Part 14: Update XIII - Featuring: New friends
Update XIII - Featuring: New friendsMusic: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer

Cladeon is certainly nice to look at, I'll give them that.

The team starts hopping from rock to rock.

And we can see some lights in the ward further ahead.

Music: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer

One civilian, two roaming dragons, and our very first barrier dragon await in the first zone of the dungeon.

It was at this point I remember to slap a Phazer Ring on Yuno, bumping her SPD ever so slightly above Inoue's. That'll let her get off a

A quick tutorial on dragon invasions. If you get into a battle near a dragon, they'll eventually break into the fight if you don't finish things quickly.
Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator


The Aquaria was previously seen in the future present.
On an unrelated note, I hate time travel.

To give an idea on what our damage should be like, now that we're not facing amped up DLC versions of them.



You know what I'm in the mood for?

Some calimari!

Well that almost killed Inoue.

Twice over.

Shame about that item priority!

Music: Finish Them Off

Works for me!

We have a few repeat enemies from the end of Atlantica, but the Poison Frogs are new.
They poison you, if the name didn't give it away.

Hey look, another dragon!
Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

With that extra SP from the Seed DLC, I got Yuno her searchers.

Inoue is also preparing.

Yuno's next goal is to set up

This is the base damage on it. Pretty sad, right?

Well let's feed this forest fire.

Yuno outspeeds.

Which gives Inoue a boost.

That nearly outdamaged Inoue.
Inoue had her own ATK buff active.
I still have one turn of

And oh look, Yuno has another Fire card on hand!

Duelist requires a lot more setup to get stuff done compared to other classes, but man they can do some work if things line up.
Music: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer

Yuma and Yoritomo are just ahead.

And with absolutely zero fanfare, Exhaust!

It also boosts guarding.
And your attack can't miss.
And doubles ailment infliction rates.
I don't know why they never mention that last bit, it makes status moves much more consistant.

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

And our very first barrier dragon is...

A Hammer Dragon!

Opal gets started.

And Yuno starts building Fire.


Well at least Yuno has two Fire, now!


Yuno sets up.

Opal hits G2.

And as team leader of Unit 13, Opal calls dibs on the first use of Exhaust.

The damage is nice, but the real bonus here is having that DEF/MDF debuff land first thing.

My one regret is that there's no way this dragon will survive long enough for Yuno to burn those other two cards and take a hit from

The Hammer charges again.

But he won't last long enough.

That actually feels a bit anticlimactic after Opal slammed him for 400, honestly.
Music: Finish Them Off

Music: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer

Counterpoint: Unit 13 isn't military, so we can ignore orders all we want! What's Julietta going to do, fire the only team of dragon hunters they have on staff?


There's a heal spot right after the barrier.

Crybaby Girl: Oh... I thought you were my mommy and daddy...
And the civilian right next to it.

And the chest right next to the civilian.
...wait, dagger?

That's not for any class we have.

Oh well, I'm sure it won't become important in the next 5 minutes.

There's something funny about the devs actually using the dragon field model for this.

Hey, aren't we here to find people? Preferably one who could forge a Dragonslayer? You'd think a militia would be thrilled to have more hands to murder dragons with.



The next cutscene isn't even five feet away from the last.

Jesus Christ!

Music: Stops

Suddenly, dudes from the sky!
Music: Endless Attack Cycle

And even more guys from behind!

Music: Battlefield - Atlantis

All that fuss and Eigur just... gets the normal battle music, huh?

He's also fairly low on health, with 916 LF compared to the 1014 on the Hammer Dragon we fought not even two minutes ago.

Eigur gets two moves a turn, and his normal attacks hit twice.

Hey look, a second Fire card! Yuno's really believing in the Heart of the Cards today!

Offense Stance is his version of Power Charge.

I then make the executive decision that blocking is for chumps.

For the head of the militia, Eigur isn't doing so hot.


And then he dies two seconds later to hot rocks being dropped on his head.
Music: Finish Them Off

He can't even deny Opal the XP from a boss kill!
Music: Destructive Curse

Dude, you got bodied. Just take the L.

