The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 81: Iori Fuyusaka 6

Chapter 81: Iori Fuyusaka 6

Time to return to Iori’s quest for love, I suppose.

Music: Bittersweet Sorrow (Composer: Azusa Chiba, Arranger: Kikuchi Yukinori)

She said she had some papers to deliver, right? To the art room, I think?
(depressedly) Yeah.

Iori, come on. You can’t sulk this hard over a guy you don’t know.

Huh? I-I’m fine.

Miwako did say she wanted to stop by the record store.
She wants that new idol album, right?

Sorry to keep you waiting!

I saw Natsuno-chan just now, but—

It’s because you were waiting on me… I’m sorry.

We couldn’t even get the record you wanted.
I can’t believe all three stores were sold out…

Presumably because they didn’t want to animate her carrying it home for the rest of this scene.

My dad’s a worrywart… Maybe I should call home.
There’s a phone booth over there.


Wow, he picked up quick! Didn’t even let it ring!

It’s me. Uh-huh. *hangs up*

Pretty much how I thought. He wants me to come home ASAP.
Figures. The train’s probably fastest.

Let’s head over to the train then.

Music: Bad Omen (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

It’s the bully from before.
I thought so.

I think it was last week… He was harassing us by the school gate.

Luckily, Nenji-kun stepped in and saved us…
*blushing* He… He did? Dang…
What now? Should we go around the other way?
That’d be best.

They’ve been hanging around our school lately.

Let’s jet.

Not the time for your lame pickup lines, old man! We’re standing in the middle of the street!


You may know me better as Onishi the Ogre.

Side note: the term “Onishi the Ogre” is definitely a translation of “Oni,” right? Maybe they put more emphasis on the “Oni” syllable in his name in Japanese? Like “Oni-shi”? Whatever, I just figured that out.

*distressed whispering* He’s gonna take us into custody.

Really appreciate that the game uses his full title here.

If you knew, why did you ask?

It’s 8 o’clock. What are you doing out at this hour?
Um… Well…
We were shopping for a record and it got dark before we knew it.
It’s true.

The reason doesn’t matter.
We’re sorry.
If it happens again, I’ll write you up. Now hurry on home.

Let’s make a break for the station.

Do or die.

Well, that didn’t work.

You’ve done it now…

Not helping, Tomi!

Come with me. I’ll show you a good time. I know the perfect place.

Don’t tell me. You’re up to no good again?

Clearly, my dude.

I haven’t done anything! …Yet.
Run along home. Or would you rather come with me?

Let’s go.

Whew, time to head to the station, where surely nothing bad will happen!

Music: The Plot Thickens (Rikako Watanabe)

Oh, goddammit!

And forced us into this creepy alleyway!

Thank you for filling us in, Iori, because we never actually got to see that scene. Hey, I get it, making a whole environment for that scene would have been prohibitively costly.

Don’t think you’ll get away with this! The police are on their way!

Wajima-san has somethin’ to say. So listen up, will ya?

All my life, I’ve been shit outta luck when it comes to women.

Don’t love where this is going!

I’m tellin’ ya, girl… The moment I saw you, I knew you’d be mine.
Yeah, get it, Wajima-san!

Oh hey, Ei! Here to… murder Iori, I guess? This is the alleyway, after all!

You need to leave those girls alone. Get out of here. Now.

Another poser? Huh!?
*sigh* Hard of hearing, are we? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

This bastard’s a boxer…
A tad rusty. You got a few hits in.

Music: Just Because (Composer: Azusa Chiba, Arranger: Rikako Watanabe)

But why…?

You’re lying.

Thanks, Usami-chan.
You should have just bolted past the ticket gate. You’re such a slowpoke sometimes.

Tomi, there’s a cop right next to us.


A really cool guy came in and saved us!
You mean the one who ran downtown?
Yes, that’s right. I wonder what school he goes to…

We can leave the rest to the cop. Let’s go home.

Consider Cute Guy

Again!? Is this all you can think about, Iori!?

(I wonder where he is now… I might never see him again.)

(If I don’t run after him… I know I’ll regret it. Even if he turns me down… I have to tell him how I feel!)

Suddenly, a man in black emerges from the gap between buildings.

He’s nearby.

Music: The One (Kikuchi Yukinori) (This is legitimately one of my favorite tracks in the game)

Something like that, sure.

Oh hey, he magically appeared in that phone booth while the camera couldn’t see it! Cool trick!

Music: Now Or Never (Kazuki Higashihara)

You… Were you following me?
Um… I wanted to tell you something…
Don’t. If you’re seen with me… The men in black suits will go after you too.
Black suits?
I’m being hunted. Do you get it? Now go home. All right?

Dammit. Let go of me!
Don’t even think of drawing your gun here.

Music: High Alert (Yoshimi Kudo)

You’re not getting away, Sekigahara.

Perfect timing. Give me a hand.
So women and children are fair game, huh?

How chauvinist of you, Yuki.

Suddenly, the self-driving motorcycle drives up and stops near Ei.

So, uh… is anyone gonna help that unconscious G-man out of the fucking street?

She seemed to be associated with the men in black. Did you recognize her?
No… It was too dark.

Ain’t that convenient!

I see. You might want to hold on a little tighter. You’re going to fall.

Hey, um… I know this is sudden, but…

Music: A F8ful Struggle (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

I need to tell you. I…

What’s this all of a sudden? Some kind of prank from this era?


It’s not a prank! I know… You already have Shinonome-senpai. It’s probably awkward to hear this from me. But… Even if it ends up breaking my heart… I just needed to tell you. I needed you to know how I feel. ……

Ryoko-san is not my girlfriend.
I spent a lot of time alone back home. Parents weren’t around. So, she stepped in. Looked after me like a big sister. She’s family to me. In that sense, I do care for her. I want her to be happy. That’s all.

Wow, so the “reveal” at the end of Iori’s last chapter was completely contrived bullshit fake melodrama? Perish the thought!

You mean it?
Middle school was a rough time for me. Haven’t heard a thing about love since I was a kid. Until now, that is.
(to self) So she’s not his girlfriend after all…
You know… It seems the two of us are bound by fate. What would you do if I told you…



Well… Yeah.

Gee, when you put it like that, it sounds pretty hackneyed!

Heh… You feel that strongly, huh? Didn’t see that coming.

Ei Sekigahara…

He hasn’t heard where you live yet, either, so I guess you’re both keeping each other in suspense, huh?

…… Let’s get you home.

And… where is that, exactly?

Don’t follow me again. All right?

…To murder you.

Contrary to what you may think from all the riffing I was just doing, I’m not suddenly down on this game. The Iori/Ei romance just is not a particularly strong element and is extremely easy to make fun of, so… I did. :v:


Wrong “defused” there, buddy.