Part 73: Finale: The Whereabouts of Light - Part 1
Welcome back. Here's what happened last time:

It owned.
General Morgan and Major Cid organized the military authorities to keep the chaos to a minimum... And the conspirators in the Intelligence Division were arrested, one by one.
One week later...

In honor of your recent work, the Grancel branch of the Bracer Guild has prepared you a letter of recommendation. Take it with our blessing.

Yes, sir!
Received Recommendation.

With this, you now have five such letters, I believe.

Sir Cassius... If you will do the honors?

I will.

In accordance with the rules of the guild, this will qualify you both to become full-fledged bracers. Present your letters of recommendation.

Y-yes, sir...

By all means, please verify their authenticity.
Handed over letters of recommendation.

The Rolent, Bose, Ruan, Zeiss and Grancel branches... I've now confirmed the authenticity of all five signatures.
Whew. Lucky break, because the Bose one is forged.

The final rank, Junior Bracer Rank 1.

I never thought you'd come so far. Honestly, it's a little frightening.
His line here ranges from Hey, good job guys! to How are you even still alive?

In Aidios' name and by the Seal of the Bracer Guild, both of you are promoted to full-fledged bracers. Take your emblems, you two.

Yes, sir!

Congratulations, guys!

Heeeey, those emblems look good on you.

I have to admit, you two did good. But just this once.

Hee hee... Thanks, everyone!

We never would have reached this point without everyone's help.

Your true careers as bracers start now. Bear that in mind.

I understand...

We'll be even more dedicated.

Now, I hate to break up such a happy occasion... ...but I'm afraid I do have some unfortunate news that I must tell all of you.

What's that...?

Today marks the final day of Cassius Bright's membership with the Bracer Guild. He is going to be returning to active duty within the Royal Army.



Since I've been away for so long, I feel bad bringing this up so suddenly.

But the chaos that has resulted from the attempted coup must be quelled. The military needs major reorganization to deal with the damage that the Intelligence Division caused. I plan to help out with that.

Oh, I get it. Since bracers can't be soldiers...

Hey, did you higher ranks already know about this?

Yes, he already discussed it with us. It is discouraging, but we can never truly become independent if we always lean on those more experienced.

And hey, think of it as less competition. Now that Cassius is out, maybe you can take the top spot...eventually.

I suppose that's true...

This means that we're going to be really busy, though...

Well, you do have two new full-fledged bracers on hand now. You can work them like dogs instead of me.


Ha ha... I guess our lives are about to get pretty hectic, eh?
This entire scene were doing a walk and talk, Sorkin style.

Can't you at least stay with us until the end of the Birthday Celebration...?

I'm sorry...but there's a war council starting immediately. Colonel Richard may be in custody, but there are plenty of his Special Ops cohorts still at large. Captain Amalthea is also hiding somewhere in the underground ruins. And if that weren't enough, it looks like those Sky Bandits ran off in all the confusion. We have to stay on guard so they don't cause any trouble during the festival.
For some reason, until I was writing this up, I never quite processed the last part of this. That is, the fucking Capuas are on the loose

Argh... Those guys are just a constant pain in the ass.

Either way, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The increased security is just for peace of mind. The real issue is that we really don't know the significance of what happened underground. We can only guess at what effect breaking that seal will have. And what the purpose of that [Aureole] is... That's a puzzle that absolutely must be solved.

Yeah, I guess you're right. And it doesn't sound like Colonel Richard's memory can be trusted.

Yes... Just like Kurt, he seems to have some missing memories.

Even so, the search team was able to confirm one thing... We now know where the Black Orbment came from.


You know who made it?!

Not quite. But we do know who's responsible for introducing it to the Intelligence Division. Commander of the Special Ops: 2nd Lieutenant Lorence Belgar.



He gave it to Richard shortly after he was recruited for the Intelligence Division. And 'coincidentally,' that would be just about the same time Richard planned his coup...

We need to find out everything about Lorence that we can.

Huh... He always did seem strange...

I guess we were lucky that we actually got a good look at his face, huh? If you want, I can try drawing you a picture of him.

That would be appreciated.

I have to admit, though, that I don't have the utmost faith in your artistic skills... Maybe I should ask Scherazard or Her Majesty...

...That's not nice.

You actually saw Lorence's face?

What, I didn't tell you? He took his helmet off when we fought him on the terrace in the Royal Keep. He looked around twenty, maybe older, with ash blond hair.


He had some seriously creepy eyes, too, let me tell you...

Brrrr... They were so cold, but it was like they were on fire at the same time. He told the Queen, [You are hardly qualified to feel pity for me.]

