The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 93: Juro Kurabe 9 (FINAL)

Today’s my birthday, and I’m going to spend it giving you the gift of what is perhaps one of my favorite events in this game. It’s also one of the longer events, though, so let’s just jump right in.

Chapter 93: Juro Kurabe 9 (FINAL)

Music: Head In The Clouds (Rikako Watanabe)

Let’s go home.

Consider Tamao Kurabe

(As Shinonome-senpai told me earlier… There’s a second Juro Izumi from another world. He transferred his consciousness into an android… So that must have been what I saw. But still… Why did it look just like my grandma when she was younger?)

You know what your grandma looked like as a teenager?

What? Why the long face? Have another nightmare or somethin’?
Knock it off. I’m not stupid. I know I’m the only one who can see you.

Hmm… So it wasn’t fully wiped.

I guess mind-hacking has its limits.

Use Q-ta Shiba on Kyuta Shiba

You live inside me. That day at the shrine… You jumped out of that robot and possessed me.
What do you think I am, a ghost? I had nowhere else to go. If it were up to me… I would have picked a more welcoming host.

Use Juro Izumi on Kyuta Shiba

This isn’t about my lost memories, is it? You’re not trying to restore them. You’re giving me someone else’s.
What are you talking about? They’re Juro’s memories.
In other words… yours? The other Juro Izumi…
*sigh* Y’know, this one’s three times older than you.

We can’t have you causing a scene here. Your memory needs to be wiped clean.

Music: STAGNATION (Yoshimi Kudo)

Juro momentarily hallucinates another version of Ms. Morimura…

That’s right. She’s the one I saw in my dream…

*momentary shock*

Use Juro Izumi on Ms. Morimura

I’m actually Juro Izumi, aren’t I?
*silent gasp*

What’s this all of a sudden?
I get it now. The woman who keeps showing up in my dreams… The one I saw on Sumire Bridge… It’s not Fuyusaka-san. It’s you. Chihiro Morimura.
*sheepish laughter, averting eyes* I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Use Q-ta Shiba on Ms. Morimura

That Shiba-kun was inside of me? Or, rather… Juro Izumi was.

Music: Who D-Unit (Yoshimi Kudo)

You think you can just walk in here and screw everything up?

Juro backs away from Morimura and Megumi.

Attempting to get closer will result in Shiba reappearing and Juro backing away again.

Clearly, we have no choice but to abscond… from the monster living in our own brain. Genius play, Juro.

If I run to the nurse’s office… I’ll put Shinonome-senpai at risk too.

Consider Tsukasa Okino

(If the woman from my dream is actually our teacher… Then Tsukasa Okino must be real, too. …… Where have I seen him before?)

Hmm… where has Juro seen Okino… wait a minute…

There was a guy standing by the vending machines earlier. He looked just like Tsukasa Okino…

Man, if he’s not randomly standing next to the vending machines today you’re screwed, buddy.

Music: Ennui Vibes (Yoshimi Kudo)

Thankfully, Juro’s in luck.

Do you have a minute?

Do you need me for something?

Use Tsukasa Okino on Tsukasa Okino

You’re Tsukasa Okino, right?

You must be mistaken.

Okino mad!!!

You even sound like him. You were in that UFO with Juro Izumi… Right?
You’re not making any sense. Sorry, but I don’t have time for this. If you’ll excuse me.

I know I’ve met you somewhere else.

That’s right… I remember now.

Or would you rather bear the brunt of the electric chair?

He’s a murderer. He bombed Shikishima, killing countless people. We managed to catch him, but his identity is still unknown. Furthermore, his testimony makes no sense. That’s why I’ve requested your assistance.


Music: Ennui Vibes (Yoshimi Kudo)

Take a good look at him. Do you know this man?
…No. I’m afraid I’ve never seen him before.
All right then. Your biometrics lead me to believe you’re being honest with us.
Why did you bring me here?
Well, we used a truth serum on the guy. He started saying your name over and over. He also mentioned a student by the name of Chihiro Morimura.