Young Militiaman: W-We're sorry, Eigur...

Rude Militiaman: There's no reason for you to listen to these fools, even if they try and kill us!
Young Militiaman: Th-That's right! Give it all you got!
Ah yes, provoke the people who just beat you all without breaking a sweat.

Even Eigur agrees with me!

Eigur nods.

And that's the first zone mapped out.
Music: Chant for Sanctuary (code:VFD Ver.)

lol she doesn't even have a portrait.

Chief Toglau: What...?



Chief Toglau: How do you know about our treasured sword?

Chief Toglau: Indeed... Knowledge of it was passed along so that we could combat the dragon invasion.

Emille and Aitelle got a bit of a name change for the offical release.
Now, while they were known to have been here since the first 2020, the Sisters will be Miss Not Appearing In This Time Period for VFD.
Considering their MO at the time, they probably fucked off once it looked like Atlantis was lost.

Chief Toglau: So you know of them... They warned us of the dragon invasion and taught us of the Dragonslayer. The people of Cladeon are the descendants of those who were originally taught these secrets.

Chief Toglau: After Nyala appeared, we followed the prophecy and gave the Dragonslayer to our former king.

Chief Toglau: We lost not only our king, but the mythical sword as well... The prophecy of the priestess Emel is as follows.

Chief Toglau: Currently neither sword nor hero exist. Our hope of survival has already crumbled.

Chief Toglau: We are lacking the materials. Furthermore, many of our smiths have lost their lives in battle.


Hey Yuma, you want to mention how you killed Spectus in one hit? Be kinda helpful right now.


Chief Toglau: Visitors... Do as you please. We will not stop you.

Chief Toglau: Eigur... You're doing very well here. However, there is little more we can do with the strength we have. Let us rely on them for now.

Oh yes.
Chief Toglau: You are the commander. You may do as you see fit.

Also I'm not sure what the legality of a international military organization hiring people from alternate points in time are.

Nodens, however, has long since stopped giving a shit about the law.
Music: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer


Ohhhhhh yes.

Music: UE77 In Ariake

The Atlantis recruits come with two new classes, with two new sets of portraits to go with them.

We have Rune Knight.

And Fortuner.

Skipping ahead a bit, we also get these.

The bottom screen finally sees some use!

When everyone in a row has one bar, you can drag across all of them to give a one turn buff to the front line based on what classes perform it.

While tapping someone who has two bars filled will give a free attack from them.

This attack usually has some kind of debuff attached, and dispels any buffs the enemy has. Attack? Defense? Regen? Jumping? Doesn't matter, Buddy Skills will wipe it all out.
This is the reason for that glowing health bar we've been seeing ever since Spectus: It signifies that the target has buffs we can dispel with a Buddy attack.

And heading back to 7th Encount, the Receptionist who told us about the starting classes can now give info about our new classes.

Receptionist: The Rune Knight, also known as the guardian of the party, has the highest defense of any class. With healing skills and magic barriers, they can protect both themselves and their allies. They can also use elemental magic attacks to strike enemy weaknesses.
The dedicated tank class, Rune Knights trade in the sheer brute force potential of a God Hand and instead mixes in a higher focus on taking hits and elemental damage.
...Aside from the fact that Rune Knights have some of the best ST moves in the entire game. Atlantis is where VFD's power creep really starts to set in.

Receptionist: Fortuners utilize status ailment spells and support skills to control the flow of battle. In addition to just inflicting ailments, they can also deal high damage to inflicted enemies. They can also support allies by increasing defense, healing, and reviving. Fortuners are the quickest class, but their defense and LIFE are both low, so please be careful.
Fortuners, meanwhile, mix in what bits of Trickster and Hacker weren't taken by Agent, throws in a dash of Idol, and finishes up with, of all things, some tricks from 7D1's Princess!
They also made Sacrifice good holy shit.
Anyways, with all that out of the way its now time for-