Part 28: Update XXVI - Featuring: Potential lawsuits
Update XXVI - Featuring: Potential lawsuits
Music: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer
Novice Smith Cub: The Dragonslayer is really incredible! Lady Ulania's amazing! The rest... is up to you.
And with that, we are now 100% done with Cladeon.
Music: UE77 Tokyo
Music: Berg - Ultimate Sea Palace
For those of you playing along at home, make sure you take the Palace Gate entry and don't just rush to the latest entrance point like the other 99% of the game.
No, I'm not speaking from personal experience, why do you ask?
Atlantis Soldier: I-I wish to join you! But then... who would protect the palace...? ...Please forget what I just said.
Music: None

Tallieri... Thank you for coordinating the evacuation. Please leave the rest to me...
Music: Chant for Sanctuary feat. Kanon Wakeshima (You should probably listen to this)
Video: Ulania's Speech (Or watch it, that works too!)

In only a few days, we have lost King Utrello, families, friends, homes, cities... We witnessed so much loss that the light of hope was extinguished within our hearts.

But that was a mistake. What I truly desire is to bring joy back to the people of this ocean... One day... no matter how far in the future it must be... I will accomplish that goal!

I believe with every fiber of my being that this person will be the one to return our kingdom to us!

Even if you have no hope left within you... you must live on. You must survive!

*pant* Unh... Thank you, Tallieri... I am... fine...

Therefore, as the prideful people of this kingdom, we must push on! Someday, we shall return to this land. However, we can only do that if we survive now.
Music: Chant for Sanctuary (code:VFD Ver.)
Ulania has fallen only to be caught mid-fall three times in the past five minutes. She could clearly use an exercise routine.

*pant* *pant*

What a brilliant speech...!

What about... the people...? Are they... evacuating?

Please do not worry. It seems they have all heeded your word and begun to leave.

I am... so glad... Opal... Thanks to you... I was able to...
Ulania finally passes out, after hoofing it to the forge, finishing the Dragonslayer, and giving a speech.

Ulania needs to rest! Where can we take her?

Our medical equipment in Tokyo is quite advanced. Bring her there. I'm sure Unit 13 is tired as well.

I see... Thank you.


What will you do?

As the consul of Atlantis, I cannot leave until every single citizen has been evacuated.

I'm sure you know that the water wall surrounding this kingdom is nearly at its limit. Even if we defeat Nyala, the wall won't withstand the pressure. Atlantis will soon be...

I understand. Even so, the ruler of this land has done everything she can to protect it. It is my duty to match that effort in any way I can.



Let's go, Yuma.


...Indeed, I believe I can.

*chuckle* Alright, Unit 13! Let's get going!
Music: Berg - Ultimate Sea Palace
Tallieri just sorta... drops from the plot now.
Everyone else has left Atlantis, but he'll just sit here chilling in the Palace instead of helping his people in Nodens.
On the plus side, we can now pick the place clean!
The left door leads to an empty room.
While the exits in the corners lead to another area.
The door at the top is locked for now.
But the stairs lead down to the basement, where Eigur stopped us the first time we were here.
The room on the far right is a mirror of the one on the left, but with a chest added in.
The door at the top of the stairs lead to a throne room.
Which, strangely, goes entirely unused in the story. Plot rewrite, perhaps?
Music: The Daily Grind

We've accomodated all of the Lucier people in the Atlantis Evac Ward.

Aren't you guys exhausted? Get to your room and rest up!
Are you worried about me?

Huh!? Why the hell would I worry about you jerks!? It'd just be a pain if you guys went and died out there. That's all!
Nagamimi's getting increasingly tsundere.
I can still fight!

Sheesh... You idiot! We can see the data for all your vital signs! You're clearly exhausted!

The Nyala subjugation plan'll start first thing tomorrow morning. Now quit your yapping and get the hell to sleep!
Blind Smith Cub: It's only natural I'd worry. She's never done this before...
Because the evacuation finishing means more people have arrived.
Including people who should have already been here, bizarrely.
This was the first civilian we rescued in Berg's basement, for context.
Shy Girl: Oh, it's you... Thank you for being my guide before...
Tohma: Lady Ulania has granted me the will to live! Hraaaahhhh! I shall devote my life to her!
A few people who were already here even get some new lines!

Please excuse me. I am exhausted...
Milra's Grandmother: My worry for Milra, got the best of me, so I came here... The heart is quite unpredictable...
...Well that completely undercuts her deciding to live out the last of her days in her homeland.
Intentional character choice, or did the writers make a change at the last minute and didn't want to go back and change the evacuation cutscene? You decide!
Talkative Scholar: My goodness... Queen Ulania is here as well!? This must be the will of the stars.
Lookout Girl: Eigur believes in you, so I'm going to believe in you as well.
Minato: It's almost impossible to find something specific when there are just so many books in here.
Focused Boy: Are we really in the future...? Does that mean I'm never gonna see my parents again? *sniffle*
Retired Blacksmith: And don't mistake that for sarcasm. I'm serious!
Ah, there she is.
That was everyone with new lines.
Now I just need to use up some ingredients before bed, so I have Inoue handle it.

I will no longer have Inoue handle it.
Tomorrow, we face Nyala.


Mm, I knew it... You've grown a great deal. Maybe you haven't noticed, but both your body and heart are much stronger than before★ *chuckle* Seeing you always makes me think about how amazing humanity is. The potential of humanity is truly limitless... Watching its progress never fails to grip me★ I'll cooperate in any way in order to aid your progress. I'm looking forward to working together more★

*chuckle* Hm, maybe your frankness is what has helped accelerate your growth★
Why do you do so much for me?

Hm? I haven't done anything. I'm merely excited to see such amazing growth★

Hey, Opal... What do you think the charm of living things is? It's clearly growth. Things are interesting because they change, don't you think? The same goes for games, or Julietta's research. I can't help but be infatuated with growth... On the other hand, I hate that which hinders it★


OK OK★ You'll understand someday! I quite like Unit 13. Do you mind if I take a closer look at you? I'm going to even if you say no★
How Nodens isn't constantly drowning in lawsuits is a mystery.
The door opens from offscreen and...
...Mio gets traumatized.

Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you doing, Allie!?

*chuckle* You wanna join? ...I'll make you join even if you say no★
Seriously, how good are the lawyers here?

Mmm... Neither too stiff nor too tender★ You'll grow into quite a nice body pillow...

You're going to turn me into a pillow!?
Completely spooked, Mio sprints out of the room.

No! You made me completely forget why I came up here in the first place... I have a message for Unit 13! Julietta would like to see you in the War Room! That's all! Bye!

This company would be in quite a bit of trouble if I got sued for sexual harassment...
This is your daily reminder that Mio is 14 years old what the christ.
Next time: We knock on Nyala's door.