Do you recognize her?
We’ll be requesting her cooperation soon enough. But it’ll have to wait until next week. She’s currently out of the country.

Wait, what!? Out of the country!? How does that work????

In any case, thank you for joining us today. I may ask for your presence again if any new info turns up.
Of course.
You are free to go. Follow the signs back to the waiting room.

Mr. Juro Izumi. Take a good look at him. Do you know this man?
How would I? All I know is… he’s a terrorist bomber.
Well, we took a look at your DNA.

Music: Cognitive Dissonance (Rikako Watanabe)

The two of you are a perfect match. It was quite a surprise.
There’s a distinct possiblity… that one of you is a clone.
That’s ridiculous.

Exactly! To our knowledge, they’re both clones!

What does he have to say about it?
According to his testimony… He is, in fact, you… from the future. As for his motive… He claims he had to commit this crime to prevent the emergence of kaiju.
…! …Excuse me for a moment.


Music: Between The Lines (Kikuchi Yukinori)

Looks like he’s awake.
Perfect. I’m almost done.

Calm down, please.

Tsukasa Okino…

I was attacked out of nowhere…

Ha, Hijiyama is so proud of himself.

It was the only way. This isn’t the most welcoming place, is it? I can’t imagine you would’ve come willingly.

Keep your mind calm.

Use Tsukasa Okino on Tsukasa Okino

I saw you in my dream, and… you got left behind.
I knew there was something odd about you… But that dream of yours is even more surprising than I expected. Juro Izumi, shifting in cycles… There’s only one person those memories could have come from. I’m glad I looked into this. To think he’d seek refuge within Juro himself…

Use Juro Izumi on Tsukasa Okino

We call him 426. As of now, he exists as sheer consciousness. That is to say, he lives in your injected nanomachines. At some point, he got in and took over the system area.

Music: The Chills (Yoshimi Kudo)

He’s not quite what I imagined.
Don’t be deceived. He can alter his appearance however he pleases.
You guys can see him…?

He can’t hurt you anymore.

Why you gotta be so obtuse?
Tell us the purpose of your disguise.

Hey, don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not the one who wanted that. Chihiro Morimura is.
Our teacher?
She wanted to transplant my memory backups into you. Whatever she could do to match your personality with mine. But Tamao Kurabe didn’t like the idea. She created a new personality… The one you have now.
But… you were using video tapes to alter my memories…
Yeah, well. The backups weren’t meshing with your simulated personality. You almost had a breakdown, man. So I decided to turn ‘em into something a little more concrete. Something your current self would understand. You should thank me for saving your ass.
…Somehow, I find that hard to believe.

Well, if Morimura’s plan did work out… There’d just be another copy of me running around. Besides, I don’t wanna be left watching over your unstable mess.

For better or worse… She’s given up on the Sentinel project. Her interest in Juro Kurabe has waned.
…But the Sentinel project is the only option we have.

Then what can? You’re talking as if you know the answer.
I do. I’ve found an effective means for our survival. Would you like to hear it?

I know who programmed it. It was a certain someone named Tsukasa Okino, back in 2188.
It’s hard to believe from looking at you now… But he was quite the sloppy programmer. When he designed the environment management system… He borrowed a portion of it from something else. That particular portion contains the D-Code. It’s what’s summoning the kaiju. That part of the code was never supposed to be accessed. But, well… it was.

Music: Double Bind (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

A Deimos game…?

That’s how the kaiju are being produced?

It’s not a coincidence, you know.

But just imagine…

We’ve had limited control over it so far.

Wait… you’re not…

Hold on a second…

Goddammit, this fucking game!!!! They just justified the gameplay contrivances! God damn you crazy bastards!

I don’t need your help anymore. Sorry for wasting your time.
Do you have any proof of your claims?

There was a log on it, but it’s gone.

Oh, right! Hijiyama saw that log!




