The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 72: Shu Amiguchi 6

We’re honestly a little short on options at the moment, we’ve got like four or five plot blocks active. Let’s just head back to Shu.

Chapter 72: Shu Amiguchi 6

The dreams we’re seeing are actual events from the past… And it turns out this place is actually isolated…? *yawn*

Oh, you know, just the pop star Miyuki Inaba talking through my TV. Who the heck do I even talk to about this? If I just tell the truth, they’ll throw me in a loony bin.

Consider Tetsuya Ida

(Back in my dream… He called himself Tetsuya Ida. We look identical, but… that’s not my name, so… …… Well, it’s not just our names. He and I are totally different people.)

Consider That Dream

(The way Miyuki Inaba tells it… Those dreams weren’t from the future, like I thought they were. They already happened. It’s all in the past…)

Consider Miyuki Inaba

(The way she describes it… These aren’t just dreams and videos Kurabe-kun and I see. They’re actual events that happened in the past. The past of Tetsuya Ida…)

Using the words “past” and “future” here is getting mighty confusing because of each person’s relative position in the timestream. Ida is either your future or some alternate you, and you’re seeing his past… which is also the future. Simple.

Tomi Kisaragi isn’t here…

Probably for the best, actually. Bumping into her now would be super awkward.

Hey. You going home? Perfect timing. See, uh, about that video…
Sorry. I’m kind of in a hurry.
Oh… It’s cool.
Oh… nothing.

Music: STAGNATION (Yoshimi Kudo)

Seems like something’s up with him. Maybe he’s figured something out too…? *sigh*

Nope, not here…

Detention is a cruel mistress.

*sigh* Maybe I need some fresh air.

Maybe I should just go public. Lay everything out in the open. I guess I could record Miyuki Inaba talking to me? Send that tape out to TV stations?

Music: LONER (Azusa Chiba)

Amiguchi… …Just got shit on my mind. What about you? You look like hell. Somethin’ weighin’ you down?
Yeah… You could say that.

Remember when I skipped school for a few days?
What about it?

Stuck in the future.

Shu, you’re in no position to be doubting the insane things other people tell you.

Huh? Oh… You know that popstar Miyuki Inaba? She’s been showing up in my room every night. I don’t know what to do.

What’s up?
Yakushiji-san from Class 1-C. She said she wanted to talk to me today. Said she’d find me up here.
*sigh* This shit again…? Sheesh… Sometimes you’re real annoying to be friends with.

Oh, just stuff from middle school. Girls used to confess their love to me in front of him all the time. Oh, uh, wow… is that what this is about? I’m sorry, really… I’ve got feelings for someone else.
…That’s not what I came here to tell you.
Oh, sorry. Awkward. So, what *do* you need?

Music: Lonely Struggle (Rikako Watanabe)

This might hurt a little, anyway.

Where *am* I?

Wait a minute… Is this the robot I saw in my dreams?

Tell them no scrambles. Showa-era weapons won’t do much against a Sentinel. We don’t know who’s on it, or what their intent is…

What’s it trying to do?

I believe that’s the last aerial lightweight craft designed by Okino. I thought it never even entered production…

Music: Ennui Vibes (Yoshimi Kudo)

I knew I was going up, but I can’t have gone that high…

It’s literally impossible, Shu. Your Sentinel flies using propellers, for crying out loud.

Altitude reading says… 2,078 meters…

You are now outside the enclosure.
I’m outside the wall now? So outside that, it’s just… space? What does all this mean…? I saw a lot of these huge robots in my dreams, but… None of them could fly…
That is Sentinel No. 20…

Does Yakushiji work for you?
The Sentinel was never meant to be transmitted. They found us.
Who’s they?
Intruders from another district. They left their origin point and came to your world.
Another district? Wait, there’s more than one of these places?
We need to hide the Sentinel. I can’t do anything for you here. You have to go back to your sector.

This thing’s got propellers…

Okay, good, he does realize how that works.

Music: Self Sacrifice (Yoshimi Kudo)

I knew it…’S like I keep saying… We’ve gotta be soulmates…

Kinda hoped I’d see you one more time before I died.

This is really cheesy, bro. But honestly? Probably a lot more romantic than most of the shit you pull. You know, ignoring the giant robot you just crashed.

Yuki, on the other hand, is having none of it.

Music: The Plot Thickens (Rikako Watanabe)


If you’ll notice, Yuki edges back toward Shu when Ida arrives, almost protectively. Heh.

Cooperate with us, and I can guarantee your safety. If not, you will be institutionalized.

I really, *really* hate being talked down to. Especially from guys like you.


Easy, Amiguchi.

She is a member of our organization.

You were part of her assignment. She was sent to monitor pilots like you. That’s why she was transferred to Sakura High School.

I suggest you cooperate, Shu Amiguchi. For Takamiya’s sake, if nothing else.

And Shu finally finds out Yuki’s terrible secret, oh no!

Looks like we’ll have to do a bunch more Destruction to unlock the final Shu scene.