Part 6: Update V - Featuring: The ISDF
Update V - Featuring: The ISDFMusic: Battlefield - Furious Predator

Time to kill!


Sorta forgot that the Giant Red Starter Dragon always kicks your ass on the first go.
Also, what's up with his health bar?

I'm almost certainly dead no matter what, but I guard anyways.

Maaaaaaybe Nagamimi and the gang had a point about running...
Music: None

Suddenly, explosions!

But the explosions are ours this time!

Oh wait, I know how this goes.
Music: Endless Attack Cycle

After the Giant Red Starter Dragon kicks our ass, it gets beat up in return.

It then becomes our first chapter boss.

This hand of Yuma's is burning... purple?

...or Yuma just straight up one shots a High Dragon??????

To give an idea of how bad the power creep in VFD is, even recurring narrative elements are getting power crept.
Granted, this is sorta an issue with VFD's core plot as a whole.
Music: Re:Vanishment (code:VFD Ver)

In all the other games, High Dragons were the main threat and you spent the entire game building up to a True Dragon. Hell, in any previous game Spectus would have had all of Chapter 1 dedicated to killing him.

In VFD, our initial goal is to kill multiple True Dragons, so High Dragons just can't be a serious threat for the plot to make sense.

All that stuff in the 2020s where High Dragons warped the fabric of space around them to make exotic dungeons? Yeah, don't expect to see any of that in VFD. Our focus is purely on True Dragons, so High Dragons have been downgraded to 'regular dragons but a bit better.'

Yuma is bullshitting so hard here. Opal and her friends did like 20 damage to Spectus. If that.

Music: A Place to Come Home

So yeah, the blood red sky? The literal swarms of dragons? Already taken care of. All dealt with by the ISDF.
The military sure as shit got their act together since 2020.

The only proof that anything bad happened today is the cracked floors.



Unfortunately, Opal is incapable of following any order that isn't some flavor of 'murder dragons' or 'go save those people.'



Click here to watch the intro video.

I fucking told you we were going to Atlantis. As our first serious dungeon at that!
Music: The Daily Grind

You can barely tell the literal apocalypse started yesterday!

For those of you who didn't watch, Opal passed out during the intro video, which is another power crept plot point.
The party in 7D1 was in a coma for three years after their first encounter with dragons. Unit 13 was out cold for several months after getting thrashed by Warcry, and a few days after Fomalhaut showed up.
Opal was out for, like, a single night and she's back on her feet.
Doctor Hori: I think you're good to go.



Farewell, Mio! I'm sure a girl who got us into the plot, has top-notch Navigator abilities, and has a character portrait will be allowed to go back to her humble daily life.

Sick Employee: Me? I tried to work through my sickness, but my boss made me come here instead.
You know this is a fantasy game when a Japanese company forces their workers to take proper care of their health.

The doctor acts as a heal spot.

Jane: Well... I kinda am a patient. I'm not sure if the doctor can cure me, though.

Job Seeker: Oh, I was just asking around about job openings... Looks like they're not hiring right now.
He stuck around through an actual dragon invasion for absolutely nothing.
Thaaaaaaaaaaat's the economy!

Aaron: That's why I'm skipping work again for now! I'll finish it all later! No problem! Hahaha!

Iori: Hm? How do I not get bored of coffee? It wouldn't be so popular if people got bored of it! Hehe!

Kureha will repeat any tutorials we've seen.

The tone in VFD is just incredibly off compared to the previous games. Like, people died yesterday. The homeless old man who complained about 7th Encount? He's fucking dead! Meanwhile you have people like Aaron slacking off to chill at a cafe and this woman complaining about boredom.
And trust me, the tone will get even more lighthearted as we go along.

Pale Young Man: A-Am I OK? Haha... Probably not this time...

Talkative Young Man: Your cosplay is inspired by the hit anime Secret Murakumo Slayer, isn't it...?
Considering they did save the world twice over and all, it makes sense for Unit 13 and Murakumo to get a bunch of shows based on them.

...really exist?
Really exist???
Lady, the dragons laid waste to humanity not even a century ago! The fucking skyline is still dotted with damaged buildings! How the fuck do you not believe in something that annihilated the majority of mankind in the span of a few months two years in a row!?

Bartender: A carefree life is a privilege of youth. I suggest you choose a path you believe in.

Skilled Man: That must mean I can really be a dragon hunter too if I try my hardest!

Lonely Girl: It's not like the same incident's gonna happen twice!

Alright, that's everyone talked to.
Time to go see Allie about that job opening.
Next time: