Part 8: Through the Sand Fortress
Music: Beyond the Wilderness
Exiting from the south of Lazvil Hills takes us to Judgement Cliff. We could return to Alistel now and stay in the inn to heal up, but I completely forgot about this, which I'll be regretting later.

Judgement Cliff is a moderately large area, but we'll only be exploring a tiny part of it for now. Before we continue deeper, we talk to the nearby man.
"Oww... You should be on your guard if you're headed past here."

"There's this worm-like creature underground. I tried to blast it back to get some distance and flee, like I normally would. But that bastard's underground, so I couldn't move it at all."

"Yup. Enemies that are underground, and some others, too. I'm completely spent because I can't use my standard tactics. If you're going to go through, you should start thinking about how you'll handle it."

Immovable enemies can be a big problem if you tend to move your enemies around a lot. The enemies in Judgement Cliff don't bother me though, because I don't tend to worry about moving generic enemies around. Battles go faster if you move the enemies around, but I like to conserve my MP.

The enemies here seem like they're doing a lot of damage to me. I think the game might expect you to continue down the Alternate History path at this point, because it feels like I'm underleveled here.

We're headed for the Sand Fortress, but first let's head west and see what this "danger" business is all about.

Oh damn, rocks! These falling rocks are strangely malicious, and always drop where you're standing. The enemies around here are also too tough for us to fight right now, so let's not go west, and head for the Sand Fortress instead.

There are some crystals growing out of the ground in here, but we can't do anything with them. If we hit them with our sword we get a message that says: "You couldn't break off a piece." For now, we continue north.

The next room has a couple of dinosaurs. We take care of them and continue north to...

Whoa, we're already out of Judgement Cliff?
Well, let's push through the Sand Fortress, then. This is a really good time to go stay in Alistel's inn, but of course I forget to.
Music: To the Battlefield

The area around the Sand Fortress is totally empty. There are no enemies around, but that doesn't mean the area's completely safe. There are hidden bear traps all over which deal 30HP of damage to the entire party. I purposefully seeked these out and took 60 damage in the process, and still I managed to miss the screenshot both times, so you'll have to take my word for it.

There's a merchant right outside the fortress. This man is notable because he stocks Anti-Sleeps, which we need for that sidequest back in Alistel. I buy a couple and continue into the fortress.

There are treasures to be had here, but there are a lot of strong enemies as well, so I'm not going to worry about them for now. I'll be able to get the treasure later with a lot less hassle, so I just head straight forward and up the stairs.
The stairs to the third floor are immediately next to the stairs from the first floor, so we don't spend long on the second floor.

When we arrive on the third floor, we're met with a fork, and head right. To the left is a dead end, which doesn't even contain treasure.

Those bear traps really did a number on me, and these enemies pack a serious punch. I've been blaming this on doing the Standard History first, but I've also been skipping every second or third encounter, so maybe that's why I'm underleveled.

These goddamn bear traps are ruining my day. Luckily, the Sand Fortress' northern exit is right up these stairs, and then we're home free.
Music: Impending Crisis

When we reach the top of the stairs, we're greeted to a view of our party making their daring escape.

Suddenly, an ambush!

Boss: Granorg Defender and Friends
Music: The Edge of Green

These guys gave me a lot of trouble. I entered the battle injured, and they were doing tons of damage, as well. As soon as the battle began, the Granorg Defender (in blue) dropped back a space, building a formation with the front two soldiers. I wasn't interested in seeing just how badly this formation would tear me up though, so I quickly moved them around and broke their formation.

Here we see Raynie's Poison Break skill in action. Unlike most JRPGs, poison is deadly in this game, and Raynie's ability to poison enemies makes her extremely useful for bosses. My basic strategy for this boss was to move multiple enemies onto a single space, and then use Raynie to poison them all at once.
I'm not sure exactly how poison's damage is calculated, but it was doing about 30 damage during this battle, hitting every time the poisoned character had a turn. Poison's biggest drawback is that it can't kill, so you'll have to manually kill enemies once they hit 1HP.

My poison strategy helped a ton, but that didn't make this an easy fight. Everyone's max HP is around 150, and the Granorg Defender can deal a third of that in a single hit, so if everyone chose to focus on one character it could be a serious problem. Ultimately, I ended up using two Holy Waters during this battle.
Music: To the Battlefield

There's a small grassy area to the north of the Sand Fortress which connects to Gran Plain. There are no soldiers in the area, only bees, so we don't have to worry about dying here. There aren't even any of those damn bear traps.
Music: Beyond the Wilderness

At this point I finally remembered to go heal up at Alistel. I also bought restocked on Holy Waters before continuing into Gran Plain.

