The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 41: Juro Kurabe 4

Quick note about the previous update: apparently Miura’s “Big Brother” Pilot Skill can be forced to activate if Gouto reaches critical HP, as Chihiro appears in the message that plays. That’s really goddamn weird, but the skill still seems… pretty garbage.

Well, it’s Juro time.

Chapter 41: Juro Kurabe 4

Music: In The Doldrums (Rikako Watanabe)

Let me guess. Amiguchi-kun’s not there? I think he’s at the break area.
Thanks for makin’ my life easier, man. Cool, let’s grab our stuff and head over.

Consider Terrible Dream

(That dream was awful. I was going around killing students… I shot so many. Like Fuyusaka-san… and Yakushiji…)

I’ll let you borrow it when I’m done.

Whoops. This is no time to be reading comics, huh?

You’ll be home for dinner, right? I’ll cook something for you.
Hey, watch what you’re saying. We’re still at school… And Shiba-kun’s here.

Consider Shu Amiguchi

(Shiba-kun’s really getting in the way here… I should make him check the classroom for Amiguchi-kun again. That’ll get him off my back.)

So, let’s try to get Shiba away for a bit so we can talk to Megumi.

Use Shu Amiguchi on Kyuta Shiba

…Unfortunately, the instant we do this, Megumi starts to walk away!

I know we couldn’t find Amiguchi-kun earlier… But what if he went back to his classroom? Maybe you should go check one more time.
Hmm, good point… You never know what that guy’s up to. I’ll take a look.

And the instant he starts walking away, we’re already booking it over to catch Megumi…

…with no luck. We missed her.

Guess we have no choice but Shu again.

Music: Ennui Vibes (Yoshimi Kudo)

Are we on for today?
*shaking his head with a wince* …… I’ve got somewhere to be.
Well, all right.

No, I’m sorry for asking all the time.

After all that? I think I’m gonna cry.

Well, let’s just go home then.

But we’re not satisfied with that, are we? Let’s try once more.

Music: In The Doldrums (Rikako Watanabe)

If we try to leave without Shiba noticing…

…We fail, as we’ve seen before. So we’re going to have to try another tack if we want to ditch him to talk to Megumi.

Oh hey, those papers from Juro’s prologue.

An idea is forming… An idea that involves feigning a prior responsibility to avoid my quote-unquote “friend!”

Use Stack of Papers on Kyuta Shiba

I have to drop off these papers.

Well, just meet me at the front gate when you’re done. In the meantime, I’ll go hunt down Amiguchi.

Ah, sweet freedom.

Let’s go find Megumi, then.

That was quick!

You’ll be home for dinner, right? I’ll cook something for you.
Hey, watch what you’re saying. We’re still at school…

Your favorite.
*blushing* Knock it off. If people find out we’re living together… We’ll be expelled from school.

Well I *do* mind, so please…
*laughing* Sorry, sorry. It’s our secret, I know. I’ll be a little more discreet.

I’ll be waiting for you.
*blushing* ……

Consider Megumi Yakushiji

(Geez… It feels awkward going home like this. I’m going to be restless all night. We’re just teenagers… We can’t be living together already… What is she thinking? Just showing up at my place and treating me like this…

I hope there wasn’t a break-in.

Juro looks around.

You’re from my school, right? I think we’re in the same—

Music: Ennui Vibes (Yoshimi Kudo)

Well, wouldn’t it technically be negative 40?

I’ve missed your touch.

What are you doing in my house?

Juro, that’s a fair thing to be confused about, but I feel you’re underemphasizing the weirdness of being hugged by this stranger who’s apparently longed for your touch for forty years (despite being, like, sixteen).

I’ll be renting a room starting today. My name is Megumi Yakushiji. Hello there.
You’re joking, right?

His landlord? You mean his grandma?

She gave me this rental agreement.
My grandma?
I’ve already moved in all my furniture.
Geez… I mean, yeah, there was an empty room… And she said she was planning to rent it out, but… I didn’t expect it to be a girl from school! *sigh* What were you thinking, Grandma? Ugh, there’s no way. I can’t do this. Grandma’s going to be out this whole month. She’s visiting relatives back in Shimane. That means it’s just the two of us here. If the school finds out… We’re going to be expelled!
Well… That wouldn’t be so bad.

Oh, Megumi. Such a kidder.

Anyway… I need to get started on dinner. As thanks for letting me stay with you… I’ll be taking care of your meals. I hope you like it.


Lady, don’t stand so close!

Ms. Morimura…
What’s the matter? You seem deeply concerned.

Juro takes three steps back just to get into proper talking range.

No… That’s not it.

Consider Megumi Yakushiji

(That girl… She always stands a little too close to me.)

She’s not the only one!

(It’s awkward… I get really self-conscious all the time. How am I supposed to interact with her…?)

I was just about to go to the nurse’s office.
Oh? Why is that?

Use Stack of Papers on Ms. Morimura

Sorry for the trouble.

Thank you, Kurabe-kun.

Now… I wonder if Shiba-kun was able to find Amiguchi-kun.

Music: In The Doldrums (Rikako Watanabe)

I’ve gotten permission from Morimura.

Music: Between The Lines (Kikuchi Yukinori)

I see. Even if that’s the case, it isn’t looking good. There’s an issue with Juro’s condition. We can’t let it continue as is.
You still plan on using him, don’t you? You can’t. I won’t let you.
Please. Let him be free of the Sentinel.
*sigh* As of now, he’s the only one who can fight. I can’t promise anything.
I recognize the position you’re in. You harbor feelings for him, correct? But you must understand that he is no longer the Izumi you knew.

You would do well to consider him an entirely different person. The new personality is not stable. Don’t disregard the danger this may put you in.
Juro will recover. I’ll make sure of it.

…It would be a futile effort, as I’ve already explained. Izumi’s memory is gone. There is nothing left.

This is for your own good.
Just let me be.
I cannot. You must return to Shikishima.
And what if I say no?
…… You’re a difficult one. (loop)

Consider Izumi

(Izumi… Haven’t I heard that name before? I think Shinonome-senpai called me that. Oh, and I saw it at the nurse’s office, too. There was a document labeled “Juro Izumi”…)

Welp, time to make things awkward!

How long have you been listening? *annoyed sigh*

Gouto just bounces. I guess he doesn’t want to know the answer!


…… I’ll cook one of your favorite meals tonight. So please… Come right home, okay? No eating out.

And Megumi runs away! Way to go Juro, Master of Tact!

I’m a different person? Juro… Izumi? That’s ridiculous.

Why do I have this sinking feeling? It’s like… The one Yakushiji has feelings for isn’t me.

Aww, Juro seems like he’s caught feelings after all. Maybe.