dailymotion part a, part b / ttyrec
* Condition: Take a shot each time I engrave Elbereth (given by Jungle Bus)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, Garin, Krakhan, dsage, Argon_Sloth, arcanehl
Episode 9:
* Vimeo / Dailymotion / ttyrec
* Condition: Play physically blind (as in me, not my character) given by Garin and Argon_Sloth
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Azeral
Episode 10:
* Vimeo part a, part b / Dailymotion part a, part b / ttyrec
* Condition: Play with sortpack off (given by Sebbe)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, Garin
Episode 11:
* Vimeo part a, part b / Dailymotion part a, part b / ttyrec
* Condition: Eat a teaspoon of hot sauce each Elbereth (given by The Duke Double D)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, Garin, medibot, Jowy
Episode 12:
* Vimeo part a, part b / Dailymotion part a, part b / ttyrec
* Condition: bag of holding is off-limits (given by reflir)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, Garin, Blackray Jack
Episode 13:
* Vimeo part a, part b, part c / Dailymotion part a, part b, part c / ttyrec parts a and b, part c
* Condition: no diagonal movement commands (given by ZZT the Fifth)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Krakhan, Blackray Jack, paxed, Azeral
Episode 14:
* Vimeo part a, part b / Dailymotion part a, part b / ttyrec
* Condition: start out by reading amnesia (given by Filburt Shellbach)
* Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Contra Duck, Static Fiend, Krakhan, Frankomatic, Blackray Jack
Archeologist. No conducts. Interhack.
Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, Garin, Blackray Jack, Krakhan, Contra Duck, Kyrosiris
1. Enter Archeologist (Dailymotion)
2. Ban Sokoban (Dailymotion)
3. Roll the Bones (Dailymotion)
4. Nymph Mania (Dailymotion)
5. Some Descent (Dailymotion)
6. >>>>>>>>> (Dailymotion)
7. Fucking Cliffhangers (Dailymotion)
8. @[35mL (Dailymotion)
9. Bookended by Garin Bashing (Dailymotion)
10. You cease to exist. (Dailymotion)
Archeologist. Whip. Fedora.
Cast of characters: Filburt Shellbach, Static_Fiend, Garin, Krakhan, futilius, Sebbe; raxvulpine, omniscientist
0. New Tricks (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
1. Fucking blue vowels (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
2. A Journey in the Dark (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
3. Game Design (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
4. Die, Throne Rooms (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
5. Defacing Wikihack (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
6. Hey guys! Teeth! (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
7. Sokoban sucks (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
8. Wand of death! Wand of death! (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
9. Let's Lose Weight (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
10. That's a nice computer you have (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
11. Make Interhack telepathic (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
12. I can build another castle (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
13. Like a mirage riding on the desert sand (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
14. Quest part 1 (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
15. The Minion of Huhehotl (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
16. Lethe (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
17. I'm doing pretty good with this whip (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
18. I'm the best class in the game (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
19. Recovery (Dailymotion) (GrimFiend)
20. Whip forever! (GrimFiend)
21. How do you get NetHack-lazy? (GrimFiend)
22. Master mind flayer with a potion of paralysis (GrimFiend)
23. Firewhips at Night (GrimFiend)
24. Barbed Devils!! (GrimFiend)
25. The Thick-Skinned Drinking Game (GrimFiend)
26. FOUND (GrimFiend)
Other Stuff
Static_Fiend plays a monk after episode 6. (Dailymotion)
Static_Fiend tests out shimmering dragon scale mail.
Static_Fiend demonstrates NetHack's fiercest (but thankfully, deferred) enemy.
Black Ray Jack's new moon attempt
Static_Fiend's new moon attempt
Contra Duck's new moon attempt
BlackrayJack versus Master Kaen (Dailymotion)
Garin plays rfk for the first time
I beat rfk in twenty seconds
In rfk, StaticFiend has a wide berth
Krakhan gets hit by a brown q in rfk
Krakhan versus Minetown (Dailymotion)
Baldurk playing NetHack with the DM crew
New moon part 2: Garin
New moon part 2: Krakhan
Counting down
Mechanical Hand's really amazing start with a wizard meets tragic fate!
Full moon challenge: Garin
Full moon challenge: medibot
Full moon challenge: Static_Fiend
Full moon challenge: Filburt Shellbach (chimpmunked since I played for so damned long!)
Mechanical Hand proves that Archeologists are impossible (Vimeo)
Post Vlad-hunt: Garin
Post Vlad-hunt: Krakhan
Post Vlad-hunt: Blackray Jack
Post Vlad-hunt: Static_Fiend
Post Vlad-hunt: Filburt Shellbach
The Newmoon Postarcs: Filburt Shellbach (GrimFiend)
The Newmoon Postarcs: Krakhan (GrimFiend)
The Newmoon Postarcs: Techokami (GrimFiend)