Gran Plain is a pretty peaceful area. It shares enemies with Judgement Cliff, and it also has some goblins, who are pretty much just weaker soldiers.

I would share more screenshots of this place, but it's really just a bunch of green. I honestly get lost sometimes in this place, because it all looks the same. Once we travel far enough to the northwest, we get a cutscene.

The soliders are talking to each other, but the soldier on the right notices something to the east and returns to his post.

The larger soldier walks forward to the ordinary soldiers, and then the screen pans to our party, observing from the southeast.

????: Whaaaaaah! Heeelp!

We run north, to the source of the screams.

The girl nervously eyes the tigers, and then jumps into the bush.

Let's go save her now.
Despite what you might think, waiting won't give us a game over. We end up fighting the tigers either way, so I choose to help the girl.

I guess these guys could be considered a boss, but they're actually just an ordinary enemy that's a level or two above the ones in the area, so I didn't worry about recording a video.
They're really not difficult, the big problem is that their attacks hit twice, for a total of about 50 damage. I just pushed them together and killed them at the same time.
Music: Unending Clear Blue Sky

The girl peeks out of the bushes and then comes out to greet us.

An adult woman of the same race as Aht steps into frame.

A man of the same race steps in at this point.

I seem to recall some NPCs in Alistel mentioning the Satyros. I think they called them "monsters" and "savages".

We're given control again now. I'm going to go ahead and post Aht's full character art, because it reveals a hard to notice detail about the Satyros.

The Satyros have goat legs. It's hard to tell from the sprites, so I didn't actually know about this until I beat the game.
Anyway, we can talk to Aht, Liese, and Vanoss, so I do.

They just keep repeating this dialogue, so I leave.

You joined Vanoss and the others.
Aht has joined your party.
Music: Beyond the Wilderness
Aht is the best character. She can put out serious damage, and she learns powerful healing skills as well. Her skill Polaris temporarily raises our party's resistance to status ailments, and her Electric Trap is a powerful skill, which I'll be going into more detail on now.

Electric Trap electrifies a square on the battle grid. If an enemy unwittingly attempts to stand on it, or if we push an enemy onto it, it will do severe lightning damage to them. It's also handy because if we push an enemy into it, they'll immediately stop moving, rather than continuing until they hit the edge of the grid or another enemy.

Look at all that damage. The 44 is from Stocke's Push Assault, and the 187 is from the Electric Trap detonating. Aht is the only character who leans Trap skills, and she's extremely useful because of them.
Aht's basic attack, although weak, hits twice, so it's good for building combos. She also has a high speed, and will learn very good healing magic. She's pretty much the best character.

"Travelling performers, huh? ...... All right, move along."

Vanoss' troupe passes the border, but our party is stopped.
"...Hold it right there."

"Are you performers too?"

"I didn't ask you! Answer my question, or none of you pass!"

"You the only humans in the act?"

"I said, I didn't ask you! Recently, huh? Are you really a performer?"

"All right, prove it to me. Show us your act, and we'll let you pass."

Force your way through

"Well? We're waiting... Aren't you going to obji--"

"Wh-What're you doing!?"
Music: Rebellion
Stocke swiftly dispatches the guards.

Stocke, Raynie and Marco run into Granorg, and Aht takes a few steps as if she's considering chasing us.

Stocke and the others broke through the Granorg checkpoint. However, one soldier escaped, and alerted Granorg to their presence. As a result, infiltrating the kingdom took far longer than they had anticipated. By the time they gained entry to Granorg, their contact had already fled the city... The war between Alistel and Granorg grows ever more intense...
"A Sealed Path"
Music: The Melody Connecting the World


"What's wrong? A traveling performer ought to have a trick or two up his sleeve."

"Don't tell me you can't do any tricks! I say you're no performer and you don't pass. We can't allow in performers who don't know how to put on a show. Get outta here."

"No! That's final! And you're seeming pretty sketchy yourself! None of you get to pass!"

Music: Beyond the Wilderness

There's a flash of white, and a node appears.
Music: The Melody Connecting the World

Hey, what's Aht doing here?

There's a flash, and they vanish.

Well, it looks like we'll be going back to the Alternate History to ask Kiel about sword dancing.
This is pretty much how Radiant Historia works. You continue down a timeline until you hit an impassible block, and then you unblock your path by going to the other timeline. My plan for the LP is to continue down a timeline until I'm forced to switch, and then keep going on the other timeline until I hit another block. This plan has the smallest amount of time travel, and I think it would work better for an LP format than constant jumping around.
Next time we'll go back to Alma Mine in the Alternate History, and see what we can do about the Granorg soldiers there.