Looking through the LP master list, there seems to be something missing.
Where’s the love for Blitzball?! Don’t worry, we’ve got it right here. All the love you need.
That’s right: kuvo, topiKal, and bandunk are doing a video Let's Play of Final Fantasy X.

EP 1: The Crying Game Youtube
EP 2: Fish Grenades Youtube
EP 3: GEO101 - Introduction to Glyphs Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2)
EP 4: Music to Drown By Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2)
EP 5: The Sending (sponsored by Roundup) Youtube
EP 6: Barthello: A Shakespearean Tragedy Youtube
EP 7: It's Knuckle-Puck Time Youtube
EP 8: The Lindbergh Baby Youtube
EP 9: The Sublimely Magnificent Late Shot Mark III Youtube
EP 10: Are Ya Havin' a Laugh? Youtube
EP 11: The Green Mile Feels So Long Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2)
EP 12: Hertz Rent-A-Bird Youtube
EP 13: Don't Worry It Gets Better After This Youtube
EP 14: Millobsterpede Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2)
EP 15: Did You See That Freakin' Temple Explode? Youtube
EP 16: Suddenly Close Nipples Youtube
EP 17: Imposhibibble! Imposhibibble! Youtube
EP 18: BIO215 - The dietary habits of the Shoopuf Youtube
EP 19: We See Dead People Youtube
EP 20: A Shocking Tribute to Video-Lag Youtube
EP 21: Shut Up, Thunder Youtube
EP 22: Ten Minute Sphere Grid Youtube
EP 23: Jecht's Funniest Home Videos Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2)
EP 24: Pain in the Cloister Youtube
EP 25: Monday Night Blitzball Youtube
EP 26: No Glaring Either! Youtube
EP 27: Sandworms in Space Youtube
EP 28: Smells Like Teen Angst Youtube
EP 29: (Air)Ship of Fools Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2)
EP 30: Skip This One Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2)
EP 31: The Bahamut Redemption Youtube
EP 32: Back from the Dead Youtube
EP 33: Old Ratty G Youtube
EP 34: The Clam Before the Storm Youtube
EP 35: Hornless in Mt Gagazet Youtube
EP 36: Even Lamer then Cliffhanger Youtube
EP 37: The Moment You've All Been Waiting For... Plus 2 More Youtube
EP 38: St. Elsewhere Youtube
EP 39: Hitting Sharks Youtube
EP 40: Kill the Beast Youtube
EP 41: Twofolding@Home Youtube
EP 42: Halloween Special! Youtube
EP 43: EDU099: Puzzles for Toddlers Youtube
EP 44: McGlyph the Crime Wasp Youtube
EP 45: Fuck Bandunk Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2)
EP 46: Fuck Adobe Premiere Youtube
EP 47: A Phone Call From Jecht Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2)
EP 48: The Recappening Youtube
EP 49: Cliff Fishems Youtube
EP 50: Do You Have Stairs in Your Temple? Youtube
EP 51: My Other Rides a Chocobo Youtube
EP 52: A Wild Bandersnatch Appears Youtube
EP 53: Heh, I'll summon YOUR MOM Youtube
EP 54: Dumbshit Kid Got Lost in the Woods Youtube
EP 55: Vulnerable Brown Cave Youtube
EP 56: Last Side Quest We Promise Youtube
EP 57: SIN Flight 800 Conspiracy Youtube
EP 58: Proof the Giant Tortoise Is Not Endangered Youtube
EP 59: Sa Sinal Showsown Swith Shin Youtube (PART 1) Youtube (PART 2) Youtube (PART 3)

What is Final Fantasy X?
This is a pretty dumb question if you’ve ever played video games, but Final Fantasy X is the tenth (numbered) installment of the Final Fantasy series. It’s for the Playstation 2 and it's a turn-based Japanese RPG, also known as a Storyfight Game.
Who the hell are you guys?
The three of us are all gamers, though none of us have played Final Fantasy X within the last five years. In fact, bandunk has NEVER played Final Fantasy X. For this reason, we will be stumbling through the game and possibly dying repeatedly. Take note:

