Let's Play Genso Suikoden II!
Welcome, everyone, to my Let's Play thread for Suikoden II, one of my favorite RPGs of all time.
Suey koh den? What?
If you're unaware, Suikoden is a game spanning several sequels and sidestories that all revolve around the concept of the 108 Stars of Destiny. This in itself is a very unique feature and is one of Suikoden's main drawing points, in my opinion. The game also revolves around political intrigue and the struggle of armies leading up to war. Your character is almost always the central leader of this war and you play a great part, as explained in the game itself.
How does this game differ from Suikoden 1?
Released in 1998 in Japan and 1999 in the US, this game had two and a half years (roughly) of development time behind it to improve greatly on many of Suikoden 1's small flaws. Of note:
- Three Runes can be equipped to a character at a time.
- Army Battles are not just Rock Paper Scissors (although some may not like the way they're handled!)
- There are some pretty awesome Minigames to play.
For this playthrough, much like Thanatos Mazus before me, I will be asking for feedback on who to use throughout this game. However, with one caveat: I can only use the chosen people once, until all of the current Stars of Destiny have been used, then the cycle begins again. There is a boss battle about two thirds of the way through the game that you all may or may not be able to completely screw me for, basically.

With all that out of the way, let's begin!

The Suikoden series is almost always highly regarded for its amazing soundtracks. I will be linking various tracks throughout this playthrough so that you all can enjoy the music as well.

Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: War,Again
- Chapter 2: The Bear Man Cometh
- Chapter 3 - Let's get some 'flour'
- Chapter 4 - Mountain Passes and Circus People
- Chapter 5 - Nanami is Awesome
- Chapter 6 - Recruitment Begins!
- Chapter 7 - Tragedy Begins
- Chapter 8 - How about Orange Army?
- Chapter 9 - Strategery
- Chapter 10 - It's time to meet an old friend
- Chapter 11 - White Deer Inn
- Chapter 12 - Foolproof plans
- Chapter 13 - More Recruitment!
- Chapter 14 - Highland camps are for chumps
- Chapter 15 - Hilltop Conference
- Chapter 16 - Escape
- Chapter 17 - North Wind(ow)
- Chapter 18 - North Window Part 2
- Chapter 19 - Meeting Shu
- Chapter 20 - How about Orange Army?
- Chapter 21 - Hey, join our group. (Recruitment)
- Chapter 22 - Hey, join our group.
- Chapter 23 - I fucking hate Chaco
- Chapter 24 - Mistrust
- Chapter 25 - New Friends
- Interlude - Castle Stuff
- Chapter 26 - Let's pretend we're students!
- Chapter 27 - Nina is Awesome
- Chapter 28 - Ghost Stories!!
- Chapter 29 - The Headband Gang discovers the identity of the ghost!
- Chapter 30 - Finally something different!
- Chapter 31 - Matilda means old friends and new enemies
- Chapter 32: Something bad
- Chapter 33 - This time, they mean war
- Chapter 34: The Mad King
- Chapter 35 - The Toran Republic
- Chapter 36 - Beginning of the End
- Chapter 37 - Headon Clash
- Chapter 38 - The Chase
- Chapter 39 - It's That Time Again (Recruitment)
- Chapter 40 - Reunion
- Chapter 41 - Mountain Bandits?
- Chapter 42 - Vampire Hunting
- Chapter 43x - An Alternate Ending
- Chapter 43 - An Old Hag
- Chapter 44 - Gothic Neclord
- Chapter 45 - A Little more recruitin' (And apparently some plot development since the update got delayed)
- Chapter 46 - Greenhill Again
- Chapter 47 - Let's Retake Muse!
- Chapter 48 - A New War
- Chapter 49 - Rockaxe Castle
- Chapter 49 - Stupid French Names
- Chapter 51 - The Final Battle
- Chapter 52: Epilogue