If you haven't played it, it's new to you. Well, maybe that'd be more true if this wasn't such a well known fan translation we were playing here, but humor me. This is my first LP, and I'm drunk with power.
Fig 1: Drunk with Power.
So let's do it! Let's Play:

Moonspeak Translation: Seiken Densetsu 3
What's the Deal Here?

Seiken Densetsu 3 (Unofficially known as Secret of Mana 2), dropped on September 30th, 1995 in Japan. It was warmly received by fans and critics, who lauded it for its deep character progression system, the endless amount of character and class combinations available, nifty features like day/night cycles and a calendar that actually has an impact on gameplay from day to day and an exceptionally long story that actually has replay value.
Pretty cool, huh? Unfortunately, it was not released in North America or Europe.

There's a few possible reasons floating around as to why SD3 never jumped to Pacific to our golden shores. Some say Square's US devteam wanted to concentrate more on creating Secret of Evermore (not a bad game by any stretch; it's actually quite underrated) rather than translating SD3. Others say that Square had the official translation and localization under way when they decided to shift focus to the Super Mario RPG... tough call on that decision. WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS.
Fortunately for us, the oddly named Neill Corlett (yes, two Ls) released a very solid English language translation of SD3 in 2000, allowing all of us filthy, milky white gaijin the chance to play this totally wicked awesome game. Thank you very much Neillllllllll.
What? A Customizable Party? Separate Storlines??

Yes, you heard that right. There are 6 characters in this game, but like Secret of Mana, you can only have a party of 3. You select your party at the beginning of a new game, and because each character has their own storyline and 7 total possible playable classes, this makes for a metric fuckton of replayability. Basically put, Seiken Densetsu 3 is ballin'

Fig 2: Ballin'. Not Pictured- Shot Callin'.
Who are these wacky characters? Proper introductions are in order.

she must get cold
Angela is SD3's best offensive spellcaster, in addition to also being the game's requisite

hungry like the wolf
Duran is the game's best

steven segal ponytail detected
Hawk/Hawkeye is a somewhat androgynous thief from the desert fortress of Navarre. He's on the lam from his people; as you might expect, it takes a long story to be declared an outlaw by a bunch of brigands. He enjoys long walks on the beach, fine wines, petty theft and dishing up DPS like a motherfucker. Yes, even before the days of WoW, Hawk was a prime example of Rogues being overpowered... just so long as he's not put in the Ranger class. Seriously, fuck you if you make me play with Ranger Hawk.

not a furry
Kevin is a half human, half beastman, hailing from the creatively named Beast Kingdom. Cast out of his home by his evil dick father and forced to kill his friend, a wolf cub named Carl, by a psychotic jester (

no comment
Carlie/Charlotte is a young priestess of Wendel, or as she'd rather refer to her self, the 'cute little girl that lives in Wendel'

half human, half stilt
Lise is an amazon soldier from the wind kingdom of Rolente, and one of the survivors of a massive clusterfuck insurrection caused by a pair of ninjas (

The game also features a giant turtle in swimmer's goggles that you ride as transportation. His name is Booskaboo.

I don't get the goggles, personally
I will be joined by my colleague and fellow scholar of games Doran Blackdawn for this playthrough. Unfortunately, for some inexplicable reason, this game is only 2-player, despite having three usable characters. I have no clue why this is.

A Really Cool Medley of Some of SD3's Better Music Tracks by Blinn. The goon, I mean; not the shader.
Table of Content
One: In Which Dr. Destructo is Foiled by Locked Doors and an Unfamiliar Opening Segment! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Two: Squashing Rabites, Kicking Mushrooms | Google Video | Download AVI |
Three: Insert Crabs Joke Here | Google Video | Download AVI |
Four: Trees, Caves, Cannons, Robots | Google Video | Download AVI |
Five: Hawk, Thief, Cancels Get Gunpowder: Interrupted by Giant Wombat | Google Video | Download AVI |
Six: Silliest Invasion Force Ever. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Seven: And We Are Again Fired Out of a Cannon | Google Video | Download AVI |
Eight: Getting Strung Around by the Antics of Little People | Google Video | Download AVI |
Nine: Now THAT is How You Kill a Boss | Google Video | Download AVI |
Ten: Poppies Will Make You Sleeeeeeeeep | Google Video | Download AVI |
Eleven: And We Would've Gotten Away With It, Were It Not for That Meddling Darkness Spirit | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twelve: Booskaboo- Big Time Payoff for a Thread Title | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirteen: We're Gonna Need a Montage to Change Our Classes | Google Video | Download AVI |
Fourteen: Operation Desert Gank | Google Video | Download AVI |
Fifteen: We Are So Lost | Google Video | Download AVI |
Sixteen: Again With the Robots. Always With the Robots | Google Video | Download AVI |
Seventeen: Stumbling Around in the Dark and the Power's Not Even Out | Google Video | Download AVI |
Eighteen: I Don't Even Know What to Call This | Google Video | Download AVI |
Nineteen: WE ARE BEING ATTACKED BY BUNNY RABBITS! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty: On a Whim, We Decide to Kill a God | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty One: "Oh Sweet Jimminy, No." | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty Two: Kinda Like Ishtar, But With Lots and Lots of Talking Instead of None | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty Three: Still Criminally Incompitent | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty Four: RAPE RAPE RAPE | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty Five: The Earth Beast is an Unbelievable Chump | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty Six: That Thing Does Not Look Holy in the Slightest | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty Seven: And I Didn't Even Make That "PAUL IS NOT PAUL ANYMORE!" Joke I Wanted To | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty Eight: Smashing Pumpkins | Google Video | Download AVI |
Twenty Nine: Deeee-Luxe Apartment in the Mana Holy Land | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty: God-Beast Genocide Complete! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty One: Don't Tell Me You Didn't See That Joke Coming | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty Two: CRUSH THE WILLOWY EFFEMINATE GOTH | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty Three: Little Do We Know... | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty Four: ...What We're Getting Into... | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty Five: ...Is Very, VERY... | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty Six: ...PAINFUL. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty Seven: Is This Us Standing Atop the Mountain? | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty Eight: Back to the Mana Holy Land, Battling Jihadist Shapeshifters | Google Video | Download AVI |
Thirty Nine: It's Afraid... IT'S AFRAAAAAID! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Fourty: Spoilerz: We Win | Google Video | Download AVI |