Who should watch this? Can I watch it, can I please, mistas?!
You should watch our FFX Let’s Play if you:
- Like/Hate FFX but have a sense of humor
- Know what a Shoopuff is
- Have a physical deformity
- Enjoy high-fiving your Dad
- Think Seymour Guado is a good porn name
- Have been a victim of identity theft
You should not watch this Let’s Play if you:
- Have written Final Fantasy slash fiction
- Want to know SWEET GAME HINTS
- Don’t like belts and fishnet clothing
- Are a cat
How often will you update?
We are likely going to update twice a week, though this may change or vary depending on both our schedules and the state of our respective inebriations.
How long will your updates be?
We’re shooting for roughly 30 minutes per installment, though some may be up to an hour if we get stuck in the middle of an area with no save point. Don’t be surprised if this happens somewhat often.
In what format is this LP?
We're big fans of MST3K, so you’ll be seeing and hearing the game with accompanying audio commentary by the three of us. We do not currently plan on adding any text/subtitles or editing the video or audio in any way. None of the commentary is done in post, so if the house burns down in the middle of recording, you’ll get to find out what it sounds like to be on fire.
Why does your compression/audio/commentary/whatever suck?
Do to
Ep 8 and onward have been recorded in glorious 640x480, so you can look forward to that as we release them.

Note: New stuff will be added in as they enter the game. All information will correspond with our progress, minus what we forgot or didn’t care about.
Playable Characters

Tidus (LP Name: Rűsty)
The star player of the Zanarkand Abes! Tidus is simple-minded and doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on most of the time. His favorite things are Blitzball and food, but he could probably be entertained by a ball-and-paddle for weeks, so take that as you will. He was transported to Spira during an attack on Zanarkand by Sin, which occurred during (you guessed it) a Blitzball match. He has unerringly found himself an unofficial member of Yuna's "summoner party," which isn't as much a party as it is a group of idiots wandering aimlessly

We don’t know a whole lot about Rikku yet, other than that she works on a boat and likes to treasure hunt. She helped Tidus out a bit by not killing him, until he was sucked into a wormhole for the second time in like ten minutes. She and her boat friends speak a weird language that isn’t English. However, unlike her cohorts, she is also fluent in English, making her bilingual and one of the least stupid people so far in the game.

It seems that Auron has known Tidus for a long time, but the connection between them is pretty unclear right now. As far as we can tell, he seems to enjoy standing around and speaking cryptically. One thing we know he hates is putting on his clothes correctly, because he leaves one of his arms hanging instead of using both sleeves on his coat. Auron (along with Jehct) were Braska's (Yuna's father) guardians 10 years ago.

The game’s female lead and only playable summoner. She is caring and generally puts others before herself, most likely to gain acceptance despite her insecurities caused by having different colored eyes. She is the daughter of the last High Summoner to defeat Sin (Lord Braska, her father). In battle, she is primarily useful as a healer and to summon dudes.

This guy loves Blitzball. He loves it so much that he doesn’t even use a weapon in battle, opting to instead throw a ball at his opponents. Wakka has a chip on his shoulder due to the death of his brother, Chappu, awhile before the game begins. He’s noticeable due to his wacky hair, tan skin, and extremely ambiguous accent, brudda.

Man, talk about a bitch. This chick seems to hate everything. Probably the smartest of the group, Lulu is the resident black mage, and one of the most useful playable characters (currently, anyway). She can’t stand Tidus, though that probably shouldn’t be held against her. She was engaged to Chappu before he was killed, which might be explain why she has sand in her vag.

A 7 foot tall lion man called a Ronso, he apparently babysat Yuna when she was younger. He has the personality of a rock and is pretty useless for battles, but makes up for this by generating hilarious fan-fiction.
Non-Playable Characters

Funniest character, hands down. He’s Tidus’ dad, a really good Blitzball player, and a total prick. Jecht disappeared from Zanarkand ten years ago, but apparently he showed up in Spira and became a guardian for Yuna’s dad. Ain’t that some shit? Word is he died the last time Sin got killed, but Auron and Rűsty know what really happened. HE’S THE BEST!

Seymour Guado
He’s a Maester of Yevon. Apparently 'Maester' means 'VIP who can summon hellspawn'. It seems like he’s pretty important to the story, but not as important as his hair and voice though. He has the hots for Yuna.

Who knows what the hell this thing is. This is a giant monster and everyone is afraid of it, and it seems to show up at inopportune times to fuck shit up for no reason. It seems to be a major plot component, since the whole world pretty much seems based around fighting it. Also, Sin can travel by both air and water, so it can show up just about anywhere. Auron revealed to Rűsty that every time Sin is defeated by the Final Summoning, the guardian sacrificed for said summoning becomes the new version of Sin. The last guardian happened to be Jecht.

