
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a near launch PS3 game made by Naughty Dog. It was one of the only worthwhile games getting for the PS3 when it first launched. A lot of people were fairly unimpressed with the demo that was released for this game, so there are quite a few people that gave this game a pass. The demo is cursed or something and just isn't that fun. However, the actual game is quite good! I hope this let's play convinces you. As a bonus, this game is only 20 to 30 dollars brand new.
We've got a website, by the way. You can find it here: Chip and
The index for this let's play is here: Uncharted Index
All of these videos will have dual commentary on them. Download the mp4 version of any video and you can switch the audio over to an uncut version of our commentary where we talk over everything. If you play this in Media Player Classic, you'll have to press the "A" key to switch tracks. Don't try to stream the mp4 in a media player, because it will cause both tracks to play at the same time.
Videos come in both HD and SD resolutions, and both have the dual commentary tracks on them. The HD videos are in 720p resolution.
Uncharted #1 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted #2 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted #3 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted #4 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted #5 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted #6 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted #7 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted #8 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted #9 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted #10 | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted Unlockables | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Farewell to Ironicus | Hosted (Cut) | Hosted (Uncut) |
Uncharted Making-of #1
Uncharted Making-of #2
Tech Dive #1
Tech Dive #2
Tech Dive #3
Making of a Cutscene #1
Making of a Cutscene #2
Making of a Cutscene #3
Making of a Cutscene #4
Making of a Cutscene #5
Naughty Dog Studios
Concept Art Making Of