Part 27: Update XXV - Featuring: The Dragonslayer
Update XXV - Featuring: The DragonslayerMusic: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer

With both sides of Cladeon cleared out, our teams can finally reunite.

Valerie gestures.

Valerie and Opal nod.

My sweet, sweet Buddy skills, how I have missed you.

Jesus what.

Blind Smith Auroth: Well met, Lady Ulania! Your spirit is indomitable!

We then get booted out to go back to Nodens.

And Cladeon is now 100% dragon free!

But I'm heading right back.

Because I'm almost certain Ulania has something to say.

Hey look, I was right! If I wasn't, then this third trip through Cladeon would have been worthless!

For whatever reason, the smiths have vanished.

Music: The Daily Grind

Damn, we really do have a lot of Dz.

Aww, they even got some of those glowing plants from Atlantis for everyone.
...isn't introducing new forms of life to an ecosystem bad?

I didn't notice the Entrance Lobby being mentioned and thought the floor head would be on, you know, the actual floor, so it'll be a bit before I get that Burn Cut.

Music: Chant for Sanctuary (code:VFD Ver.)

Despite the place being empty a few minutes ago, Cladeon is now bustling with people heading to Nodens.

Chief Toglau: I am unsure... but as long as we continue living, we will figure something out. For now we must focus on survival...

Atlantica is also clearing out.

Oh hey, its the girl we saved at the very start!
Milra's Grandmother: In that case... please take my grandchild, Milra. I will remain here.

Milra's Grandmother: My husband, daughter, and son all rest in this ocean. I will not leave. Please tell the kind people I met earlier to take care of Milra for me. Unit 13, I think it was...

And finally, Berg.

Elderly Lucier: We should obey the words of Consul Tallieri. He speaks with the authority of the Royal Family.
Loyal Court Lady: I refuse to leave this place until Queen Ulania returns... I shall wait until the end of time if I must!
Although things aren't going as smoothly here.

Music: UE77 In Ariake

The radio chimes.

Oh, so now you set one up.
Music: The Daily Grind

But first, the usual.

Let's go check out the new Ward!

Seems, uh, tiny.

But people are already starting to move in.
Tohma: What am I doing here? I see... Thank you. However, how am I supposed to continue living...?

The left door leads to a room dedicated to Ulania.

Did they really need to slap the company name on every wall?

The right door leads to a common room.

Maya: I can't thank you enough. Because of you, I was able to meet up with my mother and father again.

Chief Toglau: I cannot claim to be any different... However, we shall adjust... in time.
Talkative Scholar: Is this really 10,000 years in the future? Does that make me over 10,000 years old...?
Lookout Girl: Oh... There's something I'd like you to have, Unit 13. It always proved useful out on my patrols... Please don't strain yourselves.

That wasn't even listed as a reward, so get fucked if you don't compulsively talk to every NPC at the earliest opportunity, I guess.
Also how the hell is this the entire floor!?

They have six beds to cover every refugee from Atlantis!

The 2020s had five full floors of refugees, and each had several rooms and didn't cost 30 god damn Dz.
I really hope this is just one of those things where the floor is implied to be bigger and you just never get to see it, because this is just absurd otherwise.

Mature-Looking Boy: She's so cute... It was love at first sight...
The other people we've rescued are scattered around Nodens.

Proud Old Man: I'm a big bundle of energy thanks to you guys! Gwahaha!

Future Pop Star: Oh! Th-Thank you for saving me the other day...

Now we can check in on Ulania for the third time in ten minutes.
Music: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer

I sure wish this was here earlier this update...

Oh look, the smiths have returned.

And then...

Blind Smith Auroth: I can... I can see it...! The sword gleams with the light of this planet...!

It still isn't a sword, Ulania, that's clearly a spear.

Gee, it's almost like you shouldn't skip steps when making your ultimate dragon slaying weapon or something.

Novice Smith Cub: Lady Ulania's done all this without any kind of break! She's at her limit!
Blind Smith Auroth: Please, get some rest...

Next time: Inoue gets banned from cooking duty.