Part 53: TEMPLES OF THE NORTH - Logic & Discipline, Avatar Style
Logic & Discipline, Avatar Style

As alluded to last update, this is not actually the Temple of Discipline, but rather Logic. I went here because it's quick, and also because it's the place Silverpate's treasure map is leading you. The reason is pretty simple; it's in the same area as his treasure cave, so this would have been the nearest place for him to have come via his jawbone.
To get into the temple we need to pass a couple tests. The color teleporters (which you can solve with simple trial and error) is the first test, and the second is these runes.
They represent the letters C, O, W, and B, and need to be placed in front of the door in alphabetical order. At least I assume it's alphabetical that explains it, as I don't know what B-C-O-W is supposed to represent besides that.

Inside we have our first Bane Prison, which has been blasted open by Batlin. A horde of automatons mills about around the empty prison. Their duty was, in part, to protect the prison, but they've failed. They have another problem, as well: One is a murderer.

And so it goes with the other five living Automatons:

Now, this is a logic puzzle, of course, where we're supposed to compare the stories and find the one that doesn't match up, then accuse the proper killer: Number 4 .

Or we can try a more direct form of deduction.

If you can find Number 7's body, I believe you can also Create Automaton on him and just ask him who did it. Puzzles are for suckers.

Speaking of which, the key opens this room, rather than the fountain room. The key to that is in here.

We can dispel the field by solving this stone puzzle.

Or we can just, y'know, Dispel Field.

The automatons here seem to be broken. They're barely functional.

Another bane prison. This one has also been broken into. It was mentioned in an earlier comment that one of the Order temples is missing this. Since we've seen it in Logic and Discipline, it must be missing from Ethicality (I've checked this, and it isn't there, so that's correct, one of the bane prisons isn't here). I'm not sure what those things are supposed to be. Big iron spheres? Blackrock chambers? Why is the outside all rusted?

More broken automatons. I believe most of them were created in this temple, if I'm remembering the Silver Seed right.

Upstairs and through a secret door there's a key (which doesn't open a door across the hall), a strange forked-shape object not unlike a serpent's tongue, and...

