Welcome to the Quake 4 video Let's Play!
So what the hell are we doing in this game?
Other than shooting Strogg en mass? Well...
This takes place directly after Quake 2, which had this as a plot:Wikipedia posted:
The game follows the story of a marine named Matthew Kane who is a member of the fabled Rhino Squad. Following the success of the protagonist of Quake II in destroying the Strogg's leader, the Makron, the Rhinos are tasked with spearheading the mission to finally secure the alien's home planet Stroggos
Wikipedia posted:
In the single-player game, the player assumes the role of a marine named Bitterman taking part in 'Operation Alien Overlord', a desperate attempt to protect Earth from alien invasion by launching a counter-attack on the home planet of the hostile cybernetic Strogg civilization. Most of the other soldiers are captured or killed almost as soon as they enter the planet's atmosphere, so it falls upon the player to penetrate the Strogg capital city alone and ultimately to assassinate the Strogg leader, the Makron.
What? That's the entire plot?
I honestly can't say Quake's strong point was ever its story.
I heard this was based on the Doom 3 engine, so I bet it's dark
Amazingly Raven has done the exact opposite of that for the most part, most of the game from what I've seen is fairly well lit but there are sections that are just as bad as Doom 3.
Will this be a solo mission or will you have some friends?
Certainly guest commentary is always welcome, I've worked out how to do it so just hit me on Skype (Static_Fiend) or PM me on SA.
So what are the Strogg named? I don't believe they're all named "that guy" and "this dude"
Well I'm glad you asked! Here are the Strogg we've seen/killed so far (images courtesy of PlanetQuake):
The Strogg Marine. Comes in a variety of flavors including blaster, machine gun, and shotgun varieties. Very common enemy and generally easy cannon fodder.
The Grunt. One of the standard melee creatures, can rip you to shreds in seconds if you're not careful.
The Berserker. Also another standard melee creature, although this one has a blade for a hand, and can also shoot lightning.
Meet the Gunner, he enjoys long walks on the beach and reading War and Peace. He also has a grenade launcher and a nailgun to make him a big pain in the ass.
The Gladiator is a mean bastard with a habit of shooting off that giant rail gun on his shoulder.
Hornets are the new Icarus, only not half a cool sounding. They fly around and are insanely annoying.
Heavy Hovertanks are big, fat brutes that fire homing missiles and blaster shots.
Roller Turrets, as the name would imply, are quite like their cousin the normal turret only they roll around and reposition.
Now the Strogg are rolling out the big guns. This Harvester will kill numerous humans and vehicles in mere seconds, as well as fire bigger missiles than Heavy Hovertanks.
The Sentry quite possibly the most annoying thing in the world, it flies around and pecks us to death.
The scientist is really one of the few enemies that's practically not a threat at all, hell I'm more afraid of the elderly. He melees (weakly) and fires (weak) poison vials.
Teleport Droppers are quite deadly if they're allowed to live very long, as they drop small teleporters that bring in enemies.
Tactical Transfers are basically strogg marines that actually try to use tactics against you, they also have much more advance weaponry (such as railguns).
The light tank can be a significant threat if not dealt with properly, it has a flamethrower, blaster, and really big fire attack that all do a lot of damage.
Ever wonder what would happen if someone was only half stroggified? You get this, a failed transfer, and they shoot you with their shotgun.
Slimey Transfers are the grossest enemies in the entire game, their primary attack is literally
Enough of this crap, where da videoz at
Level 01: What the hell? My travel agent didn't tell me anything about Stroggos. | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 02: Tourism and Strogg do not mix, so please don't vacation on Stroggos. | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 03: We get to play with potentially lethal machinery! Hooray! | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 04: Now with more extreme elevator action | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 05: When Spaceships Attack Volume 1 | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 06: Blah blah blah just let me watch Jello wrestling already. | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 07: Turrets? Isn't that some kind of syndrome or something? | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 08: Revenge of the chili | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 09: Hover tank shenanigan's! | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 10: Our tank fun comes to an end, but the shenanigan's shall continue! | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 11: I didn't sign up to baby sit annoying guys! | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 12: This plan is much better than the old plan, if only it weren't for... | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 13: ![]() | Part 1, Part 2 | Filefront | ||
Level 14: It's no hover tank, that's for damned sure. | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 15: Since when do Strogg need sewers? | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 16: Barrels have it easy, Kane's got bitch duty. | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 17: The Strogg are just gross man, just GROSS. | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 18: The Strogg manage to out do themselves in grossness. | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 19: Wait are you kidding me? We... but... MARINES! ![]() | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 20: Who's flying these things? Wait... | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 21: Was this level even necessary? | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 22: I sure love backtracking, oh boy | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 23: Linking back up with Cpl. Badass | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 24: Wake me up when we get there. | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
Level 25: No more Cortez guys, he'll be missed. ![]() | Dailymotion | Filefront | Vimeo | |
Level 26: Didn't we find out this pod business doesn't work already? | Dailymotion | Filefront | Vimeo | |
Level 27: The most unnecessary level ever. | Dailymotion | Filefront | Vimeo | |
Level 28: The final tower ascent starts now! | Dailymotion | Filefront | Vimeo | |
Level 29: It's time to settle the score, once and for all. | Dailymotion | Filefront | Vimeo | |
Level 30: Tactical transfer city. | Dailymotion | Filefront | Vimeo | |
Level 31: The end of our bitch duty. (or is it?) | Dailymotion | Filefront | Vimeo | |
BONUS: Level 17 deaths to music! (only 3 in this video) | Dailymotion | Filefront | ||
BONUS: Level 18 speedrun trick | Dailymotion | Filefront |