I really hoped I'd never make it to this point...
My trip through Survival Horror purgatory continues with what is, by far, the worst entry in the main series and one of the most unnecessary prequels to any form of media. You can find the previous threads in this neighborhood:
Let's Play Resident Evil 4
Let's Play 4 Resident Evil
Let's Play Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
Let's Play Some Resident Evil (Raccoon City Jamboree)
Suffering Through Survival Horror - Resident Evil: Dead Aim
As well as at the
Let's Play Archive
Resident Evil 0 is a prequel to the original Resident Evil which was released in 2002 for the Nintendo Gamecube. I don't know if you've played the original Resident Evil. I don't really care. The backstory was basically there was this spooky mansion where some prick dropped a virus canister and turned everyone into zombies. Also, the other half of your squad got killed by really low level monsters, except some medic girl with a boy's haircut.

Little did we know the medic girl with the masculine hairdo had a whole adventure which she never told anyone before she faded into obscurity and was never heard from again. This is probably because her story makes the already convoluted Resident Evil 'saga' an even larger clusterfuck of convolution as a result
This is her <lousy> story...
Table of Contents
- Episode I: Why Are We Doing This, Again?
- Episode II: Hi Billy, Bye Eddie, Hi Doggie
- Episode III: The Many Uses of Leeches
- Episode IV: B.F.F.
- Episode V: Let's Do Some Prequel Type Stuff
- Episode VI: Worst Brake System EVER
- Episode VII: I Feel Like I'm Being Left Out
- Episode VIII: To Do List
- Episode IX: Random Insect Watch
- Episode X: Non-Smoking Section
- Episode XI: Text Adventure
- Episode XII: Last Train to Clarksville
- Episode XIII: Phoning it In
- Episode XIV: Afrika
- Episode XV: Size 16 Font
- Episode XVI: Please Insert Disc 2
- Episode XVII: I am Vengence. I am the Night
- Episode XVIII: Filing Along
- Episode XIX: The Death of William Cohen
- Episode XX: Party Hard
- Episode XXI: The Pan-Dimensional Elevator
- Episode XXII: Less Than Compelling
- Episode XXIII: The Last of the Wandering
- Episode XXIV: Disco Inferno
- Episode XXV: Burn My Dread