...of course, more Ophidian books!
~by Sharless
The Symbol of Discipline is a reminder of what we, the Initiates of Discipline, must strive for. Consisting of three prongs, they symbolize the following: Mind, Body, and Environment. The mind is the first level of discipline; without Discipline of the Mind, one cannot master the other levels of discipline. Discipline of the Body is the second level of discipline, for one cannot master one's surroundings without first mastering one's self. The third branch of the symbol represents Discipline of Environment. This branch, added to represent the superiority of Order, justifies the military's presence here; if one can master one's self, one can then master the world around him, and drive Chaos out from his environment.
The symbols here in our temple are not mere inspiration, however. The Altar before the serpent statue doth have upon it two slots. In order to insure the security of our temple, the automatons are aided by a safeguard against defilers -- bolts of lightning fire from the altar unless the quartz symbol is placed in the slot on the left side. A bridge spanning the water around the statue is called into being if the obsidian symbol is placed in the right slot; if it is not there, none can gain access to the Water of Discipline.
This is a solution to the temple here; we need to put some objects on the central altar to get to the fountain.
~by Shrosvitash~
The ultimate wisdom of life may only be reached through discipline. It takes strength and concentration to follow the guidelines of discipline. Therefore the weak and distracted mind will fail. The weak and distracted mind will not have the power to succeed. And only that power will take thee to the top. But there is no room for the weak at the top. Only the strong mind will find a place there.
Most of the rest of this stuff is just propaganda, however.
by Shilonar
The religion of our great nation must have leaders, worthy leaders. There are things, events and ceremonies, that require a person of great trust. The nation hath decided to choose trustworthy people for those positions and give them certain ranks. Full of respect do we call the leader of the Shrine of Balance our Great Hierophant. Only the Great Hierophant can perform the important ceremonies at the Grand Shrine of Balance. During those ceremonies, however, he receives help from the leaders of the Shrine of Order and Chaos. They have the rank of Order Hierophant and Chaos Hierophant. All three have assistants to help them with their duties; these are the sub-leaders. These assistants are of high rank also and we give them the title of Master. These Masters are the leaders of our Temples. Each one of them is authorized to perform ceremonies in their own Temple.
It's also worth noting that the Temple of Discipline seems to have been the center of the Order military regime, as Isstanar suggested:
by Sethmantih~
It hath become necessary to create a means of disciplining our soldiery. Though the soldiers we are given to work with are generally obedient and disciplined, on occasion an unruly soldier will appear in the ranks. It would be foolish to merely dismiss this able-bodied man, for in these times of war every hand capable of holding a sword must do so. Nay, dismissal is not the answer.
What, then, are we to do with those who resist the teachings of discipline? By what means may we save this soldier from the lure of Chaos and place him firmly back on the path toward being a useful implement with which to smite the Chaotic forces?
With these questions our Master did challenge the wisest men in the Temple. I, Sethmantih, did solve these challenges...
And if you need further hints at what to do here:
by Shartmannah
On my journey to find the Serpent Fountain I was troubled many times with doubt about my quest. Was I doing the right thing? Was I taking the correct path? How much longer could I resist the urge to accept failure?
I hunted through the master's chambers, stared into the coffins of those who once cared for the temple, and searched the library for the keys and implements necessary to complete the quest. The Master would only tell me two things; that I would have no reason to leave the temple, and that somewhere on the path my discipline would be tested.
I speak only in generalities, lest my words be seen by the wild eyes of one undisciplined. I doubt not that such a person would die on the way to the water, but there are wards against death in all its incarnations.
My discipline was indeed tested, and tested harshly. The key to completing my quest was perseverance. I had to search the same place many times and not admit defeat; I had to discipline my mind to keep it from wandering. The hardest part of the path to the fountain lay just before it, and I bear the scars on my feet, but, as is taught here, if one can only discipline the mind, the body can then be trained. I pushed the pain from my mind, so that I did not feel the acid searing my flesh, eating away at my skin. When finally I did reach the fountain, the test was not over -- to return to the temple proper, I had to brave the acid again.
The test made me strong, obedient, disciplined. Had I failed, I would be as one of those whose hearts I seek to skewer; chaotic and undisciplined. Due to the lessons of discipline I had learned, I was able to not only force the pain from my mind as the acid tried to eat my legs away, but steel my flesh against it so that now only the soles of my feet bear mild scars...
Ouch, acid? No wonder automatons are asked to get the water. But we don't have an Automaton handy... do we?
~~Body Transference~~
~~The Ultimate Warrior~~
When a warrior hath demonstrated unswerving Discipline, the Order Hierophant may approve the creation of the Ultimate Warrior.
The candidate must be willing to cast aside his or her own body in favor of that of an undying automaton. This is the highest honor of Order... to serve as Order's warrior through all time.
The candidate shall be conducted to the chamber with all pomp and pageantry. Upon the left dais shall stand the inanimate automaton husk. The candidate shall ascend to the right dais after the transference button hath been pressed.
Once the bodies have been transferred, the Final Test of Discipline must be completed. In this, the candidate must strike down the now-empty husk that he or she formerly knew as his or her body. Until this is done, the body transfer is not complete and the process will reverse unless the organic husk is destroyed.
Some few candidates may find themselves unable to withstand the transference, and as such would normally be considered failures. But it is the Order Hierophant's wishes that no stigma be attached to this weakness. The candidate shall be allowed to live the remainder of his or her life in service to Order, being an exemplar in all but the Final Test of Discipline.
This reminds us of the way the intelligent automatons were created. Maybe it has other applications. If we could transfer bodies with an automaton, we could walk to the fountain that way. But most of the automatons in the temple seem unsuited for the transfer, and for some reason we can't use any robo-companions.
~~Manual by Zazanush
The importance of meditation becomes noticeable when people of all ages admit that they are living a better, more peaceful life since they started to seek communion with the Serpent of Order. To apply the power of meditation to one's life, young student, obey the rules and follow them as they are written in this manual. I have gathered some guidelines that are easy to understand, so that thou mayest begin with these relaxing exercises without having to investigate any further.
1: Find thyself a place where thou wilt not be disturbed by anyone or anything.
2: Carefully spread the Mat of Meditation on the floor. Use only the prepared mats, for they are imbued with special powers to aid meditation.
3: Kneel and close thine eyes.
4: Concentrate on breathing very slowly and deeply.
5: Begin repeating the mantra "Issit."
6: Do not speak.
7: Do not let anything interrupt thee.
8: Continue with the mantras until thou dost feel total peace of mind.
These lessons will lead thee to a much higher level of meditation. They will prepare thee for the climax of the Test of Discipline.
That's all for new texts. Everything else is a repeat from Spinebreaker or elsewhere.

Downstairs we've got some tombs. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that these are the human bodies of the volunteers for the automaton soul transfer process. Isstanar's corpse might well be in one of the tombs. I'm not certain why we can get inside them, as there's nothing to take.

We do need to get inside this one though, as there's an invisible chest with a key in it.

That takes us upstairs again, to get a second snake-tongue-thingy.

