The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 29: Update XXVII - Featuring: A cameo from everyone's favorite hero!

Update XXVII - Featuring: A cameo from everyone's favorite hero!

Music: The Daily Grind

Completely out of nowhere, I get an expansion for the library.

Might as well get it, not like I'm short on Dz or anything.

Hey look, it's Blaster Raven!

...In the restricted section?

You obtained Paralyze Guard x1.


Asuka: President Allie arranged for us to keep books salvaged from Atlantis here. Through books, we can experience the distant past... Nothing brings me greater joy!

The Restricted Area is behind that locked door from before.

Now, why does the Nodens Reference Floor has a side area in it for Raven to poke around in?

And why is it locked from the inside?

Oh well, I'm sure he's just preparing for his next public appearance. I wouldn't put it past Allie to help support older IPs.

Music: UE77 In Ariake

How do you feel, my pure little princess?

To be perfectly honest... I am having difficulty comprehending such an odd notion. However, there is one thing I am sure of. You are all putting in your utmost efforts for our sakes. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Once this battle is over, I wish to repay the favor, as ruler of Atlantis.

Ladyin was originally a solemn, sacred place reserved for only the highest of royalty. However, it became Nyala's base as soon as that foul dragon invaded. The Grand Star Crystal deep within Ladyin is the heart of Atlantis. It keeps our kingdom afloat... Hence, we wished to destroy the Grand Star Crystal, and in doing so kill Nyala... However, if we can take back the Grand Star Crystal, perhaps we can prevent Atlantis's fall. I do not have the power to defeat Nyala, but I can act as a guide. Therefore... I shall join you in your final battle against Nyala.

What!? No, you can't! I won't let you put yourself in danger like that!

Eigur, no matter how dangerous the path ahead may be, I must fulfill my duty as the ruler of Atlantis. And you said you would protect me in times of danger, correct?

Well yeah, but... Grrr, fine! As long as Unit 13's OK with it! You don't mind, right?


Indeed, leave it to me.

*sigh* Man, I didn't think things would get this crazy... The only thing I was sure of was that Atlantis would crumble, since that's what history says. All we really wanted to do was get a specimen from the True Dragon, but... Who would've thought we'd end up saving a kingdom that was destroyed 12,000 years ago...?

Meet at the Portal when you're ready. And no dicking around! We're on a tight deadline!

Music: The Daily Grind

Show me how much you've grown!

Maybe it doesn't feel remorse because we're so small... It's like crushing ants to us... I can't help but think... Is being weak against that power really all that bad...?

Music: UE77 In Ariake

The entrance is in the basement of the Berg Sea Palace. We set up an access point in the palace, so make sure you use that!

The ISDF guys'll go first, then Unit 13 will take the rear. That punk better protect Ulania...

Hey, by punk do you mean...

Eeheehee... Who else would it be? If you don't like punk, how about dumbass?

You little...!

Eigur, you must not fight.

I-I'm sorry about that, Mr. Eigur! Nagamimi is such a foulmouth...

Hey, didn't I tell you to call me Almighty Nagamimi!? You little punk!

Mio has quickly learned to take no shit from Nagamimi.

This brat has turned out so egotistical... This is all your fault, Unit 13! Just hurry up and get out of here!

Music: UE77 Tokyo

Music: Berg - Ultimate Sea Palace

This access point seems a bit redundant, considering the Palace Entrance is like 30 seconds away.

Alright, let's continue.

Music: Ladyin - Sacred Tranquility

Well, Ladyin is certainly more open than the basement, at least.

Alright, the first dragon in the final dungeon of the first act is...

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

...a recolor of the Oceanus from Cladeon.

Thanks, devs.

The only difference is that it picked up an incredibly rude Sleep move.

Fun fact: Despite TROYs being marked as a debuff on the enemy...

The actual follow-up attack is tied to Aiden specifically. If he can't move, TROY procs can't go off.

Once I can wake everyone up, the fight doesn't take long.

Music: Ladyin - Sacred Tranquility

Now-Awake Woman: I keep ending up in these kinds of situations... I wonder if I have bad luck or something.

The second dragon is another Dark One.

Hungry Soldier: I managed to feed off monster flesh to survive, but I can't help but yearn for normal food.


Cold-Hating Soldier: P-P-P-Please help! I've been stranded here for two months already! I-I-I'm going to f-f-f-freeze to death at this rate!

A 2-for-1 rescue deal, gotta love it!

And some gear right next to them!

The third dragon on this floor is yet another Dark One.

Same with the final one.

I'd like to point out that this is the finale of the entire Atlantis arc! There are 19 dragons left to kill! That's over 1/5 of all dragons in Ladyin just being the same fight over and over!

Oh well.

That's the first floor done.

Defeated Soldier: There's no use to a soldier who can't even win against one tiny dragon...

The first dragon on this floor?

Music: Battlefield - Furious Predator

Is actually an entirely new type!

It doesn't hit particularly hard.

But it doesn't need to, as it has a rather potent evasion buff to make it a pain to kill.

You know, if I didn't have Buddy Skills available. As it is, the Morph Dragon will only have a single turn to enjoy that buff before I can break it.

Oh, and it can also inflict Blind to make itself even harder to hit.

The odds of you actually landing a hit with that buff up are slim, which would have made it an actual threat in the 2020s.

But buffs just don't matter when I can get rid of them whenever I want.

Music: Ladyin - Sacred Tranquility

There's a door to the north.

Which leads to a way down.

Why are they called Morph Dragons, anyways? They don't morph or anything.

Just past it is that flower wall on the map. We'll have to find our way back here later.

And the last accessible dragon on the floor is, try not to be surprised now, another Morph Dragon.

That's the most we can do here until we can get behind that barrier.

Retired Soldier: Back when I was on active duty, I could've taken Nyala down with one hand. I wish I was still young...

What could possibly be behind this door? I'm sure it won't be more Morph Dragons or Dark Ones.

Next time: We finish exploring Ladyin.