Part 25: Update XXIII - Featuring: The exact same dungeon
Update XXIII - Featuring: The exact same dungeonMusic: Ladyin - Sacred Tranquility

Now that we've killed one (1) (uno) dragon in front of Ulania and Tallieri, their doubts have completely vanished.

And like that, the suicide plan has been completely abandoned.

Waaaaait wait wait wait wait...
several thousand years from now posted:
That's Takehaya's spear, what the hell is this?
Did the Hypnos sisters steal it from the ruins of Atlantis after Nyala was forced back? Is it just blatant asset reuse? Who knows!

Unlike our arrival in Berg, we don't get a quick cut to the world map.

So we have to manually leave the palace.
Forgot to stock up on Escape Kits? Have fun heading back up to B1F to take the only warp here.
Music: UE77 Tokyo

Music: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer

Young Militiaman: E-Eigur, there's no way! We have trouble enough even with the Star Crystal's protection...

Young Militiaman: B-But still...

Just one and a half dungeons after getting our backrow teams, they introduce a new gimmick:

Removing the backrow entirely.

30 Dz? 30 Dz????
That's more expensive than any project in 2020! That's more than you needed to access the bonus dungeon in 2020! For that much Dz, the new floors better be a 1:1 recreation of Atlantis!


Now that the evacuation is in full swing, everyone has something new to say.

Rude Militiaman: Shut your trap. Didn't we tell you we were gonna handle this area? You're not the only strong ones around here! Beat it!
Young Militiaman: Now is the moment of truth! We must give it our all! You think I am too excited? This is all about to end...! Who would not be excited for that!?
Novice Smith Cub: Holy crap! You guys managed to beat the High Dragon without divine protection...! I really underestimated you land dwellers!
Except Cub, for whatever reason.
Blind Smith Auroth: If you want to forge the Dragonslayer, you must be able to hear the voice of orichalcum.

Carefree Girl: Am I gonna change, too~?

Inept Militiaman: Oh... I'm safe... I don't know what I woulda done if I got called up... I-I'm not freaking out or anything! I-I'm serious!
Anxious Old Woman: Can I truly trust in you...? No, I want to believe. I must believe...

Positive Old Man: The tide has changed! I will put all of my faith into you... into the possibilities of youth!
Negative Old Man: What is Lady Ulania doing here...? I thought the capital had abandoned us...? Could it be... No. I will not let myself be tricked into having hope. Cladeon is still doomed...
I mean, he's not wrong...

Vigorous Old Man: Nrgh! M-My hip...

Determined Girl: At least know that I'm fighting alongside you in spirit.

Longing Lucier: No! Times of hardship are when the fruit of romance is most likely to ripen...!

And with that, the last Cladeon trip is done.

Valerie nods.

Ulania and Eigur nod.

Novice Smith Cub: All the tools should be over at the forge. We'll teach you how to use 'em!
Blind Smith Auroth: It shall prove a simple task for one who can hear the voice of the orichalcum, Lady Ulania.

Now, just as they said:

Valerie and the rest of Team 2 have been completely removed. No Buddy skills in a fight, no swapping teams out of fights.

Yuma's line about heading back to Nodens is a hint.

If we go back...

Team 2 returns!

You can then swap them into the front.

Head back to Cladeon.

And now Team 2 is heading to the forge.

But we're sticking with Opal for this section.

So, what do the devs make us do after going through a dungeon consisting entirely of straight lines and easy dragons?

A second trip through the dunegon we just cleared, with a bunch more dragons to block our path.
All of it.

Might as well get this started.
Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

At the very least, the devs were kind enough to put in some new dragons for this bit.

The Hammerstrike Dragon has more health than its less spherical counterpart.

But at the end of the day, all it is is an upgraded Hammer Dragon.

And this is VFD, where a simple health bump makes no difference to how hard I can murder things.
Music: Finish Them Off

As an extra kick in the pants, Team 2 being gone means that they get zero leaked EXP/SP for this entire trip.
Music: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer

Don't get your hopes up, this is the only new civilian here. Everything else from here to the forge is just dragons and random encounters.

Up next is dragon 2.

Scapegoat is why I kept Opal in charge for this. Normal fights just don't last long enough for Aria's Moonlight Poetry to really make a difference, but Aiden just needs to land a Hack and he can give everyone 30 MN in one shot.

One more dragon to clear this area out.

We get a quick cutscene near the exit.


The next area has just two dragons.

But right next to the first dragon...
Music: Battlefield - Atlantis

I get into a very good fight.

However I am, remember, right next to the first dragon.

Eh, yolo.

Dealing with Seeds is a lot more difficult when I don't have Inoue on hand to shred them.

On the plus side, we have an actually new dragon!
Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

A field spell from Yuno and an attack from Aiden finishes off the Seed.

...Agents are fairly fragile, why is it dealing so little damage?

I don't want that second dragon joining in, so I want this done ASAP.

An EX-boosted Double Hook will take a sizable chunk out of his health, plus apply the attack debuff before he can use his charged attack.

Debuffs are just that good.


But no cigar.

Worth it.

And then I murder his buddy for good measure.
Next time: Eight dragons in a single room.