One door over is an invisible chest with Serpent Arrows in it. There's a scroll elsewhere in the temple hinting at "hiding the arrows of discipline," but even if there weren't, this one kind of stands out as being obvious. They should have shunted it off into the corner where the cobwebs are, to hide it with like-colored stuff.

A bridge then appears to get us downstairs, where we're warned not to go into the next room.

And for good reason. Every couple of steps you'll find yourself stepping in damaging acid puddles. Automatons are immune, so what we're supposed to do is get Petra to come help us, switch bodies with her (I never got this except from a game mechanics perspective; why not just have Petra go get you a bucket of the water?), and proceed to the water room.
But you don't really have to do that, as long as you keep healing yourself with potions, bandages, and spells and run as fast as you can between heals. In fact, since your companions don't seem to take damage from the acid, it should be possible to get through here with relative ease. Serpent Bond might also work to break the acid triggers. It doesn't really take that long to get back here after grabbing Petra, but why go to the trouble?

Get two buckets of disciplined water. Get two buckets. You don't really want to get back through that acid bullshit, especially if you used Petra and then dismissed her (she won't join back up for it). You need two buckets because Gwenno requires one, and your companions will each require a bucket themselves once the Banes have been separated from them. This is, I believe, the only water you need to get double helpings of.
Back South...

But what the hey, let's go recruit Petra anyway.

Petra is somewhat useful, with decent enough stats. It's worth noting that the game doesn't really swap bodies with her when you use the transfer stations in the Temple of Discipline. Instead, the game just slaps a Petra texture set on the Avatar and copies the Avatar's texture set to Petra. The Avatar actually has a 'Petra' flag which turns him/her into Petra. Sometimes, for no clear reason, the game will set this flag on the Avatar. I think it has something to do with the F2 console, so it may not come up unless you're using the cheat menu, but there's lots of not-that-cheaty reasons to use it, so this could very well happen to you!

Like all automatons, Petra doesn't get cold, so she never needs warm gear. That helps her defense a bit, allowing her to wear a Magic Helm instead of a Fur Cap.

And that pretty much explains what we already assumed: Batlin was responsible for actually worsening the Imbalance, by loosing the Banes. The Order Ophidians had kept a vague stability in the universe by imprisoning the Banes, but it's an arrangement that can't last forever.

Gwenno is so great.

Karnax and Gwenno are sort of The Plot For Dummies. Most of what they're theorizing about the Ophidians are things you could have already come to guess from their writings and history. Still, they help to clear up any uncertainties in that respect. More interesting, however, is what Gwenno thinks we need to do about our current problem, the Banes:

The first line there is a winking reference to the Skara Brae plotline in The Black Gate. Caging souls was indeed possible in Britannia. Although not for very long, and it turns out there wasn't much of Skara Brae left afterwards. But that's a story for another day.

And so Gwenno is, ahem, forced to join. I believe there's a way to get her legitimately, basically by getting Water of Discipline before going to the Gwani Death Temple and curing her immediately. She seems to refuse to join if she's on Monk Isle, but she actually does have proper joining/leaving dialogue and is properly set up as an NPC.
In fact, she's awesome. Look at those stats. Sure, she pretty much can't join until after most of the trainers are dead, but with those lv1 stats, she barely needs much training. She's certainly better than Iolo was.
Later, In Moonshade...

Not only did Batlin improperly prepare his soul prisms to contain the Banes, Torrissio outright told him it wouldn't work. What a gigantic douche.

If the Black Sword has not yet been repaired, Torrissio also offers a nifty clue about how to deal with the Banes:

Only one spell left to go into our spellbook. I don't know if the game breaks if you attempt to use the Create Soul Prism scroll without transcribing it, since you need to cast it three times to beat the game. I'm not crazy enough to try.

Now we see why Ducio and Torrissio are alive: hamfisted plot necessity!

The little white spheres are Worm Gems. Worm Hearts are a reagent, which you should be able to locate in sufficient quantities without actually needing to hunt snakes in the frozen north for hearts. You only need nine to make three Worm Gems.

At any rate, once Create Soul Prism is cast, they transform from spheres into squares or something. This is the stage that Batlin got to before proceeding to ignore all of Torrissio's warnings. We need to do one thing more to ensure the Banes can be properly contained.

And that's to treat them with the waters of Chaos. Since we already got tolerant water from the altar in Gustacio's basement, we can create the green Tolerance Prism right away. We'll have to go to the other temples of Chaos for the water needed to treat the other two prisms, plus the Temple of Ethicality to get the water needed to cure Dupre once we've beaten the snakehead out of him.
With a sword.