The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 86: Ryoko Shinonome 7

Chapter 86: Ryoko Shinonome 7

Music: Just Because (Composer: Azusa Chiba, Arranger: Rikako Watanabe)

Yes. In fact, Ryoko knows where she is so well that she’s just going to immediately bounce.

Music: The Plot Thickens (Rikako Watanabe)

Use Run Away on Tomi Kisaragi

This is the last time we’ll ever need to flee from Gouto, if I remember correctly. Can’t believe he’s still falling for this.

This time, we need to head left again.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

It’s me, Shu Amiguchi.
Amiguchi… I don’t know you.

Ryoko’s head is pounding.


(Why does he seem so familiar?)

You should probably go to the nurse’s office.
I’m fine. I just need to take my pills. It’ll go away then…

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Use Pills


I guess they’re done selling.

My head… It hurts…

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Let’s take our pills before we go any further.

Consider Pills

(That was the last of them… I need to get more pills. Before it gets worse… The nurse’s office should have some.)

It’s possible for us to leave this area now and head to the nurse’s office now that the “Out of Pills” flag has been raised, but that would be completely pointless as our objective is here. Let’s just talk to Yuki.

Music: Something’s Fishy (Kikuchi Yukinori)

What are you doing?

For me?

Well, this is going much worse than I anticipated.

I’m an undercover agent for the SIU too. Did you forget that already?
Sorry, undercover agent?

Oh, right. Ida. Haven’t heard from him in a while.

That’s why you’ve been forced into being a spy for him?
…Tetsuya Ida, from the Special Investigations Unit.
*gasp* Mr. Ida. But why would he…

What about when we shifted back here, in the science room?
Can you… remind me?

Music: Hard Pill to Swallow (Kikuchi Yukinori)

The gate in the science room.
Amiguchi’s not here. Shit, we left him…

Am I just being used? Because if that’s what you want… Then I don’t care.

But… You having feelings for another girl… I can’t accept that.

Uhhhhhhhhh… This got pretty weird.

You were just going to throw us aside, like nothing. All so you could have a do-over. With *her*.

This is all a big misunderstanding.
Ever since I saw the recordings from the lab… I can’t take it.
*shocked gasp*

You need to take your pills and calm down.

Uh, holy shit!

Oh god, she had a smile on her face as she did it, that’s stone fucking cold.

Music: A Cruel Thesis (Yoshimi Kudo)

*pained wince*

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Yep. Then you booked it outta there. Anyways, four-eyes wasn’t budging. I had no choice but to call in the black suits.
Is Mr. Ida… Is he okay?

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

How would I know? I haven’t had any contact with him since.

I couldn’t have…
Well, it’s hard to imagine he’s okay after that.
Might even be dead…

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Why’d you do it?
I saw… a recording…
A recording of what?

No more… I don’t want to…

Ryoko’s head is pounding.

Time to force it anyway!

Okay, log 3214. And the next one is… …… Research on AI? …! The data’s gone.

Anything more recent than that has been deleted…

Music: Metal Demon (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

Fun little moment here playing with the VN/adventure game format: there’s obviously no mechanic for shooting in these segments, so instead Ryoko pulls out her phaser and a prompt appears above her own head, allowing you to interact with it and shoot the android.

Oh no, another one!

It’s dispatched just as easily.

Never gonna get over the way people hold guns like this.

Music: Cognitive Dissonance (Rikako Watanabe)

They shouldn’t have been able to get in. I locked the passageway door behind me.

Maybe there’s something on there.

If we first check the logs again, we’ll get this interaction:

I won’t find anything no matter how hard I look.

Use Surveillance Footage

Found it. Hm. Morimura and Renya Gouto have been here a few times. So they’re the ones that opened the passageway.

Maybe if I keep going back through the footage… I’ll find out who deleted the logs.

Music: Track Down (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

The immobile android shell “wakes up,” this time speaking with a distinctly female voice.

I apologize for having to use this body. I did not anticipate that 426 would take yours from you.

So then the consciousness inside the android must be…

I’m sorry. You made that body… just for me.
No, I’m the one who let my guard down. I’ll make you another, right away.
You should make bodies for the others instead of me.
Yes, well, unfortunately… They no longer need bodies.
Because of the Sentinels?
So you’re aware.
You’re going to trick the UFO into thinking it’s being controlled by the compatible. By putting our bodyless friends into the Sentinels.
That’s right. Although, I am still unsure how successful we will be. The UFO is not easily deceived.
Then put me into a Sentinel, too.

If you’re discovered, you’ll be removed as a foreign entity. It’s too risky. Miura and Hijiyama can handle it. They lived as humans in an era of war anyway.
Ida-kun… Look at me. I’m not Tomi Kisaragi anymore.
But if I transfer you into this world’s Tomi Kisaragi… Everything will be back to normal.

Still going on about that plan, eh?

My research has been progressing. You’ll be able to come back.
No… Absolutely not. How could you even consider it? She’s still me. Sacrificing someone so I can take their place… I could never forgive you for that, Ida-kun.
Please. Put me into a Sentinel.
…… I’ll think about it. Anyway, I need to make some adjustments. I’m going to shut off the power for now.

The android shuts down.

I don’t care who has to die for it.

It’s just as he said. If I had just put her in another body from the start… None of this would have happened. ……

…… No…

Music: Cognitive Dissonance (Rikako Watanabe)

From… that day. Then I can transfer her data into the new Tomi Kisaragi. She’d never have to know. We just need to reset things. It’ll all be better that way…

So, not only was Ida trying to “reset the world” so he could bring back Tomi Kisaragi without her knowing that he sacrificed the “original” Tomi to do it, Ryoko found out and fucking killed him for it. Gnarly stuff, there.

Another event locked behind Destruction 2-10!? Geez.