Hardly qualified...? ...


Your eyes are looking a little creepy now too, Joshua! Something on your mind? How about you let us handle the cleanup here, and go have fun at the festival?


Okay. You're right.

Awesome. Let's go live it up.

Oh, right. Are we going to be sleeping at the castle tonight?

Yes. Her Majesty was kind enough to let me use two of the guest rooms in the eastern wing. Joshua and I will be on the right, you and Schera on the left.

Me and Schera? Together?

You don't like that setup? Okay. How about me and you in one room, Joshua and Schera in the other?

Just imagine...all that time for you to fawn over me, and wait on me, and tell me how much you missed me...
Oh Cassius. I think its easy to forget that youre the best dad.

...I'll bunk with Schera.

Ha ha ha! I suspected as much.

All right, then I'll see you kids tonight.

Didn't you have a lot of stuff about your mom that you wanted to talk to him about?

Yeah, but... I don't much like the idea of you and Schera in the same room, either.


Nothing! Nothing!

Let's go and look around. The town's decked out with some pretty cool festival-exclusive shops, you know!

Well, we certainly can't let THOSE pass us by now, can we? And if we get tired, there's a rest area in the East Block.

Behind the stores, right?

We should make that our last stop, then.
Now we're free to roam Grancel and talk to all of our friends, before we head to the rest area in the East Block.

I heard from Cassius that you've become full-class bracers. Well done, well done!

Congratulations, my dear little pussycats!

Could you just...ugh. We'll just go with 'thanks.'

Olivier, what brings you here? I'd heard you were invited to tonight's celebratory banquet, but...well, I didn't think you'd be here already!

Yeah, seriously! What's a guy who loves parties doing drinking alone in a quiet place like this?!

Better be careful, or some people might start thinking you're an imposter!

The news of you two becoming full-fledged bracers filled my heart almost to bursting. ...So much so that I saw no recourse but to hold an impromptu concert in front of the Grand Arena. Ah, if only you had witnessed the unbridled excitement I inspired in my legion of fans!


Makes me think of the performance at Haken Gate...

Indeed! And such a public explosion of passion left me drained, so I wandered here for a quiet place to drink and brood.
...You can't do that in public Olivier!

Ah, me... In restless dreams walking alone, sharing the drink they call loneliness... Before you sits the beauty and the beast that

I can't make those words fit together into anything resembling sense.
Talk to him again (apparently, I forgot.)

Uh, so yeah. About your reunion with my dad... You said you had something you needed to talk about with him, didn't you?

...I did?...

You did. As a matter of fact, it seemed to me as though Dad already knew who you were.


Inconceivable, my pretty kitty! Hah, hah, haah! Surely a man like him and a man such as I would have little need to...spread our wings!

(Yeah, he DEFINITELY knows something. He's acting weird, even for him!)

(Definitely. There's more to this story, for sure.)

Pups! Forget about the worries on your mind! Come! Dance! To the beat of the rhythm of the night! Let the sounds of our feet and our laughter chase away those lurking twin trolls, Forgotten Past and Unknown Future!

Wow, Tita, you look happy!

*giggle* Grandpa promised me we could have ice cream.

Ooh, ice cream! Ice cream is goooood!

You bet it is! I asked Agate to come too, but he said he didn't want to.

Agate eating ice cream... I'd pay good money to see that.

I bet he'd like it if he tried it, though!
Nah, Ice cream is good and Agate terrible. They are anathema.

Were you OK, being left on your own with Agate?

Absolutely fine! He was very courteous, and mindful of my needs. He even made sure to plan our daily routes so as not to wear me down too much!

I haven't any complaints about Agate at all.


He's no Cassius, of course, but I am still grateful to him.

You know, Nial was telling me something interesting... ...He said this story's going to win us the Fuelitzer Prize!

The what, now? Don't you mean the Pu--

Shhh! You want to get sued? The Fuelitzer is an annual award presented to the very best examples of journalism, literature and music. There's no higher honor for any reporter.

Ah. Well...good for you, then, I guess!

Our special coup edition has been flying off the stands. There is a TON of buzz right now about your little stunt. Sorry I couldn't get you guys some fame from it; the guild made me withhold your names.

Biggest scoop of my career, you guys! You did real good!
Why would you withhold our names? They should unwithhold our names. They should build a statue. Everyone needs to know.

Could be a good opportunity to hone my skills...

And if 'Zane the Immovable' made an appearance there...

Why don't you try to get in next year, Agate?

Maybe. It might be nice, but it's become such a circus...and I don't like doing tricks for a crowd.

...Well, whatever floats your boat.


So, what's your next move? Back to the Republic?