Idol in orbit? Guess that’s Miyuki Inaba… Man, this scene is bringing in all kinds of stuff from other stories.

I need to get going.

He can’t do a thing.


Your Yakisoba Pan Angel, yes, we know.

Music: The One (Kikuchi Yukinori)

Did you walk through tar to get here?

Wait, when did Fluffy get he—oh fuck me, is he also Juro!?

Foul-mouthed cat.

Don’t worry about erasing his memory.
What? But then…
What are you talking about?

I won’t erase your memories either.

She’s the one who’s been cooperating with him.

Hijiyama. Respond, please. I need you to open it. Can you hear me!?

Music: UNPREDICTABLE (Yoshimi Kudo)


Hijiyama… Open the B2 airlock.
I’m afraid I can’t do that.
You’re well aware of the reason.

The vitals detected by your suit tell me otherwise.
I’m so sorry, Yakushiji.
Fine. I may be infected… But my daughter isn’t. Please, check her.
It’s true, she’s not showing any signs of infection just yet…
So you’ll let her in, right? Please!
Unfortunately… she is likely still in the incubation period.
Just save my daughter, I’m begging you!
It’s not a risk we can afford to take.
You and I… we’re comrades, aren’t we? We’ve been to hell and back together. If it’s the last thing I ask of you… Please, Hijiyama…
I’m sorry, Yakushiji. You must understand…

Music: A Brave Gene (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

Major Izumi…
Izumi-san… I had a feeling you would say that. So I’ve sealed the airlock on my end. I can’t allow you to infect this colony.
Don’t jump to conclusions. I’m the one getting out. I’ll grab a shuttle and retrieve his daughter. We’ll give it 24 hours. If she does turn out to be infected… Then we’ll never return. Simple as that.
…I can’t accept this.
It’s an order, Hijiyama.

In the meantime, you’ll need to return to the pod you came here in. Are you all right with that?

I get it now.

Music: The One (Kikuchi Yukinori)

But I do remember what it was about. And as long as you have my memories… I don’t need to explain a thing, do I?

‘Course not. I want in on the action too.
And yet… You’re entrusting it all to me.

In the end, you’re still Juro. Just like me. I’ve accepted it.

A swarm of helicopters fly by, obscured by the sun.

Piloting a Sentinel takes a helluva lot of brainpower. If your nanomachines are focused on that… There won’t be much processing power left. In other words… I won’t be able to talk to you anymore.

You know what needs to be done. The rest… is up to you.

I guess I’ll be going, then.

And with that, Shiba disappears one last time. I guess it’s cool that he turned out to be cool and all, but didn’t he… kill many people?

Activate Sentinel

Music: Dawn of the Sentinels (Yoshimi Kudo)

Whew. A lot happened there, huh? Let’s just jump right into the Mystery Files to sort some of that out.

Good thing they make spacesuits for eight-year-olds, I guess.

One thing I never noticed about this Shadow 426 mockup… dude’s kinda got a great ass.

I cannot believe it’s literally a video game, this is the dumbest thing ever, this game rules.

We can do the third area of Destruction now.

Or we can unlock Megumi.

That’s all for Juro, though. But we’ve got a few changes to make to the board, so let’s get on that.

We’ve got a bunch of stuff to remove from the “Mysteries” section.

We’ve already figured out the nature of the time travel shenanigans (because it wasn’t time travel). We also get rid of “Another Dimension?” because that’s been resolved to my satisfaction as well.

Kyuta Shiba is no longer a mystery.

Neither is 426, for that matter.

We also know what Fluffy is.

Over in The Web of Despair, we’ve completed work on The Juro Zone!!!!! Every Juro linked to every other Juro!

We’ve also got the 2188 section built out a bit. We’ve added “Infection?” and “Izumi saved Megumi (Comrade’s daughter)”, and linked the former to the cataclysm that ended the world, because that seems pretty likely.

And here’s the board at present.