Our hero, Rűsty, was playing an action-packed Blitzball match in his home-town of Zanarkand when Sin (a giant monster that likes smashing things) attacked the town and sucked him up along with Auron. After waking up in Spira and a short stint on a boat with Rikku and her henchman, Rűsty was sucked into yet another vortex, finally landing on a beach in Besaid. Instantly befriending Wakka due to their common love for Blitzing, Rűsty quickly found himself traveling with bitchingly hot summoner Yuna and her entourage. Following another run-in with Sin and a quick stop to grab another Aeon, the group finally landed in Luca where Yuna was promptly kidnapped. After a dareing rescue involving a crane, Yuna was freed allowing Rűsty to play in the championship game of the blitzball tournament. Due to some sketchy scorekeeper and blatant favoritism by the refs, Rűsty and Wakka lost the tournament. With nothing else in his life worth living for, he decides to be Yuna's guardian. Around this time Auron shows up and reveals to Rűsty that Sin is Jecht . Rűsty takes the news by flipping out, Auron calls him a pussy, and they both join Yuna as guardians.
To continue her pilgrimage, Yuna and Co. finds themselves traveling again. After pushing a monster off a cliff, the group find themselves at the battle of Normandy, where Sin shows up and kills a bunch of guys. The group gets emo over the whole ordeal, and pushes on to the lightning temple in a somber mood. After more dumb switch puzzles Yuna gets a new

Ep 1-6: ScurvyKip
Ep 8-9: ScurvyKip
Ep 10-12: ScurvyKip
Ep 13-15: ScurvyKip
Ep 16-18: ScurvyKip
Ep 19-20: ScurvyKip
Ep 21-22: ScurvyKip
Ep 23: ScurvyKip
Ep 24-26 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 27-28 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 29 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 30-31 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 32-33 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 34-35 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 36-37 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 38-39 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 40-41 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 42 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip
Ep 43 (and weapon customization): ScurvyKip

CoolZidane posted
A song about BLITZBALL
Acrylic Squirrel posted
Another song about BLITZBALL
Senorspoof posted
A song about Kimari and its lyrics
CoolZidane posted
A song about Seymour and its lyrics
Planeshifter2 posted
"Putting on the Blitz"and its lyrics
Kuvo posted
"Left my Blitzball in Zanarkand" and its lyrics
Senorspoof posted
Jolly_McJollyson posted
"We Didn't Start the Blitzball" and its lyrics
Nidoking posted
"Greater than Blitzball" and its lyrics
Planeshifter2 posted
A song about dreams
SamuraiFoochs posted
"To Zanarkand" Monologue
Fail-Bot posted
"Rusty-Rusty-Ru, where are you?"and its lyrics
Miz Kriss posted
A song

The Grimace posted

Daniel Thorburn posted

homphgomph posted

TozmaT posted

Snugglecakes posted

Sejs Cube posted

Camel Pimp posted

Cassandra Complex posted

ScurvyKip posted

Ronnie posted

Senorspoof posted

Ronnie posted

Toadsniff posted

Chargrilled Face posted

Fredrik1 posted

Sejs Cube posted

Senorspoof posted

Lyrax posted

vVhorpax posted

Elentor posted

Toadsniff posted

SenorSpoof posted

Manky posted

Camel Pimp posted

Acrylic Squirrel posted

Sejs Cube posted

Camel Pimp posted

Final Fantasy X posted
Snugglecakes posted

MrLonghair posted

Mayor McCheese posted

Acrylic Squirrel posted

Chilly McFreeze posted
CountryMatters posted

Graceful Graveler posted

ScurvyKip posted

Camel Pimp posted

jjac posted

randomcommoner posted

CountryMatters posted

Death Bot posted

stryblazer posted

SirMax (Viddler) posted

jjac posted

topiKal posted

MrLonghair posted

Kuvo posted

Elentor posted

Goreld posted

topiKal posted

RoadCrewWorker posted

Pork Lift posted

deepshock posted

randomcommoner posted

Acrylic Squirrel posted

HardHead posted

geri_khan posted

Violen posted
Spermando posted

Violen posted
Zonekeeper posted

MiniFoo posted

Reive posted

Zuzie posted

Evil Eagle posted

Horns posted

Flame Strike posted

Spermando posted

Evil Eagle posted

PlasmaMan posted

ScurvyKip posted

Knives Chau posted

HardHead posted

Flamazot posted

Violen posted
Violen also posted
trepanation posted

Crowetron posted

Adus posted