I'm in no rush. There doesn't seem to be any crisis in the Republic so bad that I absolutely have to be there for it. Besides, this country is full of fine opponents from your Bracer Guild!

As long as I'm here, it would be a waste to leave without testing my mettle a bit more.

Fine opponents?' Who'd you have in mind?

For starters, you've got Agate...the so-called 'Heavy Blade.'Not to mention our 'Silver Streak,' Scherazard. And who could forget...

...the champions of this year's Martial Arts Competition? Perhaps the strongest of them all!

Aww, Zane, that's so sweet!

...But don't think it means I'll go any easier on you. And don't you hold back on us! It's ON, man!

...She doesn't speak for both of us. Feel free to hold back, if you'd like. In fact, I might even prefer it!

You suck Joshua.

Based on your performance I'd say you two are already fine, full-fledged bracers. But never forget, these are only the first steps in your career!

Thank you, sir!

So Kurt, are you feeling any better?

I'm fine. Just fine!

I remember just about everything, EXCEPT the identity of the bastard who erased my memories. That's the only missing piece!
What use are you, then?


You guys were amazing. Better than any other junior bracers I've met, that's for damn sure!

Yay us!

We couldn't have done it without everyone's help, though.

I mean, my dad ended up saving my butt in there, so I'm not exactly solo heroine material!

You guys are something else. Guess this makes us partners. Here's to us!
Fisher: We happily induced her into our growing cult-- I mean, society. I swear, I've never seen a newbie handle a fishing pole quite so well before!
Oh Fisherman's cult. I'll miss you most of all.

...The sort of gear I'd want to own ever if I never fished at all, just for its sheer beauty.

I just want to slow it all down and fish at Valleria Shore.
Oh god they're recruiting NPCs with portraits


Hey. Why so serious?

It's just...this is the first time I've had a chance to work with you like this. But you two really do a nice job of covering one another... if you know what I mean!

Uh... Well, we're around each other all the time, so we've gotten pretty used to each others' styles, I guess.

...Hello, anybody home up there? Read between the lines, you doofus! Guess I just gotta come out and say it...
Anelace leaned in close and whispered into Estelle's ear.

(I think you two make a very cute couple! *giggle*)


(Don't be embarrassed! It's plain to see, with the way you look at each other.)

(I'm jealous! I mean, I'd kill for a cute boyfriend like him!)


...Something wrong, ladies?

Scherazard and Anelace wouldn't stop going on and on about it, though, so I had to check it out.

Shopping with colleagues. Been long overdue for a nice shopping trip, after all. I don't get much of a chance these days.

When I was little, I remember you used to take us shopping all the time. It was fun!

That's right... When your dad was gone, the three of us used to go out all the time.

You know, once we get back to Rolent, what say we do a little shopping together, for old times' sake? I can buy you an outfit, as a congratulatory gift!

Really? I'd love to! It's a date, then!
I'm not sure you want the kind of outfit Schera would pick.

Oh, hi Phillip!

Mistress Estelle. Master Joshua. Please, forgive my lack of decorum.

Through my actions yesterday, I have caused His Excellency much trouble...

On that you know where we might find Duke Dunan?

His Excellency has sequestered himself to consider the claims made by the Queen. He is spending his days at the Erbe Royal Villa, isolated with his thoughts.

Oh, is he now...?

Then...what brings you here, Phillip?

Well, I...I've been sent here on an errand. To buy doughnuts for His Excellency, you see!

Oh, I see...

(I get the feeling he's not being completely honest about that...)

(Yeah, he's pretty clearly here for his OWN doughnuts...but, whatever floats his airship!)
You deserve some donuts Phillip

Oh, Kloe! There you are!

Yeah, I'd heard that Jill and Hans were here... So I sneaked out of the castle and came to see them.

Ha ha ha, you sure do know how to act un-princess-ey!
I've played JRPGs before. Sneaking out is the most princess-ey of all princess acts.

But of course! Heh heh. And I wanted to thank you, too. You've been nothing but helpful at every turn.

Us? Nah, it's totally all you! We've learned a whole bunch just from being around you! You've taught us all about kindness, and courtesy, and strength of spirit, and all that other junk!

...Not that it's actually junk... Ahhh, I'm so bad at this!

What I'm trying to say is, that's what friends do. So believe me, no thanks are necessary!


I'm so glad to see you again!

Hans! What brings you here?

What brings me here? What brings me here?! All this time, and that's the first question out of your mouth?!

Do you know how lonely all my nights have been? Do you?!

I never forgot you, Joshua! I came running all this way to the capital to see you! But...where's the princess outfit?
He wore a maid outfit too!

