
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is the sixth Legend of Heroes game, a series developed by Falcom, perhaps best known in the western world as the makers of the Ys series. The title was first released in 2004 on the PC, but like so many great JRPGs, never left Japan. That is, until XSeed localized the PSP remake of the game, which brings us to today. But thats not really what you care about. What you want to know is:
Why play Trails of the Sky?
I admit, Trails was somewhat of an impulse purchase for me. I was, at best, expecting to have a decent time with it. Which is why I was shocked at just how good the game is.
Trails is the cure for the JRPG blues. Its a fairly lighthearted adventure, with likeable characters, dastardly villains, and positively charming writing. While the game doesnt tread the newest of ground, its full of polish and little touches that make it clear the developers were truly trying to make the best game they could.
Although its gained a cult-following, Trails never quite picked up stream in the west. I hope to change that, if only by a little, by showing off a great title a lot of people may have missed out on. On that note, I plan to show off nearly everything the game has to offer. Sidequests, the main plot, the works.
Isnt this a trilogy?:
Yes, Trails in the Sky is actually a trilogy. What were playing is Trails in the Sky First Chapter (FC), Trails in the Sky Second Chapter (SC) is being released in 2014 by Carpe Fulgur and XSeed (thanks guys!), and we may never get Trails in the Sky The Third (which isn't actually the third part of the story, but something more akin to a bonus scenario). This means technically the series is still incomplete, but Ill be LPing SC as soon as I can after it comes out.
Anyway, theres only so much you can say about a game, so lets get this started and play:
Table of Contents

- Update 1: Do you have any idea what youre getting yourself involved in...?
- Update 2: Sometimes I fear for the future of the Bracer Guild...and humanity.
- Update 3: Hyper-Bracer Estelle
- Update 4: No matter what path you choose in life, you can't erase these past 5 years.
- Update 4: Part B
- Update 5: Secrets, huh...?
- Update 6: A nefarious mushroom plan!
- Update 7: I'm not trying to brag, but I'm all muscle, so I wouldn't make a tasty meal!
- Update 8: Its name: The Aureole.
- Update 9: A raven-haired young man standing silently in the flowing breeze...
- Update 10: It would be in your best interest not to resist, but I'm sure Estelle is hoping you will.

- Update 11: Because this is the place... where my mom died.
- Update 12: The Commercial City of Bose.
- Update 13: Brightly shooting stars, leaving trails in the skies...
- Update 14: Mr. I'll-Break-Your-Kneecaps-If-You-Don't-Talk.
- Update 15: Chapter 1 Sidequests: In which Joshua dies a lot.
- Update 16: The League of Extraordinary Bracers
- Update 17: A rose tinted vignette of time and space
- Update 18: The pearl of Liberl
- Update 19: I am a GODDESS of fishing!
- Update 20: Her Majesty has finally made a move.
- Update 21: Don... what's happened to you...?
- Update 22: The Grand Chevalier

- Update 23: The Heavy Blade Agate
- Update 24: Where's the LOVE? Where's the COMPASSION?
- Update 25: Apple pie heals all wounds, or something like that.
- Update 26: So there IS justice in this world!
- Update 27: I am Dunan von Auslese!
- Update 28: How could someone do anything so cruel...?!
- Update 29: You've got to protect what's important to you, that's all...
- Update 30: Chapter 2 Sidequests (1): Fishing, Riddles and Treasure.
- Update 31: Chapter 2 Sidequests (2): Love and Compassion and violence.
- Update 32: She prefers the title, [Evil Genius]
- Update 33: They're the ones who taught me the real value of family
- Extra: Setting up at the Academy.
- Update 34: Madrigal of the White Magnolia
- Update 35: We've got big trouble!
- Update 36: You deprived those children of their smiles... for that?
- Update 37: I want you out of here, NOW!!
- Update 38: You are not...quite so different from me.

- Update 39: Because of you, I know how to be brave.
- Update 40: Note to self: Do not insert foot into mouth.
- Update 41: Dark Thingy of Impending DOOM
- Update 42: That's...kind of creepy, Estelle.
- Update 43: Chapter 3 Sidequests (1): Estelle's favorite day.
- Update 44: Best. Job. Ever.
- Update 45: I guess all I can do... is have faith in him.
- Update 46: We'll cut down anyone who gets in our way!
- Update 47: An Evil Penguin?
- Update 48: I don't know how much more mind I have left to blow.
- Update 49: Grand plans...but what will come of them?
- Update 50: We all have something to protect...
- Extra: Chapter 3 Sidequests (2): Books, books, books.

- Update 51: You are welcome, squishy pink thing.
- Update 52: LRW, for short.
- Update 53: The big, final, ultimate, super-duper intense battle royale!
- Update 54: Enter the pervert, stage left.
- Update 55: Who among them will be crowned the king of fighters?
- Update 56: The pen really is mightier than the sword
- Update 57: The Jester Hunting Corps
- Update 58: But most of all... you.
- Update 59: A new dawn fast approaches for this kingdom.
- Update 60: This aquarium called life
- Update 61: And thus, I have no regrets.
- Update 62: My name is Alicia von Auslese.
- Update 63: The skills I possess now will have to be enough.
- Update 64: History favors the just.
- Update 65: Pathetic, disgusting, sick... Pick an adjective.
- Update 66: Oh, go brush your goofy hairdo.
- Update 67: You are hardly qualified to feel pity for me
- Update 68: Some good, old fashioned boot to his ass.
- Update 69: Can you imagine any greater miracle than this?
- Finale: The Whereabouts of Light - Part 1
- Finale: The Whereabouts of Light - Part 2
- Posted Fanart/Official Art