...Still the same as ever, I see.

Damn straight. Looks like you've been through a lot...but you seem as full of energy as ever, thankfully! Next time you're in Ruan, be sure to stop by the school, okay?


Long time no see! I heard about your adventures from Kloe. Sounds like you guys have been busy. Ruby Knight Julius, indeed!

Ha ha ha!

Jill and Hans have come to the capital as school representatives.

The town is no doubt abuzz with festivities. If you are to attend them yourself, please take care.

We don't have any new assignments today.

You two may feel free to go on out and enjoy your date.

D-D-D-DATE?! Who's on a date?! We are SO not dating yet!

Uhh... 'yet'?

...At all! I meant AT ALL!
You're going to want to talk to him again (this time, I remembered!).

Oh, and not to dampen the mood of this joyous festival, but I have further news... Specifically, I've learned a few things about the Jester division of the Jaegers.

Oh... That!

That's the unit 2nd Lieutenant Lorence belonged to before joining the Intelligence Division, correct?

Indeed. They were a small team that primarily operated from a small, autonomous state on the outskirts of Erebonia. They were quite skilled-- as they'd have to be, to call themselves Jaegers. But about six months ago, the entire division vanished.

The...entire division. You mean... everyone? Were they, like, wiped out in some border skirmish?

No. There are no records of them being in battle at the time. In total, over one hundred people disappeared, and not a soul knows what happened to them.

...Yeowza. That's creepy!


That timetable overlaps with Lorence joining the Intelligence Division.

Are the two events related?

We're investigating that. We might find out more from the Royal Army, actually.

And there's one more thing... It seems the crown prince's attendance at the Birthday Celebration was to be representative of a fresh start between our two countries. In past years, only the Erebonian ambassador has ever been in attendance.

Okay... Wasn't Kloe supposed to be marrying that prince or something?

Yeah. An arranged marriage to help cement Duke Dunan's ascendancy.

The Queen herself seems to disapprove of the marriage. The cancellation of his visit was apparently the Queen's doing.
There's actually still one sidequest left in the game, if you check the billboard. It looks fun

It is the Birthday Celebration! What a waste it would be if we were not to enjoy it, no?

(Hey, Joshua... I think he's the guy!)

(Without question.)

I have it! Why don't you join me in a little afternoon delight?

Just you...and you...and I. Doesn't that sound...divine?

Come now. Do say yes
...Did he just invite us to...

Heh, heh. Funny you asked. We were JUST talking to this guy, who asked us the same thing, and we said, we have this friend whom you would probably just LOVE to talk to...

Honest to goodness?

Absolutely. Would you like us to introduce him to you?

I would most love that!

Please, lead the way!

Why are we back at the Bracer Guild?

Oh, don't get your neckerchief in a knot.

Elnan's calling over our guest, you see.

...and should be arriving here shortly.

Heh, I imagine she simply can't bear waiting for the opportunity to meet me!

Tell me, have I made this kitten's acquaintance before, or is this to be our first meowing?

Oh, I believe the [kitten] knows you and REALLY wants to see you.

Ha ha... Kittens in Grancel... Perhaps it's Schera...or perhaps even Carna or Anelace...

No, no... I must not discount the possibility that it might be Mayor Maybelle, or maybe even dear sweet Lila...

Surely, it's not Princess Klaudia or Tita...?!

Is she now? My dearest, come in! Come in!

Looks like you've done what I asked, then.

I appreciate it. On behalf of the Imperial embassy, I thank you.

That's not necessary.

It was Olivier who was really eager to oblige you.

I don't remember being present at that discussion... But does this mean that you're the kitten who wished to see me...?

What are you smoking? Her Royal Majesty, the Queen, directly invited you to tonight's banquet, so I'm not about to tell you you can't go. BUT...I know you. And I know you're going to get into trouble if you're not properly chaperoned. So I'm keeping a close eye on you until dinnertime. And you're going to LIKE it.

E-Estelle! Joshua! You tricked me?!

Don't blame your bad hearing on us...

You were the one who decided it was a woman. We never said a word.
Actually, I'm pretty sure we flat out said it was a guy at first.

There's a lot of paperwork to fill out, and YOU'RE going to do it. So let's get back to the embassy, shall we?

Since that concludes your investigation, allow me to give you your rightful reward. Your proper Bracer Notebooks are not yet ready, so I'd like for you to note this in your junior one.
And that's max BP

Hmmm... I feel a little guilty about this request, but okay.

Now, why don't we get back to the Birthday Celebration?

Sounds good. And once we've checked everything out, we can go to the rest area in the eastern block.
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